
HM Land Registry: Transaction Data

Access information about the volume and type of applications completed each month.

Applies to England and Wales

Transaction Data is a dataset that shows how many customer applications we completed, in the preceding month for: first registrations, leases, transfers of part, dealings, official copies and searches. This is based on customer and location.

Download options

You can choose from 5 options, of number and type of application, to select the data that best meets your requirements.

Completed applications in England and Wales lodged by all customers by:

  • number and type of application divided by region
  • number and type of application divided by local authority district

Completed applications in England and Wales lodged by account holders by:

  • number and type of application
  • number and type of transactions for value, including freehold and leasehold sales (transactions for value are applications lodged involving a transfer of ownership for value)
  • number and type of searches

Historic monthly files from December 2011 are also available for download.

Data excluded from Transaction Data

Our Transaction Data includes information about the number and types of applications we have completed. The data reflects the volume of applications lodged by customers using an HM Land Registry account number on their application form. The data does not include applications that are not yet completed, or all the applications lodged with us.

Our Transaction Data excludes:

  • pending applications
  • bankruptcy applications
  • bulk applications

When using or publishing our Transaction Data

Transaction Data is available free of charge and is available for use and re-use under the Open Government Licence (OGL). This licence allows public bodies to make their data available for re-use.

You need to make sure you understand the terms of the OGL before using the data.

If you use or publish our Transaction Data, you must add the following attribution statement:

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2020. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Download the data

Datasets are available as CSV files.

Your use of the Transaction Data is governed by conditions and by downloading you are agreeing to those conditions.

Our Transaction Data is also available in a machine-readable format as linked data.

Accuracy of the data

We use reasonable skill and care in the provision of the data and strive to ensure our data is as accurate as possible but cannot guarantee it is free from error. We cannot guarantee our data is fit for your intended purpose or use.

Abbreviations used in Transaction Data

Acronym Title Description
DFL Dispositionary first lease An application for the registration of a new lease granted by the proprietor of registered land
DLG Dealing An application in respect of registered land. This includes transfers of title, charges and notices
FR First registration An application for a first registration of land both freehold and leasehold. For leasehold this applies when the landlord’s title is not registered
TP Transfer of part An application to register the transfer of part of a registered title
OS(W) Search of whole An application to protect a transaction for value, such as purchase, lease or charge for the whole of a title
OS(P) Search of part An application to protect a transaction for value, such as purchase, lease or charge for part of a title
OS(NPW) Non-priority search of whole An application to search the whole of the register without getting priority
OS(NPP) Non-priority search of part An application to search a part of the register without getting priority
OC1 Official copy An application to obtain an official copy of a register or title plan represents a true record of entries in the register and extent of the registered title at a specific date and time. The data includes historical editions of the register and title plan where they are kept by the registrar in electronic form
OC2 Official copy of a deed or document An application to obtain a copy of a document referred to in the register or relates to an application. This includes correspondence, surveys, application forms and emails relating to applications that are pending, cancelled or completed
SIM Search of the index map An application to find out whether or not land is registered and, if so, to obtain the title number

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Published 13 August 2014

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