
Hazardous waste: consignment note guidance

What information the consignment note must contain, who has to complete each part and when it has to be completed.

Applies to England

Consignment is only one part of the control system for hazardous waste.

If you produce, transport or manage hazardous waste you must follow all the rules of the control system. See the guidance on hazardous waste.

When consignment notes are needed

When hazardous waste is moved it must be accompanied by correctly completed paperwork called a consignment note. The note must be prepared before it’s moved.

A note is needed for all movements of hazardous waste, including:

  • collections from businesses by registered waste carriers
  • movements from one premises to another within the same business
  • movements from customer premises, where another business has produced waste

A consignment note is not needed to move hazardous waste for:

See the information on unusual circumstances.

What is domestic hazardous waste?

Domestic hazardous waste includes hazardous waste produced in an occupied domestic household by:

  • householders
  • community healthcare workers
  • service engineers and trades people, like plumbers and electricians

It also includes waste produced by roadside breakdown services attending a domestic householder’s private vehicle at home or at the roadside.

Layout and information fields

To be valid the consignment note must include all the information fields and be as near as possible to the format in the example note.

Do not use any note if:

  • information fields are missing or have been altered to reduce or change what is required – for example email, phone or weight is missing
  • declarations are worded differently
  • the format is different - for example it does not have separate tables in Part B and E

If you have any concerns about the validity of a note please contact the Environment Agency.

Complete the consignment note

The consignment note has 5 parts (A to E). Each part must be filled out in order, by the right person, at the right time:

1: producer or holder completes parts A and B

The producer or holder of the waste must complete parts A and B on each copy of the note before the waste is removed. You will normally need 3 copies, although more may be needed in some circumstances. Give all copies to the carrier.

Part A: notification details

You must provide details of the origin and destination of the waste in parts A1 to A4.

A1. Consignment note code

You must create a consignment note code and enter it onto the consignment note. The format for the consignment note code must be ‘XXXXXX/YYYYY. The:

  • ‘XXXXXX’ is the first 6 letters or numbers (not symbols or spaces) of the name of the company entered in part A2 of the consignment note and must be followed by ‘/’
  • ‘YYYYY’ is exactly 5 numbers or letters (not symbols or spaces) you choose

For example, CJTILE/A0001. Each code can only be used once from the address in part A2. You must change the ‘YYYYY’ to create a different code each time waste is consigned from that premises.

Note: If your company name has less than 6 letters or numbers you must assign the letter ‘Q’ to remaining characters.

You must also assign an additional letter at the end of the consignment note code for certain types of consignment. Add:

  • a ‘V’ to waste removed from ships - ‘XXXXXX/YYYYYV’
  • an ‘F’ to fly-tipped waste - ‘XXXXXX/YYYYYF’
  • a ‘D’ to waste moving under a consignee return derogation - ‘XXXXXX/YYYYYD’
  • a ‘P’ to continuous piped waste

Additional letters are also assigned to rejected loads. See the guidance on rejected loads.

The consignment note form contains 2 extra grey boxes for these additional letters, the second may be needed for rejected loads.

A2. The waste described below is to be removed from (name, address, postcode, telephone, email, fax)

You must enter all of the required details for the premises from which the waste is being removed and:

  • if the premises do not have a postcode, give the nearest full postcode
  • you may only omit telephone, email or fax if the premises do not have them - instead enter ‘N/A’

A3. The waste will be taken to (name, address and postcode)

You must enter the name, address and postcode of the place your waste is to be taken to (the consignee).

You should first check that the consignee holds an environmental permit, or exemption from a permit, that allows them to accept the type(s) of waste being consigned.

A4. The waste producer was (if different from A2) (name, address, postcode, telephone, email, fax)

This field is important if the waste was not produced by the organisation entered in A2. For example, if the waste was produced by a contractor or the organisation in A2 is an on-site facilities management company.

You must put either one of these - enter:

  • ‘as A2’ if the producer is the same
  • details of the waste producer if different from that in A2

Part B: description of the waste

You must provide information about the waste, the activity that produced it, its composition, properties and its packaging in part B1 to B3.

