
Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) Welcome Programme – information for local authorities

Information for local authorities and others who are working with British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) status holders arriving from Hong Kong via the UK government’s BN(O) route.


This resource is for local authorities and others who are working with British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) status holders arriving from Hong Kong via the UK government’s BN(O) route. It aims to provide answers to frequently asked questions.

See further information and associated application process on the BN(O) route which launched on 31 January 2021.

This resource will be updated, as a repository for good practice and learning. If you have any comments, suggestions, useful materials and/or case studies to share (or additional questions that you think should be included here) email:

Supporting new arrivals

Local authorities are already playing a key role in working with local partners and communities to ensure those on the BN(O) route are welcomed and given help and support to successfully integrate in their new communities.

Local authorities and their partners in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector have extensive experience of welcoming new arrivals to live and work in their area. While those on the BN(O) route will, in some instances, require specific support, we recognise the wealth of local experience in delivering successful integration programmes that already exists. We have therefore provided links to best practice and resources available under the ‘Resources’ section.

We want to continue to work with local authorities and communities as the programme develops. More information on how we will engage is detailed below.

Please note that some of this information applies to England only. Where this is the case, it has been highlighted under each section.

Hong Kong BN(O) UK Welcome Programme – summary

An immigration route opened on 31 January 2021, providing British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) status holders from Hong Kong and their eligible dependants with the opportunity to come to the UK to live, study and work, on a pathway to citizenship.

This route reflects the UK’s historic and moral commitment to those people of Hong Kong who chose to retain their ties to the UK by taking up BN(O) status at the point of Hong Kong’s handover to China in 1997.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is leading delivery of a funded national ‘Welcome Programme’ to support those on the BN(O) route and their families to help them to successfully settle in their new communities.

The Welcome Programme has the following elements:

  • demand-led funding for local authorities in England to support BN(O) status holders and their families with English language and destitution support

  • an online Welcome Pack providing all those on the BN(O) route with information on how to access services and understand life in the UK, with similar resources for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

  • a network of 12 Welcome Hubs across the whole of the UK to support those arriving on the BN(O) route, established using the existing infrastructure of the Strategic Migration Partnerships (SMPs)

  • extension to our voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) grant funding to continue support of the mental health and wellbeing project

  • we are also continuing to fund On Your Side, the hate crime reporting and support service for BN(O)s and East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities in the UK

The aims of the ‘Welcome Programme’ are:

  • enabling those on the BN(O) route to fully contribute economically and socially to life in the UK, enriching our society

  • enabling those on the BN(O) route to feel part of UK society, able to mix confidently with people of all backgrounds and provide a positive contribution to the UK and where they settle, including through speaking English well

  • providing support to both resident communities and those on the BN(O) route to feel safe and welcome, including by ensuring that any hate crime is tackled promptly, with follow-up support offered

  • ensuring that any instances of destitution and underemployment for those on the BN(O) route is minimised and addressed through effective support services

  • ensuring the Welcome Programme is trusted and endorsed by those on the BN(O) route, whilst balancing wider government interests


What support is being offered via the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme?

In March 2025, MHCLG continued funding for the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme for 2025-26. This includes continued demand-led funding for local authorities in England for English language and destitution support where needed, alongside further funding for Welcome Hubs. It also includes an extension to our VCSE mental health and wellbeing grant funded project being delivered by Barnardo’s.

We will continue to work with local partners including local authorities, SMPs and VCSE organisations to support BN(O) status holders and their dependents on the BN(O) route.

As more BN(O) status holders move to the UK, further data will be gathered on their needs and characteristics. We will keep our plans under review for future financial years.

Why is the government providing funding for a BN(O) UK Welcome Programme?

Previous programmes run by MHCLG, such as the Controlling Migration Fund and the Syrian Resettlement Programme and more recently Homes for Ukraine, have demonstrated the importance of putting in place a support package for new migrants to enable them to settle into their new communities more effectively. MHCLG is also supporting those from Afghanistan and Ukraine.

