This Guidelines for Compliance product aims to help businesses strengthen their assurance practices and identify, mitigate and reduce labour supply chain risks.
HMRC continues to tackle tax defaulters in labour supply chains (LSCs) directly and many risks arise where there are opportunities to exploit larger, higher value and more complex chains. HMRC is concerned about how these risks could affect a business’s own tax affairs directly when considering and applying tax rules, as well as indirectly through association with defaulting businesses in their chain, through transactions.
HMRC have identified several common areas of weaknesses in assurance practices across LSCs that, if addressed, could help reduce the likelihood of risk and subsequent tax losses, as well as the threat of disruption to critical supply chains.
As larger businesses can find themselves affected by multiple risks, when contractual arrangements include a temporary workforce, or services that include labour, HMRC have produced guidelines on what can be done to help reduce opportunities for non-compliance in labour supply chains.
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Provides information on the purpose, scope and background of these guidelines.
Explains the ways that HMRC works to tackle tax risks and illegal working practices in labour supply chains.
Information on principles and activities that businesses can use to help strengthen their supply chain assurance practices, including practical examples of checks that can be done as part of due diligence processes, and information that can be used to inform risk assessments.
Information on how to incorporate principles of robust assurance throughout the key stages of a typical contracting process.
Information about the impact that labour supply chain risks can have, including the ways that risks can affect people.
Provides an overview of the tax risks that HMRC finds when labour is engaged through a supply chain.
Information on other risks such as health and safety, environmental, organised crime.
Details enforcement action and financial impacts to businesses.
Information and purpose of supply chain letters.
Information to help businesses think about labour supply chains.
Examples of labour supply chain risks and applying assurance practices, including details of real HMRC investigations.
Recommended next steps, considerations, further questions you may have and how to give feedback.
Sources of guidance that provide further information.