B1. The process giving rise to the waste and B2 SIC for the process giving rise to the waste

You must provide a full written description and the Standard Industrial Classification SIC 2007 code of the process that created the waste.

If you operate more than one process, this may be different to the SIC code for your main process.

If the wastes on the note are produced by more than one process, use the SIC code and description of the process that produced most of the waste.

You may use equivalent NACE codes here instead.

B3. Waste details

For each different type of waste being collected you must enter details of the:

  • waste description: this must be a full description of each waste - the short description from the list of wastes (LoW) is not normally sufficient
  • LoW or European Waste Catalogue (EWC) code 6 digits: the 6 digit list of waste code(s)for the waste
  • quantity (kg): you must provide the total weight in kg for each hazardous LoW code - the weight entered must be accurate, if you use conversion factors for volumes of liquids or containers you must ensure that they are reliable
  • chemical or biological components of the waste and their concentrations: you must describe the chemical (or biological) composition of the waste including both hazardous and non-hazardous items - for many products (such as paint) this will be listed in section 3 of the Safety Data Sheet
  • physical form (gas, liquid, solid, powder, sludge or mixed): enter the one that best describes the waste
  • hazard code(s): you must identify which hazardous properties the waste possesses - you must work this out and must:
    • not omit properties the waste does possess
    • not include properties the waste does not possess
    • use the code ‘POP’ for persistent organic pollutants

See the detail in the waste classification guidance for:

  • container type, number and size: you must enter this (for example 3 x 205L metal drum) - if a larger container contains smaller containers of different hazardous wastes you must also enter this information for the smaller containers
  • UN identification number(s), proper shipping name(s), UN class(es), packaging group(s) and special handling requirements: this information is required for the transport of dangerous goods - more information is available from the Health and Safety Executive website

2: carrier checks parts A and B, and completes part C

The carrier must check parts A and B of the note, and complete part C after the producer or holder has completed parts A and B and before the waste is removed. Once you have signed part C you must hand all copies back to the consignor, producer or holder.

Checking part A: waste details

You must (as a minimum) do duty of care checks to confirm the waste details given by the producer or holder in part B3 are correct and fully completed. You should not sign part C (or remove the waste) if any of the details are incomplete or incorrect.

Checking part B: the journey

You are confirming that you are collecting the waste from the premises listed in A2, and taking it directly to the destination listed in A3. The note is only valid for the journey shown.

Part C: carrier certificate

By completing part C the carrier is doing 2 things. They are:

  • confirming they have checked the details provided by the producer or holder in parts A and B
  • entering their own details

Entering vehicle and carrier details

The note is valid only for the carrier company using the specific vehicle indicated on the note.

If more than one carrier or vehicle is used you should use a carrier schedule. Contact the Environment Agency for more information.

Multiple collection details (where relevant)

A multiple collection is a journey that meets all of the following criteria. It is:

  • hazardous waste collected from 2 or more different premises
  • in England and Wales - at least one premises must be in England
  • in a single journey
  • by a single waste carrier
  • when all the waste is taken to the same consignee

If these criteria are met you must enter a round number and collection number in part C of the note in the format ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’/’YY’ where the:

  • round number ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ is any alphanumeric code identifying the collection round, up to a maximum of 15 characters (it may contain a ‘/’ or ‘-‘, but must not contain a space). You must agree this number with the consignee to ensure it is unique to them
  • collection number ‘YY’ is a numeric code of 1 or 2 digits that identifies the order of collection within the round. The first premises from which waste is collected is ‘01’ or ‘1’, the second ‘02’ or ‘2’ and so on

A reduced charge is made to consignees for receipt of multiple collections.

3: consignor checks parts A, B and C and completes part D

The consignor must complete part D:

  • after the carrier has completed part C but before the waste is removed
  • to confirm that the information the producer or holder entered into parts A and B, and the carrier entered into part C is correct

The consignor must be present when the waste is collected. The carrier cannot complete part D for you. You cannot complete part D in advance for the carrier to collect when you are not there.