If new migrants can integrate with the settled community, speak English, use services and be economically active, this significantly reduces pressures on local services (including housing where people are at risk of destitution) and minimises negative impacts on community cohesion and tensions.

Demand-led English language and destitution funding (England only)

What do you mean by supporting access to English language provision?

It will be for each local authority to decide what assistance can be provided to those on the BN(O) route who require support to learn English or improve their English language ability.

The ambition is for local authorities making claims for this funding to build upon existing English language infrastructure in place within their local area. This may be through collaboration with community groups and English language providers already established within their local area.

Many Welcome Hubs also provide English language support as part of their offer.

What do you mean by ‘destitution support’?

It will be for each local authority to decide what assistance can be provided to BN(O) status holders and their families based upon an individual assessment of a person or household’s status, circumstances, and support needs. Where a local authority considers that assistance is appropriate, the local authority should satisfy itself that support provided is within the law.

Can local authorities claim for support provided to people who are not BN(O) status holders or on the BN(O) route but are from Hong Kong?

The funding is available for support provided to BN(O) status holders and their dependents who are on the BN(O) route.

Funding does not cover those who have BN(O) status but have entered the UK through other immigration routes, such as through the points-based system, the youth mobility scheme, student visas or as a visitor. Similarly, the funding cannot be claimed for support provided to those currently seeking asylum in the UK.

It also does not cover individuals who have been granted ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ until they have made a successful application to the BN(O) route.

How much funding is available?

Funding of up to £850 per person is available to support access to English language classes for those on the BN(O) route and have been resident in the UK for less than 3 years for courses commenced after 1 April.

Funding of up to £2,720 per BN(O) household is available for destitution support.

Are there any changes to the eligibility requirements?

From 1 April 2025, the eligibility criteria for the £850 funding for English language support will be limited according to the length of time those who are on the BN(O) route have lived in the UK. Those on the BN(O) route who have been resident in the UK within 3 years can access the £850 per person funding. This ensures new arrivals receive immediate support to build their English language skills.

Those on the BN(O) route who have been resident in the UK for more than 3 years post-arrival will not be eligible to access the funding, at which point those on the BN(O) route will meet the residency requirements to access the Adult Skills Fund (ASF).

Why is the government changing the eligibility rules for the £850 funding?

Since the inception of the Welcome Programme, over 17,000 courses have been completed by those on the BN(O) route through the £850 per person funding available to provide immediate support for newly arrived BN(O) status holders, helping them to develop English language skills, improve their employability, access essential services and integrate into their communities.  

As we enter Year 5 of the Programme, there will be continued funding for English language; the £850 per person funding is available for the first 3 years that a BN(O) status holder or family member is resident in the UK, in line with the Adult Skills Fund (ASF) residency requirements for a person to be ordinarily resident.

Many BN(O) status holders will have now satisfied the 3 year residency criteria, giving them eligibility for ASF support (subject to employment and earnings thresholds).

Through linking the funding to the length of residency this encourages long-term residents to invest in their own language learning. In addition, those on the BN(O) route who have been living in the UK for a longer period and have accessed the £850 per person funding will have greater access to a wider range of mainstream English language courses, broadening the range of available programs for them to continue to improve their language skills.

Which local authorities can access the targeted support funds?

The funding can be claimed by:

  • all county councils
  • unitary authorities
  • combined authorities
  • London boroughs
  • metropolitan boroughs and lower tier authorities

Where lower tier authorities are providing some elements of the support, we would encourage local authorities to share information with the local upper tier council, to avoid duplication of funding.

Have local authorities been given advice on how they can access this funding?

Guidance has been issued to local authority chief executives and operational staff. It has also been shared with Welcome Hubs.

As before funds will be allocated on a quarterly retrospective basis, which should give local authorities certainty on what level of support should be given to BN(O) status holders in their areas.

