How to do business with Magnox Ltd
How to find and apply for opportunities at Magnox.
Magnox’s work can only be achieved through strong partnership with the supply chain.
Our suppliers form an integral part of the Magnox team which is committed to delivering a diverse and challenging programme of work across 12 sites in the UK. With each site at a different stage in its lifecycle, the requirements range from conventional services such as scaffolding and demolition, to the more specialist areas of waste retrieval and decommissioning.
Procurement pledge
Magnox has signed up to the government’s pledge which lays out a number of initiatives that are designed to improve the way business is conducted with the private sector.
Finding contract opportunities
Magnox does not operate a preferred supplier list. We use an approach based on the value of the contract, and whether a public-sector framework already exists that can be used. Where existing frameworks cannot be used contract opportunities are awarded through open competition in line with the general European Treaty principles of non-discrimination, equal treatment and transparency, in order to ensure we provide value for money to the tax payer.
The Magnox Procurement Plan details procurement opportunities at the Magnox sites over the next 12 months. Published monthly, the detail contained in the plan is subject to review and change to meet the needs of the business. If you have any queries regarding procurement opportunities and/or contracts that have been awarded, please contact the named point of contact in the plan.
There may be opportunities to work with our suppliers to support our delivery, The procurement plan includes the names of suppliers who are currently tendering for opportunities and the name of suppliers where work has been awarded within the previous three months. In addition some opportunities with Tier 2 suppliers are listed in Contracts Finder.
Find an opportunity with Magnox
There are different ways to access contract opportunities with Magnox:
- Framework Contracts awarded by Crown Commercial Services
Magnox procures contracts through frameworks awarded by Crown Commercial Services (CCS) or other procurement hubs which can be used by the wider public sector.
- Complete Tender Management (CTM) & Atamis
From 8th August 2022, procurement opportunities will be sourced via the new Source to Contract system, Atamis 3.0. To register and access the OneNDA eCommercial System and Supplier Portal please visit We recommend that all suppliers promptly register on this system to avoid missing any future opportunities.
Procurement activities that have commenced in the Complete Tender Management (CTM) system prior to the 8th August will continue in this system until they reach a procurement stage boundary (either after downselection if the procurement is a multi-stage process, or after contract award) and will then transition to the new Atamis system.
- Contracts Finder & Find a Tender service
Procurements over the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) financial thresholds are also automatically advertised on the government’s Contracts Finder portal and can be found on the UK Government’s Find a Tender website.
Invoices and payments
We operate a strict “no purchase order, no pay” policy. All invoices will need a Purchase Order reference. Your procurement contact should be able to supply this if you do not already have it.
Payment Performance Report
We publish payment performance reports on a six-monthly basis. The figures included in the report highlight our promptness in paying our suppliers and are expressed in percentage of payments made within 30 days and payments made over 30 days.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct provides the living framework that embodies our values and ethics. The ways in which we deliver are as important to Magnox as what we deliver. Doing the right thing, in the right way, must be at the heart of our approach to all our work.
By thinking, working, and behaving in the manner outlined in this Code, we can all contribute to our shared safety and success.
Please take the time to read the information in this guide.
Magnox Supplier Code of Conduct
Contacting us
If your business has processes or engineering technologies that could support Magnox’s work at any of our 12 sites, please contact our supply team. The team can also answer questions, enquiries or issues about working with Magnox.
Contact our supply chain team:
Modern slavery and human trafficking
You can magnox’s statement on modern slavery and human trafficking here.
You can also contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on Tel: 08000 121 700 or online at: The helpline provides information and advice about modern slavery, a 24-hour telephone reporting line and an online reporting function through the website.
Updates to this page
We have added the Magnox Supplier Code of Conduct
Changes in Complete Tender Management (CTM) and Contract Finder.
We have added a link to our modern slavery and human trafficking statement
We have added a link to our supply chain webinar information.
We have updated the information on this page to reflect current procurement practices.
New version of procurement plan added.
An updated version of the Magnox Procurement Plan has been added.
First published.