Part D: consignor’s certificate – information you must confirm

You must check and confirm each of the 6 points before completing part D:

I certify that:

  • the information in A, B and C has been completed and is correct – the person signing the note must have sufficient knowledge to certify this and be present when the waste is collected to check the carrier’s vehicle registration number
  • the carrier is registered – you must check that the carrier is registered (find a registered waste carrier)
  • I was advised of the appropriate precautionary measures – you have a duty to give the carrier any precautionary measures needed for the waste material
  • all of the waste is packaged and labelled correctly - and is in line with carriage of dangerous goods requirements for transport
  • the carrier has been advised of any special handling requirements – you have a duty to inform the carrier of any special handling requirements

I confirm that:

I have fulfilled my duty to apply the waste hierarchy as required by Regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 – see the waste hierarchy guidance.

1. Consignor name

This must be the name of the person who supervises the carrier collection and signs the note.

On behalf of (name, address, postcode, telephone, email, fax)

If you are employed by the business listed in part A2 of the note write ‘as A2’.

Otherwise provide the full address and contact details of the business that you work for.

Signature, date, time

The consignor signs the note and enters the date and time (using 24-hour clock) of signing.

After completion of parts A to D

The consignor:

  • keeps one copy of the note
  • passes one copy to the producer or holder (if different from the consignor)
  • hands the other copies back to the carrier

The carrier removes the waste and must deliver it promptly to the consignee. This should normally be within 24 hours of collection.

4: the consignee receives the waste from the carrier

On arrival the carrier gives the consignee 2 copies of the note. The consignee:

  • checks the waste and the note and either accepts or rejects the waste
  • completes part E to confirm they have checked the delivery of waste and whether it has been accepted or rejected

Checking the waste and the note

You may commit an offence if you accept a hazardous waste without a consignment note, or if the consignment note is incomplete or incorrect.

You must check both the waste and its accompanying documentation to ensure it is correct and complete before you accept the waste.

You must reject the waste if:

  • the waste is not accompanied by a consignment note - unless you are able to confirm that the movement legally does not need a consignment note
  • your site is not identified as the destination site in part A3 of the consignment note
  • your site is not authorised to accept the waste
  • the waste is inaccurately or incompletely classified or described
  • the vehicle delivering the waste is not the one identified in part C of the note and there is not a schedule of carriers form recording a transfer to it
  • the consignment note does not contain all the information fields required and is not set out in substantially the same format
  • Part A to D of the consignment note has been amended in any way, unless you have contacted the consignor and confirmed that the:
    • person responsible for completing that part, or a person authorised by them, made the amendment
    • change happened before the carrier and consignor certified it
    • change happened before the waste was removed

You should keep a record of this correspondence in your register.

You must not amend or correct any information in parts A, B, C or D of the note.

If you reject the waste, you must follow the rules in the rejected loads guidance. Rejecting a waste does not always mean you have to send the carrier and waste away. The rules set out how you must manage the waste and may provide you with a means to accept the waste in certain circumstances.

Part E: consignee certificate – information you must provide

You must enter the:

  • individual EWC code(s) received – check the waste is as classified and described in part B then enter the code if correct - if the code in part B is incorrect, you must reject the waste and provide an explanation under number 3
  • quantity of each code received (in kg) – weigh the waste or otherwise accurately determine the quantity you received in kg – do not copy the quantity collected from part B
  • EWC code accepted or rejected – enter whether you accept or reject each code received
  • waste management operation (recovery or disposal (R or D) code) – enter the waste R or D operation you will apply to the waste at your site using its R or D code

1. I received this waste at the address given in A3 on

Check your site is the one listed in part A3 of the note. If so, enter the date and time the waste was received.

2. Vehicle registration number (or mode of transport if not road)

Enter the registration number of the vehicle delivering the waste and check that it matches that given in part C or, where applicable, a schedule of carriers form.

3. Where waste is rejected please provide details

Give the reason why you rejected the waste.