We have worked with local authorities and the Local Government Association (LGA) to develop the guidance on clear eligibility criteria for this funding and put in place a streamlined process to access the funding.

If local authorities require a copy of the guidance, email

How can local authorities check whether a BN(O) status holder is eligible for funding?

Local authorities will need to satisfy themselves that those who they are supporting through this funding are on the BN(O) route and how long they have been resident in the UK.

Proof of immigration status can be evidenced by the BN(O) status holder or their family member by using the ‘view and prove’ service. Using their UKVI account, BN(O) status holders can view their eVisa and share the relevant information via the online View and prove your immigration status: get a share code service, by generating a share code, which provides time-limited access to the relevant data that can be shared with third parties, such as local authorities and education providers. 

Further guidance on how to use the online ‘view and prove’ service is available at: View and prove your immigration status (eVisa).

Would funding English language provision upfront be a better option?

As those on the BN(O) route can choose to settle in any part of the UK, providing upfront funding to areas could lead to some areas missing out on funding to support any future influxes of BN(O) status holders. To address this risk, we are providing retrospective funding to local authorities.

We will continue to keep the funding model under review as the programme develops.

How often will local authorities receive retrospective payments, and does this mean that local authorities have to pay upfront for BN(O) support?

Payments for BN(O) support will be quarterly on a retrospective basis as set out in the guidance. If we provided funding upfront this may mean that some areas providing English language or destitution support may miss out on it.

Local authorities may have to pay for support upfront for those on the BN(O) route in their areas, but the guidance explains the eligibility criteria for this funding. This should give local authorities certainty on what level of support should be given to BN(O) status holders in their areas.

How do you know that the amounts allocated for English Language and destitution support are enough to support BN(O) status holders?

Original costs were based on previous programmes and support. The amount available per person on English language support was increased from £800 to £850 in July 2022.

We expect that local authorities will use these funds to build upon existing provision, where available, and that they will work with the Welcome Hubs to deliver support where appropriate.

We will keep these amounts and delivery model under review based on further data gathered on the needs and characteristics of BN(O) status holders.

Do local authorities have to provide evidence to support claims when spending these funds?

The claim form for this funding asks the local authority to confirm that it has seen evidence that the individual or household requires support. We worked with the LGA and local authorities to agree the format of this.

It is important that MHCLG and partners across government work together to understand any themes, innovation or good practice emerging that could help inform policy developments in this space. In addition to evidencing claims, which will provide monitoring data as to how many individuals have been supported through the scheme, and providing forecasts based on contact with BN(O) status holders, we will ask local authorities to complete a light-touch evaluation of the impact of the support this fund has provided.

We would also expect that any local authority receiving this funding would contribute to best practice or similar learning/ knowledge sharing exercises.

Claims must be made on DELTA (MHCLG’s in-house data collection platform). Local authorities need to register with DELTA to submit claims to the department. To help local authorities understand what information is required, the department can provide a sample copy of the online form and guidance on how to use DELTA. Email for further information.

What if there’s more demand than expected?

The available funding is based on current estimates of demand and will be kept under review.

Can the funding be used to deliver online resources to complement face to face English language provision?

Local authorities and providers were required to consider the way learning was delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many are now embracing digital technology to enhance the way things are done, including increasing digital access. If the online resources contribute to the delivery of the learning and are part of the provision, then local authorities may reclaim the costs for this up to the limit.

Can local authorities use the funding to pay for English language classes delivered by a private provider?

Local authorities are best placed to determine what funding arrangements are put in place between themselves and providers. This approach recognises the flexibility that local authorities have to decide on what works best, taking into account local variations in delivery and structures.

How could local authorities increase local provision to meet demand?

We would encourage local authorities to work collaboratively across boundaries or in conjunction with the Welcome Hub network to take advantage of available provision, or to procure new provision where required. Additionally, local authorities may wish to connect with their regional Strategic Migration Partnership’s English language coordinator for support and advice.

