
Harbour Revision Orders (HRO) (non-works)

Documents to provide on application for a Harbour Revision Order (HRO) (non-works)

Harbour Revision Orders (HROs) (non-works)

Documents to provide on application Description
Draft Harbour Order A draft of your proposed Harbour Order.
Associated plans and maps which will be annexed to the Order A copy of any plans and maps to be annexed to the Order. The MMO reserves the right to request more copies.
Statement in support A document setting out the reasons why you are applying for this Harbour Order on the MMO’s template.
Relevant supporting legislation Any relevant legislation which is referred to in your draft Harbour Order. You must provide copies of the full Act or Instrument. Where a draft Harbour Order amends existing legislation, please provide marked up copies of the existing legislation to facilitate review and understanding.

Any maps/plans relating to previous harbour legislation, specifically if the proposed new Order seeks to amend the harbour limit

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Published 21 February 2020
Last updated 16 December 2021 show all updates
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