Name:……on behalf of (name, address, postcode, telephone, email, fax)

You must enter your name, the name of your company, and the address and contact details for the site receiving the waste.

I certify that the waste permit or exempt waste operation number: …….. authorises the management of the waste described in B at the address given in A3

You must check the site’s authorisation (permit or exemption) number allows it to accept the waste for the intended R or D operation. If waste is misclassified or described you must reject it. Enter the permit or exemption reference number that authorises the intended R or D operation.

Where the consignment forms part of a multiple collection, as identified in part C, I certify that the total number of consignments forming the collection are

If the consignment is part of a multiple collection, you must state the total number of consignments delivered to you as part of that multiple collection.

Amending notes

The information in parts A, B, and C of the consignment note must not be changed after the carrier has agreed and signed it.

The information in parts A, B, C and D of the note must not be changed after the:

  • consignor has certified it
  • waste has been removed from the premises listed in A2

These changes make the note invalid.

Only the party legally responsible for completion of each part of the note, or a person authorised by them to act on their behalf, can amend parts A, B, C or D. This must be done before certification of that information, and before removal of the waste.

If the consignee identifies an error on the note when it is delivered to their site, they must not correct it or ask for it to be corrected. They must reject the waste. See the detail in the rejected loads guidance.

Cross border movements

Waste moving to England from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales or Gibraltar

As the producer, holder, carrier or consignor you must:

  • use the consignment note of the country of origin, completed in line with their legislation
  • provide a separate transport document where the consignment notes do not contain enough information to comply with carriage of dangerous goods requirements
  • not send us a pre-notification copy

As the consignee in England receiving the waste, you must:

  • also send a completed copy of the note to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) if the waste is from Scotland
  • also send a completed copy of the note to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) if the waste is from Northern Ireland
  • follow our rejected loads procedure and also send a copy of the note to SEPA, NIEA, or Natural Resources Wales if you reject a waste from Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales
  • still report all wastes received on consignee returns to the producer, and to the Environment Agency (normal charges apply)

Waste moving to England from anywhere else except Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales or Gibraltar

This is an international waste shipment and you must follow rules for the transfrontier shipment of waste. You can email the International Waste Shipments team for advice at

Waste moving from England to Scotland or Northern Ireland (but not Wales)

You must:

  • prepare an additional copy of the note
  • send this to SEPA or NIEA as appropriate, at least 72 hours before the waste is being moved – this is pre-notification
  • then, consign the waste as per a movement within England
  • comply with the requirements in Scotland or Northern Ireland if the consignee rejects the waste

Waste moving from England to Wales

You must follow the normal consignment note procedure for England.

Consignment in unusual circumstances

Additional coding standards

Add an additional letter at the end of the consignment note code for certain types of consignment. Add:

  • a ‘V’ to waste removed from ships - XXXXXX/YYYYYV
  • an ‘F’ to fly-tipped waste - XXXXXX/YYYYYF
  • a ‘D’ to waste moving under a consignee return derogation - XXXXXX/YYYYYD
  • a ‘P’ to continuously piped waste

Additional letters may also be assigned to consignment note codes when:

Emergency services

You are an emergency service responding to a genuine emergency which produced hazardous waste.

You do not need to consign hazardous waste because the rules on emergency and grave danger apply.

Emergency services means the police, fire and ambulance services and includes contractors engaged by them.

Fly-tipped waste

You are a carrier asked to remove fly-tipped hazardous waste. You may act as a consignor on behalf of the holder provided you have written authorisation from the holder to do so.

The only other circumstance where you may act in another role is for rejected loads - see the guidance on rejected loads.

Asbestos waste from a domestic premises

You are a contractor or mobile service and do one of the following:

  • produce waste asbestos at a domestic premises
  • are employed by the householder to collect asbestos waste from a domestic premises

You must:

  • consign the asbestos
  • complete the consignment note as the waste producer
  • enter your business name and the address of the domestic premises in part A2
  • use your business name to create the consignment note code

Mobile services

You are a mobile service producing hazardous waste at a customer premises, other than a domestic premises.