Is the funding aimed at a specific type of English language provision?

BN(O) status holders will have differing needs and levels of English language and literacy, so there is no singular type of provision that this funding should be used for. The primary focus of any provision should be the improvement of English language skills and confidence.

The local authority funding requirements should be informed by the nature of existing local provision and by each adult learner’s specific circumstances and learning requirements.

What provision is being made for children and young people who require English language support?

Where a school age child requires English language support, this will be provided by schools. Funding will come through the National Funding Formula (NFF) for schools, which includes an English as an additional language (EAL) component. The EAL factor applies to state-funded schools in England.

Additional funding is allocated for pupils who are recorded in the school census as having entered state education in England during the last 3 years, and whose first language is not English. This equates to an additional £590 per eligible primary pupil and £1,585 per eligible secondary pupil in 2024-25 (rising to £595 per eligible primary pupil and £1,595 per secondary pupil in 2025-26). 

The NFF will distribute a total of £538 million through the EAL factor in the 2025-26 financial year. Schools have flexibility over how they use their overall funding to support EAL pupils in developing proficiency in English, as they are best placed to understand and respond to the specific needs of their pupils.

Will local authorities be able to reclaim the costs of providing creche/childcare provision where required for English language provision?

We recognise that some learners face certain barriers to participation in learning, such as caring and childcare responsibilities. Where a learner requires creche/childcare provision, local authorities should consider practical solutions to support learners. These costs should be included in the total cost and may be claimed subject to the limit per learner. Further information on these costs is required as part of the claim form.

Can I claim for associated costs such as exam fees, initial learner assessments etc?

These costs should be included in the total cost and may be claimed up to the limit.

Destitute or at risk of destitution

How can a local authority support a person on the BN(O) route who is destitute or at risk of destitution?

Local authorities can claim for the costs of providing support to a person on the BN(O) route where they have seen evidence that they are destitute or at risk of destitution.

A Change of Conditions application to lift a ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ (NRPF) status must be made prior to the local authority submitting a claim to MHCLG. The costs of providing support to the status holder and their household can be met until the NRPF condition has been lifted.

Where a person on the BN(O) route approaches their local authority for support before submitting a Change of Conditions application, they should be encouraged to make the application as soon as reasonably practicable. Family members on the BN(O) route can also apply for a Change of Conditions separately to the lead applicant and they should also be encouraged to make an application as soon as possible.

Are there any changes to the destitution eligibility requirements?

There are no changes to the eligibility rules. Funding of up to £2,720 is available per BN(O) household for those that find themselves destitute or at risk of destitution.

Welcome Hubs and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations

What is the role of the Welcome Hubs and wider SMP network?

Strategic Migration Partnerships (SMPs) coordinate and support local delivery of national programmes in asylum and refugee schemes, as well as agreed regional and devolved migration priorities. SMPs work with stakeholders in the statutory, voluntary, private and community sectors to provide a strategic leadership, advisory and coordination function on migration for their regions and Devolved Governments, ensuring a coordinated approach to migration and the sharing of relevant information and good practice. The hosting arrangements for each SMP may differ depending on regional and national structures.

There are 12 SMP partnerships across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. The 12 Hong Kong Welcome Hubs were established utilising the existing SMP infrastructure. Please note that the Welcome Hub in Northern Ireland is now hosted by The Executive Office, which is part of the Northern Ireland Executive.

