HMRC compliance checks: help and support
Find out about the compliance checks process and the help you or your client (if you're a tax agent) can get, during and after the checks.
About compliance checks
HMRC carry out compliance checks to:
- make sure you’re paying the right amount of tax at the right time
- make sure you’re getting the right allowances and tax reliefs
- discourage tax evasion
- make sure the tax system is operating fairly
Something may trigger a check. However, HMRC has the right to check whether any tax return is accurate and complete.
Watch a video about what to expect during a compliance check
Watch a video about what to expect during a compliance check.
Watch a video about how compliance checks work
Watch our video on how compliance checks work.
Get authorisation for your tax agent to deal with checks
If you want your tax agent or advisor to deal with us on your behalf, they must have formal agent authorisation. We’ll deal with them during the check if they already have formal authorisation.
If they do not have formal authorisation, you must arrange temporary authorisation on their behalf so they can deal with your compliance checks.
If you’re an agent
Apply for formal agent authorisation or arrange temporary authorisation for your client.
Why HMRC carries out checks
Certain things may prompt us to open a compliance check into your tax affairs. These could include:
- entering figures on a return that appear to be wrong
- making a large claim for a VAT refund when turnover is low
- declaring a small amount of tax when turnover is high
We will call or write to you, and your tax agent if you have one, to say what we want to check and why. If you think we should stop the check, you should tell us why.
If we have started a check, you should continue to file your tax returns and pay your taxes if they’re due.
We may open a compliance check into any tax credits claims to make sure you’re getting the right amount of money.
If you’re a tax agent, you can find detailed information about tax credits checks in the HMRC manual.
Helping us with the checks
During the checks we may ask you to:
- send us any information or documents that we may need
- meet with us to discuss your tax affairs and records, but you do not have to meet us if you do not want to
If you have business premises or run your business from home, we may ask to visit them to inspect your premises, assets and records. If you think the request is unreasonable or not relevant to the check, let our officer who requested the information know.
If we cannot agree with you about sending the information or documents, we may use legal powers to get them. We’ll do this by sending you an information notice. If you get a notice, you must give us what we’ve asked for, or we may charge you penalties.
You are responsible for giving us accurate information, and if you have a tax agent dealing with us on your behalf, you should make sure they have all the relevant facts.
If you help us with the compliance check, we can:
- complete it quickly and reduce any inconvenience to you
- reduce the amount of any penalty you may be charged if we find there’s something wrong
If you need help during the checks
We can help you if you need extra support when dealing with a compliance check.
If you have any health conditions or personal circumstances that may make it difficult for you to deal with the compliance check, let our officer know. They will work with you to put in place any reasonable adjustment needed.
If you need more time, tell us. We may agree to allow extra time if there’s a good reason, for example, if you’re seriously ill or someone close to you has died.
If you need someone to speak to us for you
You can ask someone else to deal with us on your behalf, for example, a friend, relative or an adviser from a voluntary organisation. You’ll need to appoint them to talk to us for you first.
Get independent help from other organisations
You can get help from charities and other organisations if you do not understand something about the compliance checks process.
If you’re struggling with your mental health because of the checks, you might be able to get support from your GP, TaxAid, Mind or Samaritans.
Find out about the different types of checks and what happens during and after the check.
Outcomes of compliance checks
If the check shows there is nothing wrong, we’ll bring it quickly to an end. If our checks show you have overpaid tax, you will be repaid with any interest due added. If you have underpaid tax, you will need to repay this. You will be charged interest and you may receive a penalty.
We may issue an assessment or amend your return to collect any unpaid tax.
You can apply for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) if you do not agree with HMRC’s decision or with what we’re checking at any time during the checks.
If we decide that you owe us tax after we carry out the checks and you cannot afford to pay it immediately, you can talk to us about payment arrangements that you can afford.
Watch a video about help if you cannot pay your tax bill
Watch a video about help if you cannot pay your tax bill.
You may be charged a penalty if we find something wrong during the check.
We’ll consider how much you cooperated with us when deciding if we can reduce the penalty. In general, the more help you give, the lower the penalty will be.
Find out what you can do to reduce any penalty we may charge.
If you’re an agent, find out more about penalties.
Watch a video about why we charge penalties and what you can do about them
Watch our video on penalties and what you can do about them.
Criminal investigation
It’s HMRC’s policy to deal with fraud using civil investigation procedures, wherever appropriate.
We reserve criminal investigation for cases where we need to send a strong deterrent message or where the conduct involved is such that only a criminal sanction is appropriate.
Find out more about our criminal investigation policy.
If you disagree with the outcome of the check
If we make a decision you can appeal against, we’ll write to you about the decision and tell you what to do if you disagree.
You will usually have 3 options. Within 30 days, you can:
- send new information to the officer dealing with the check and ask them to take it into account
- have your case reviewed by an officer who has not been involved in the matter
- arrange for an independent tribunal to hear your appeal and decide the matter
Watch a video about what to do if you disagree with an HMRC decision
Watch a video about what to do if you disagree with an HMRC decision
Watch videos about resolving a dispute with HMRC
Watch YouTube videos about the different ways to resolve a dispute with HMRC.
You’ll learn about:
- what to do if you disagree with an HMRC decision about your taxes or penalties
- using a statutory review to resolve a dispute with HMRC over direct taxes and penalties
- using a statutory review to resolve a dispute with HMRC over indirect taxes and penalties
- using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process to resolve a dispute with HMRC
Contact HMRC
If you need to speak to us about your compliance checks, contact the officer who’s dealing with your case. You can find their details on the letter we sent you about the checks.
You can also contact us to get help with your taxes or to make a complaint.
Updates to this page
The videos about what to expect during a compliance check, why we charge penalties and what you can do about them and what to do if you disagree with an HMRC decision have been updated.
The guidance has been updated, as the COVID-19 helpline for businesses and the self-employed is now closed.
The section 'Watch videos about resolving a dispute with HMRC' has been added.
The video about help if you cannot pay your tax bill has been updated.
YouTube videos about 'what to expect during a compliance check', 'how they work', 'penalties', 'if you disagree with an HMRC decision', and 'if you cannot pay your tax bill' have been added.
Added translation
First published.