HM Land Registry request for information (requisition) data
How many requests for information we send to customers about their applications.
Applies to England and Wales
Request for information (requisition) data shows the number and type of register change applications we receive and complete from our account-holder customers, and how many requests for information we send to those customers because some of the information we need is missing, incomplete or wrongly drawn.
The request for information dataset has been published since 2018. It was limited to those account-holder customers sending the most register change applications. The dataset now includes all account-holder customers to give the full picture of activity across the market, as outlined in our 2017 Business Strategy.
View the data on the Use land and property data service.
If you have any questions about this data, please contact:
Updates to this page
Update to text to reflect that the request for information (requisition) dataset now includes all account-holder customers.
Update to the contact email address.
Request for information (requisition) data is now published on our Use land and property data service.
First published.