Welcome Hubs play an integral role in the delivery of the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme, coordinating the welcome of BN(O) status holders into their new communities with local authorities and other delivery partners. The Welcome Hubs are providing a range of support based on the needs of BN(O) status holders in each area. This may include:

  • working closely with partners to share resources, review requests for support and, where appropriate, assisting with joint commissioning between areas. This includes working with VCSE organisations that are funded as part of the Welcome Programme.
  • commissioning support for those on the BN(O) route where they have identified a need for support that is not being met
  • communicating and raising awareness of the Department’s wider BN(O) Welcome Programme throughout regional networks
  • providing constructive feedback to the Department on issues and challenges that cannot be resolved locally
  • acting as a critical friend to the Department facilitating continuous improvement in community cohesion and support for local areas
  • capturing and sharing aggregated data and intelligence with MHCLG, supporting the Department’s work to better understand the volume, destination and needs of BN(O) status holders
  • acting as a conduit for the sharing of information and evidence between central government, Devolved Governments, local authorities, local partners and the existing SMP network, including regular reporting on the volumes, location, characteristics and needs of BN(O) status holders encountered by their Welcome Hub

Where can I find more information on the Welcome Hubs?

All Welcome Hubs have websites with information on how BN(O) status holders can access support in their regions. These are as follows:

Location Website
East Midlands
East of England

North East
North West
Northern Ireland
South East
South West
West Midlands Website TBC
Yorkshire & Humber

Why have you changed the funding distribution for the Welcome Hubs?

The funding distribution for the Welcome Hubs is based on location data from the survey that was funded by the Welcome Programme in 2023. The Hubs have been funded on this basis since July 2023.

Why are you only funding the Welcome Hubs for 8 months?

The Welcome Hub funding agreements have run from July for 12 months since the start of the Welcome Programme. We have decided to align the agreements with financial years to ease the administrative burden on the Strategic Migration Partnerships (SMPs). We are also taking the opportunity to combine MHCLG funding to the SMPs for Welcome Hubs with the work local authorities do to support Ukrainians.

Local authorities work closely with the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, what support is available for these organisations and how do they support the BN(O) community?

As part of the fifth year of the BN(O) Welcome Programme we will be extending our mental health and wellbeing project delivered by Barnardo’s for a further 6 months (until September 2025). See details of the project.  

We are also extending funding for On Your Side, the hate crime reporting and support service for BN(O)s and East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities in the UK for financial year 2025-26.

BN(O) arrivals

Do we know where BN(O) status holders settle when they arrive?

We know that existing Hong Kong communities are spread across the UK, with bigger communities in larger cities.

A survey undertaken in 2023 by the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers, funded by MHCLG and the Home Office, has given us a good understanding of the location of BN(O) status holders across the UK. 

Approximately 1 in 5 BN(O) status holders lives in the North West (20%), South East (19%) and London (18%) – with the West Midlands (12%) and East Midlands (8%) also home to large populations. Other regions have their own populations, such as East of England (6%), the South West (5%), Yorkshire and the Humber (5%), Scotland (4%), and Wales, North East and Northern Ireland (c.1% each).

The Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme is designed to provide support to local areas to manage a range of numbers of arrivals.

Policy specific issues

English language (England only)

English language is an important part of successful integration, what support is available for BN(O) status holders and their family members who can’t speak English or require classes?

Guidance issued to local authorities sets out how local authorities can claim for the costs of providing support with English language for BN(O) status holders and their family members who need it.

Can BN(O) status holders access the Adult Skills Fund (ASF)?

BN(O) status holders and their family members aged 19 and over can access further education training, including English language courses funded through the Adult Skills Fund – formerly the Adult Education Budget (AEB) once they meet the published residency criteria, including the 3 year ordinary residency requirement. Education and training will either be fully funded or co-funded depending on the individual’s age, prior attainment, and employment circumstances.

Many of those on the BN(O) route will have now satisfied the 3 year residency criteria, giving them eligibility for ASF support (subject to employment and earnings thresholds) and access to a broader range of learning opportunities. 

Please be aware the ASF funding rules can vary by region. For example, those BN(O) status holders who live in the Greater London area are eligible for ASF provision. A 3 year residency waiver, introduced in November 2022, enables BN(O) status holders’ resident in London who have leave to remain in the UK in the long term (for 12 months or more) to register for ASF funded learning opportunities on arrival in London.

