Guidance for repayment customers
SLC issues guidance for repayment customers and answers common questions.
What if I’m having difficulty affording repayments to my arrears or overpayment?
You need to contact us if:
- you’re having difficulty repaying an agreed arrangement
- you’ve stopped repaying an agreed arrangement
We understand that at this time many people may be experiencing financial difficulties. Our experienced staff are available to listen to any challenges you’re facing and agree an affordable arrangement with you.
Before you get in touch, it would be helpful if you had some financial information to hand (for example, your monthly income and outgoings).
Free independent advice on managing your money can be found at
You can also contact one of these debt advice organisations:
My UK salary has dropped or ceased. What will happen with my student loan repayments?
The amount you repay depends on what you earn. This means that if your salary decreases then your student loan deductions will decrease too.
If your salary falls below the repayment threshold, you won’t have any deductions taken. You don’t have to do anything. It’s all done automatically for you.
I’m living overseas but I’m no longer working or my income has dropped. Do I still need to repay?
How much you repay depends on what you earn. This means that if your salary decreases then your student loan repayments will decrease too. If you no longer earn above the threshold for your country of residence, you won’t have to make any repayments.
If you’re no longer earning or your income has dropped, you can let us know by updating your employment details.
Updates to this page
Updated Summary to remove covid 19 as now repurposed as general FAQ
Removed irrelevant questions
Added a new FAQ, related to the £500 bonus for NHS staff in Scotland
Overpayments reopened
Added arrears and overpayment information
Added content for users who have been asked to provide evidence
Updated guidance for customers who are due a refund of their student loan repayments.
Updated to confirm contact centre re-opening.
Updated Plan 1 interest rate as of 7 April 2020
We have added an additional section for repayers who believe they may be due a refund of their student loan repayments.
Added information for users with arrears
First published.