HM Land Registry Business e-services: manage your organisation’s portal accounts
Business e-services customers can manage their portal accounts at any time.
Applies to England and Wales
Organisations that use Business e-services will have signed the Conditions of use: Portal and Business Gateway (COU). Conveyancers may also have signed the Network Access Agreement (NAA). These agreements set out the obligations that organisations must comply with.
Each organisation that uses our Business e-services via the portal, our online channel for transactions, or via Business Gateway, automatically through a case management system, has at least one person who is responsible for understanding our security policies and making sure their organisation adheres to them. They are called the responsible person. An organisation can also have as many deputy responsible persons as they need.
These roles were created to assist organisations in fulfilling their obligations under their regulatory Codes of Conduct, and the Legal Services Act 2007 and to make sure their users are given access to the Business e-services corresponding to their ability, experience and qualifications, and so their work can be supervised by a qualified conveyancer if necessary.
If you are the responsible person or a deputy responsible person for your organisation, you must make sure your organisation adheres to the user account provisions, and you play your part in protecting the security and integrity of the network.
You need to make sure:
- you do not allow users (all roles) to share accounts
- you do not allow your administrators to create ‘generic’ accounts to be shared by multiple authorised users
- your administrators delete authorised user accounts that are no longer needed
- you contact us to delete responsible person, deputy responsible person and administrator accounts that are no longer needed
If you become aware of any unauthorised use of or access to Business e-services you must take reasonable steps to stop such activity and prevent it happening again.
Account sharing
A user account is personal to the user for whom it is set up, and only that person should use the User ID (login name), password and any security token. This ensures that HM Land Registry knows who is using the system, and that it is being used with the authority and under the supervision of a registered customer.
You must not allow simultaneous access to services using the same login, or the transfer or sharing of a User ID. For example, administrators must not create ‘generic’ accounts to be used by more than one person, such as for an ‘Accounts Team’.
If you allow administrators to do this, users may be able to access services after they leave your organisation and you will have no easy way of identifying transactions they submit.
Account deletion
You should regularly review your organisation’s Business e-services accounts to make sure that no former employees continue to have access to services using security credentials requested or issued by you. If you do not do this, you are putting your business and the integrity of the register at risk.
There have been instances where staff have left organisations who used Business e-services but whose accounts have not been deleted. Individuals have assumed that user accounts were theirs personally, where in fact they belong to the organisation who set them up. The major consequence of this has been that services have been ordered and paid for using the account of a previous employer.
This highlights the importance of maintaining your organisation’s accounts and ensuring the accounts of people who leave or move onto other roles are deleted. This applies to all staff including the responsible person, any deputy responsible persons and administrators as well as authorised users.
Find more information on managing the different types of account in:
- manage responsible persons accounts
- manage a deputy responsible person accounts
- manage administrators accounts
- manage authorised users accounts
Monitoring your organisation’s use of Business e-services
HM Land Registry has created several reports to help responsible persons and deputy responsible persons to supervise the actions of administrators and authorised users:
- the ‘Administrator Report’ includes details of your administrators’ actions during the last 31 calendar days (access it from the ‘My Portal homepage’, under ‘Administrative Services’)
- the ‘VDD information’ provides you with access to details of transactions on your organisation’s variable Direct Debit (VDD) accounts (access it from the ‘My Portal homepage’, under ‘Administrative Services’)
- the ‘Services Requested’ report provides you with access to details of services requested by users during the last 7 days (access it from the My Portal Home page under the heading, ‘General Facilities’)
Responsible persons, deputy responsible persons and administrators should:
- read our HM Land Registry Business e-services Technical Manual
- login to the Business e-services portal regularly to access the reports outlined above and read messages within the Message Area
- read our guidance about how to use Business e-services in HM Land Registry portal: login and guides.
Manage your organisation’s portal accounts
Additional services
If your organisation is an existing Business e-services customer, you can apply for additional services Business e-services.
Find out more in Apply for additional HM Land Registry Business e-services.
Update organisation account
Find out more in the guide, HM Land Registry portal: update a business unit account.
It is important to note that these changes do not update the contact details associated with VDD accounts or alter the postal or DX address where HM Land Registry sends documents when we are unable to despatch them electronically.
Find out more in Manage variable Direct Debit accounts below.
Change of organisation name
Business e-services customers must notify us if an organisation name changes because of a change of legal entity or rebranding. Find out more in the guide Change of organisation name.
A responsible person should contact us in writing, by post or email, to request the suspension or termination of an organisation’s NAA or Memorandum of Understanding.
Closure of an organisation’s Business e-services account
A responsible person should contact us in writing, by post or email, to notify us of the closure of an organisation or to request termination of a Business e-services account.
Manage variable Direct Debit accounts
Apply for an additional VDD account
Complete and ‘wet sign’ the application form and mandate on pages 13, 14 and 15 of our VDD guide, Paying for HM Land Registry services by variable direct debit, to apply for an additional VDD account.
Note: to ‘wet sign’, you will need to print the forms, sign them with a pen and then scan or take photos of the completed forms and upload them.
Submit your application online.
Update the bank details of an existing VDD account
Complete and wet sign a variable Direct Debit mandate form (page 15 of our VDD guide) with the new bank tell us about changes to the bank account details of a VDD account.
Submit your application online.
Note: to wet sign the application you will need to print out the form, sign it and send us a scan or photo of the completed form.