Can the £850 per person funding be used together with ASF?

The £850 per person and the ASF must be used independently, with no overlap in how they are applied. This avoids double funding for the same learner or course, ensuring public funds are used efficiently.

Can the £850 funding be used to pay for ASF courses?

The £850 funding cannot be used to pay for courses that are already fully funded through the ASF. This ensures that public funds are not duplicated, maximising their reach and effectiveness by targeting distinct needs.

How will the residency limit affect BN(O) status holders who have met the 3 year residency limit and have already started or are partway through an English language course funded via the £850 per person fund?

Where this is the case, the BN(O) status holder will be allowed to complete courses, and local authorities can reclaim costs incurred up to the limit.  

If a BN(O) status holder reaches the 3 year residency limit and has yet to start on a course, the local authority will not be able to use the £850 funding to cover the cost of a course. 

Further examples are provided in the funding guidance which local authorities can request by emailing:

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

Why do you impose NRPF conditions on migrant visa routes?

It is a well-established principle that migrants coming to the UK should be able to maintain and support themselves and their families without recourse to public funds.

These restrictions are an important plank of immigration policy designed to assure the public that controlled immigration brings real benefits to the UK, rather than costs to the public purse.

Are BN(O) status holders subject to the NRPF condition?

Those on the BN(O) route have a ‘no recourse to public funds’ (NRPF) condition attached to their leave. This means they are not able to access benefits and services classed as public funds which are set out in section 115 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 and at paragraph 6 of the Immigration Rules. They do, however, have permission to work and study. Those on the BN(O) route are entitled to access a state funded school for their children if they live in the UK.

Those on the BN(O) route can apply for a Change of Conditions to have their NRPF condition lifted in the case of destitution or where there is a risk of imminent destitution, a risk to the welfare of a child or if the applicant is experiencing exceptional financial circumstances.

Applicants can apply for a Change of Conditions if:

  • the applicant’s financial circumstances have changed since being given permission to stay in the UK and they are no longer able to provide food or housing for themselves or their family
  • the applicant’s child is at risk because of their very low income

The NRPF restriction does not stop BN(O) status holders being supported by charities. BN(O) status holders should contact their local authority if they are destitute, or at risk of destitution, as they may still be able to access some support. English language support is not included in NRPF restrictions.

Local authorities that provide support to BN(O) status holders and their families who are destitute or at risk of destitution can access MHCLG’s targeted support funding.

It should be noted that where a person on the BN(O) route successfully applies for a Change of Conditions, this will not impact their ability to qualify for settlement on the BN(O) route after 5 years living in the UK.

What is considered destitution in relation to the lifting of NRPF?

In line with other immigration routes across the system that allow for a change of conditions, a person is considered destitute if:

  • they do not have adequate accommodation or any means of obtaining it (whether or not their other essential living needs are met)
  • they have adequate accommodation or the means of obtaining it but cannot meet their other essential living needs

They are at risk of destitution if either or both of the above are imminent.

What is the process for BN(O) status holders who need to apply for a Change of Condition?

Applicants who wish to can apply for a Change of Condition.

Can BN(O) status holders apply for destitution support whilst their application to lift NRPF condition is being assessed?

Whilst the Change of Condition application is being assessed by the Home Office, BN(O) status holders can apply for support from their local authority in the interim period. This can be accessed via the Welcome Programme: Welcome: a guide for Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders in the UK.

Can BN(O) status holders apply for destitution support if their application is rejected?

The local authority targeted element of the programme is available to help individuals on the BN(O) route settle into life in the UK. Further information can be found at Welcome: a guide for Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders in the UK.

Why can those on the BN(O) route apply to lift this condition when this is not necessarily available to other migrants?