You must:

  • consign the hazardous waste when its removed from the customer premises
  • enter the customer’s business name and address in part A2, and use this to create the consignment note code
  • enter your business name and address in part A4

Diffuse network infrastructure

The following regulatory position statement (RPS) allows engineers or operators to move small quantities of waste from minor works, at diffuse locations not associated with other premises, back to base.

We will remove this RPS when new tracking controls are introduced.

Diffuse network infrastructure includes:

  • street lighting
  • telephone poles, public phone boxes, street cabinets and connecting cables (excludes exchanges and other defined premises)
  • electricity pylons, pole mounted transformers and connecting cables (excludes substations and other defined premises)
  • gas, water and sewerage pipelines (excludes pumping stations and other defined premises)
  • public roads (includes road maintenance and roadside commercial vehicle breakdown services)
  • railway track (excludes stations and other defined premises)
  • waterways (includes coastlines, canals and rivers but excludes ships, ports and other defined premises)

You must always consign hazardous waste when it’s removed from the place where it was produced on the network. This includes waste being moved from one place on the network to another place on the same network by road, rail, water or air.

You may use a summary consignment note to move waste you have produced at or removed from multiple locations if you meet all of the following conditions.

You must:

  • be the producer or holder of the waste
  • produce only one consignment of hazardous waste in that place
  • use your vehicle to move your waste so you are the producer or holder, carrier and consignor
  • deliver all the waste to the same destination at the same time
  • only remove the waste from the place where it was produced (the first movement of the waste)
  • only use it for waste produced or held by a single work unit, such as a service engineer

You must use a normal consignment note for each consignment if you do not meet all these conditions.

You complete a summary consignment note in the same way as a normal consignment note, with the following changes:

  1. Attach a continuation or ‘job’ sheet to the note to record the individual waste movements.
  2. Part A1: use the consignment note coding standard for waste moving under a consignee return derogation.
  3. Part A2: refer to the continuation or ‘job’ sheet. Identify each place, date and time where you produced waste on that sheet.
  4. Part A4: enter your details (producer).
  5. Summarise the total quantity of each waste produced in part B.
  6. Part C and D: enter the time and date when you move the first waste.

If you receive waste on a summary consignment note, you do not need to send a consignee return if you:

  • are the waste producer or network operator
  • receive waste only for temporary storage prior to recovery or disposal elsewhere

You must send a consignee return for receipt of the waste if both these conditions are not met. No consignee return derogation applies. Each summary note must be on the return, using the postcode from A4 in the consignment details.

Veterinary wastes from non-domestic premises

You must consign any hazardous waste you produce at a customer premises when you remove it (unless it is domestic waste).

You may move the waste back to your practice following the summary consignment procedures for diffuse network infrastructure.

Contact the Environment Agency

Contact the Environment Agency for guidance about:

  • carrier schedules - where more than one carrier or vehicle is used
  • waste moved by pipelines
  • waste from a ship

General enquiries

National Customer Contact Centre
PO Box 544
S60 1BY


Telephone 03708 506 506

Telephone from outside the UK (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm GMT) +44 (0) 114 282 5312

Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Updates to this page

Published 4 April 2014
Last updated 2 September 2019 show all updates
  1. We've amended the RPS so that it applies to engineers and operators, and to reflect the scenario where an organisation removing waste can also be a holder.

  2. Guidance updated to explain how consignment controls apply to businesses that benefited from RPS 25 on premises notification. This RPS ceased to apply when premises notification was removed in 2015. We are reducing the consignment requirements while a new tracking system is being developed.

  3. Additional text added to clarify how to create a consignment code. Additional guidance added on asbestos waste.

  4. Removed out of date guidance following implementation of new regulations.

  5. From 1 April 2016, premises will no longer need to register as hazardous waste producers. This change will affect the entire hazardous waste control system. See the guidance effective from 1 April 2016. Or use the current guidance that applies until 31 March 2016.

  6. Added the Environment Agency position on the use of NACE codes in the consignment note.

  7. First published.

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