Change VDD address
We normally despatch documents electronically, but if we cannot, they are sent to the despatch address displayed in an authorised user’s HM Land Registry Portal Home page.
This is the postal or DX address associated with their default variable Direct Debit key number or an alternative despatch address that an authorised user has set.
It is important to inform us if the address changes to ensure that postal search results, official copies and other documents ordered through the portal are sent to the correct address.
Note: it is currently not possible to update address details for pending applications. However, we can add a note to pending applications lodged by post upon request if you have more than 30 outstanding applications.
To change the VDD account address or for any other enquiries related to your VDD accounts, send an email including the necessary details along with the VDD account key number to:
Close a VDD account
A responsible person should notify us by email or post, including the VDD mandate key number, if an organisation ceases trading or changes its name.
HM Land Registry Accounts Receivable
PO Box 2079
Trafalgar House (6th Floor)
CR90 9NU
DX 8888
Croydon 3
Manage responsible person accounts
Reset, suspend or unsuspend a responsible person account
A responsible person can change or reset their password if they have set their Shared Secrets, or they must contact the Service Access Team.
Requests to suspend or unsuspend a responsible person account or to update contact details should be made to Service Access Team by the responsible person who can:
- submit an electronic request using Administrative Services
- use our online contact form
- submit a request in writing by email or post
- make a verbal request by telephone
Update the personal details of a responsible person
A responsible person can only update their Preferred Contact Method by logging on to the portal and selecting Administrative Services > Personal Details.
Change a responsible person
A request for a new responsible person must be made by the existing responsible person or, if they have already left the organisation, from a duly authorised person within the organisation such as a company director, company secretary, partner or equivalent.
Requests should be made using form AFS6 or electronically.
If you confirm that your existing responsible person has left the organisation and they had an administrator account we will also delete that account.
Please return their security token to the Service Access Team or dispose of it in accordance with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) environmental legislation.
If they were also an authorised user, you should direct one of your administrators to delete that account.
More information about the role of a responsible person is available in the HM Land Registry Business e-services technical manual.
Manage deputy responsible person accounts
The role of deputy responsible person has been created to assist organisations with the proper supervision of their employees’ use of our services. Deputy responsible persons can be nominated to cover for the responsible person when they are not available or to manage a particular group or office within your organisation.
Create a deputy responsible person account
Requests to create deputy responsible person accounts must be made to the Service Access Team by a responsible person who must fill in form AFS5a or make a request electronically.
Reset a deputy responsible person password
A deputy responsible person can reset a deputy responsible person password if they have set their Shared Secrets, otherwise they must contact the Service Access Team.
Update the personal details of a deputy responsible person
A deputy responsible person can update their Preferred Contact Method by logging on to the portal and selecting Administrative Services > Personal Details.
Suspend, unsuspend or delete a deputy responsible person account
Requests should be made to the Service Access Team by a responsible person or a deputy responsible person (only if they are dealing with their own account) who can:
- submit an electronic request using Administrative Services
- submit a request in writing by email or post
- make a verbal request by telephone
More information about the role of a deputy responsible person is available in the HM Land Registry Business e-services technical manual.
Manage administrator accounts
Create administrator account
A responsible person or deputy responsible person should complete form AFS4a or make a request electronically.
Reset an administrator’s password or security token
Administrators can reset or change a password or reset their security token by following the onscreen prompts in the Login Problem section on the HM Land Registry portal login page. They must have set their Shared Secrets, otherwise, they should contact our Service Access Team.
Suspend, unsuspend, update or delete an administrator account
Requests to update or delete administrator accounts must be made to the Service Access Team by a responsible person or a deputy responsible person who can:
- submit an electronic request using Administrative Services
- submit a request in writing by email or post
- make a verbal request by telephone
Manage authorised user accounts
Your organisation’s administrators are responsible for managing all aspects of your authorised user accounts. HM Land Registry does not manage authorised user accounts.
Update authorised user accounts
An authorised user can:
change or reset their password if they have set their Shared Secrets; otherwise, they must refer to their organisation’s administrator
set an alternative despatch address by logging into the portal and selecting Administrative Services
Update authorised user role
The role associated with an authorised user account can be changed by their organisation’s administrator to control which services they have access to.
If your organisation applies for additional services, then your administrators must update authorised users roles in order for them to access those services. Find out more in the guide Update a user account.
The roles and associated privileges for authorised users can be found in the HM Land Registry Business e-services technical manual.
Authorised user’s alternative despatch address
We normally despatch documents electronically, but if we cannot, they are sent to despatch address displayed in an authorised user’s HM Land Registry Portal Home page.
This can be the postal or DX address associated with their default variable Direct Debit key number or an alternative despatch address that an authorised user has set.
Authorised users can set up their own alternative despatch address. Once set, we will use that address until they decide to change it.
Find out more in HM Land Registry portal: alternative despatch address.
Contact us
Use our online contact form if you have a query about managing HM Land Registry Business e-services accounts.
Alternatively, you can contact us by post or phone:
Service Access Team
PO Box 650
Southfield House
Southfield Way
Durham 24
Contact form https://customerhelp.l...
Telephone 0300 006 0411
Updates to this page
Published 31 August 2017Last updated 9 November 2020 + show all updates
Added links to submit requests to update or create Business e-services accounts electronically.
We've added guidance to help customers meet their obligations to monitor their organisation's use of Business e-services.
First published.