The BN(O) route reflects the UK’s historic and moral commitment to those people of Hong Kong who chose to retain their ties to the UK by taking up BN(O) status at the point of Hong Kong’s handover to China in 1997.

This route was set up following China’s passing of the National Security Law. This new law significantly impacts the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong. Since the situation that BN(O) status holders find themselves in has changed, it is right that their rights and entitlements in the UK change too.

This route will not set a precedent. It is a proportionate response to the situation which has arisen, in order to offer a choice that affords long-term safety and stability for these individuals and their families.

If there is a delay between BN(O) status holders applying to have the NRPF condition lifted, and the application being granted, who will support them?

Local authorities that provide support to BN(O) status holders and their families who are destitute or at risk of destitution can access MHCLG’s targeted support funding.

Proof of status

How can those on the BN(O) route prove their immigration status?

Once a BN(O) visa has been granted, depending on how the application was made, the BN(O) status holder will be able to view immigration status information which provides a secure record and proof of their immigration status. This is held digitally by the Home Office.

Those who gave their biometric information at a visa application centre may receive a sticker (called a ‘vignette’) that goes in their passport and once they are in the UK, they can access their eVisa account by creating a UKVI account.

If the BN(O) status holder applied for the BN(O) route online using the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to scan their BNO, HKSAR or EEA passport, they will not receive a vignette. Instead, they will receive a digital immigration status which they will be able to view online. The BN(O) status holder can also use the View and prove your immigration status online service to share their immigration status information with others, for example, employers or universities.

The online status will show:

  • name, date and place of birth
  • immigration status and any conditions of on the status holder’s stay
  • dates the visa is valid (start date and end date)

Do BN(O) status holders need a National Insurance number to start work?

Those on the BN(O) route can look for and start work without a National Insurance number if they can prove they can work in the UK.

BN(O) status holders and their family members can go online at Prove your right to work to an employer which allows them to authorise an employer to access data to prove they have the right to work in the UK.

Employers are required to conduct mandatory Right to Work checks on all prospective employees. Having a National Insurance number is not part of these checks, and the possession of a National Insurance number does not prove that an individual has a right to work.

How can those on the BN(O) route prove their right to work?

Employers, landlords in England, or other organisations, may need to check your immigration status, for example, to check whether you are allowed to work, rent somewhere to live or access public services.

Once you have accessed your eVisa, you can use the ‘view and prove’ service using your UKVI account sign in details to share relevant information about your immigration status.

You will need to make sure that you select the correct reason for sharing your information, so that the appropriate share code is generated. Once you generate your share code, you can pass it on to the person you want to share your status information with. The share code will give that person time limited access to the relevant information. You will also need to give them your date of birth so they can prove they have your permission to check your information.

When accessing services provided by UK government departments and other public authorities, like benefits and healthcare, we will increasingly make the relevant information about your immigration status available automatically. For more information go to Living in the UK: applying from within the UK

Housing (England only)

Some local areas already have difficulties with housing supply, are local authorities expected to provide accommodation to BN(O) status holders?

BN(O) status holders and their adult children are expected to be self-sufficient and contribute to UK society.

To be eligible for the BN(O) route, applicants must prove they are able to maintain themselves and their families in the UK for 6 months, and in every case, an initial grant of leave will have no recourse to public funds. BN(O) status holders can apply for settled status after 5 years continuous residence in the UK but in the meantime, they are not eligible to access most public funds unless they have applied for a Change of Conditions. See section No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF).

Local authorities may be expected to provide some form of support in managing tenancies, assessing any eligibility for local deposit schemes and understanding rights and entitlements to housing and welfare support, where that may be appropriate. The targeted support funding factors in the potential impacts on homelessness, housing and translation services demands.

Will those on the BN(O) route who have successfully applied to have the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) condition lifted have access to social housing?

The Housing Act 1996 provides that a local housing authority shall not allocate housing to persons from abroad who are not eligible (section 160ZA(1)(a)). 

There are two types of persons from abroad for these purposes:

  • persons who are subject to immigration control who will not be eligible for an allocation of housing accommodation (social housing) unless they come within a class of person prescribed in regulations made by the Secretary of State (section 160ZA(2) of the 1996 Act)
  • other persons from abroad who will be eligible for an allocation of social housing unless they come within a class of person prescribed as ineligible by virtue of regulations made by the Secretary of State under section 160ZA(4)

In June 2021, regulations came into force to ensure that people from Hong Kong who are on the BN(O) route and have their no recourse to public funds condition lifted due to destitution are also eligible for social housing and homelessness assistance.


The BN(O) route does not require BN(O) status holders to secure a job offer prior to arriving in the UK – does that mean local authorities are expected to support their access to employment?

We know that those on the BN(O) route want to find and secure jobs as soon as they arrive. This guarantees an income and also provides opportunities to integrate into their new communities.

There are many benefits of enabling new migrant arrivals to access employment at their appropriate skill level relatively soon after arrival in the UK, both for their own wellbeing and for the wider community.

Employment support can assist in understanding and navigating the UK job market, transferring existing skills and qualifications, and identifying relevant training and study options.

Where can BN(O)s access employability support?

Welcome Hubs provide a wide spectrum of activities to support BN(O) status holder and can use their funding to support employability where it is a priority for local BN(O) communities.

Education (England only)

What are you doing about school places?

The children of BN(O) status holders from Hong Kong who settle in the UK have a right to attend school in the UK. Local authorities hold the statutory duty to provide sufficient school places.

Any BN(O) status holders who already live in the UK or who move to live in the UK under the BN(O) route can apply for a school place for their children. Schools are not permitted to refuse any children a place on the grounds of their nationality or immigration status.

The Department for Education’s Pupil Place Planning (PPP) advisors have integrated conversations on planning for BN(O) status holders as part of their routine engagement on sufficiency. Pupil planning advisors can be contacted at:

How can BN(O) families apply for a school place?

Information for BN(O) parents on how to apply for a school place can be found in the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Pack.

What about pre-school aged children?

Information for BN(O) parents on childcare can be found in the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Pack.

Do BN(O) status holders and their family members benefitting from this route have to pay international student fees for higher education?

BN(O) status holders are classified as international students until they complete their pathway to settlement.

To qualify for home fee status in the UK, a person must have settled status or a recognised connection to the UK. There are also requirements associated with ordinary residence in the UK.

Subject to meeting the normal eligibility requirements, BN(O) status holders will be able to qualify for home fee status once they have acquired settled status in the UK. This also applies to any dependants.

Generally, in order to qualify for home fee status and student finance for higher education purposes, a person would need to be settled in the UK and have 3 years ordinary (lawful) residence prior to the first day of their course. For BN(O)s, this means they would need to qualify for settled status (usually after 5 years residence under the Immigration rules) before being eligible to access home fee status and student finance. This is the case for the majority of persons who are on a 5 year route to settlement.

What advice is there on comparability of qualifications obtained in Hong Kong?

Information on comparability of qualifications can be found in the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Pack.

Health care

Do BN(O) status holders have access to health care?

Those on the BN(O) route have access to healthcare free at the point of use on broadly the same basis as British residents, once they have paid the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) and their application has been granted.


We have highlighted resources below that local authorities may find helpful when considering their integration plans. Further resources will be added over time:

Updates to this page

Published 8 April 2021
Last updated 20 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Updated guidance.

  2. Updated to reflect that the Home Office are replacing physical immigration documents with an eVisa.

  3. Government announces a fourth year of support to help Hong Kongers settle into life in the UK.

  4. Updated information for local authorities.

  5. Updated to reflect issue of guidance on targeted support for ESOL and destitution to local authorities, publication of prospectuses on VCSE funds and general updates on welcome programme.

  6. First published.

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