
HS2 Woodland Fund (currently closed)

A closed grant for creating native woodland or restoring plantations on ancient woodland sites near to the HS2 route.

Applies to England

The HS2 Woodland Fund is now closed for applications.

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The HS2 Woodland Fund (HS2WF) opened on a ‘first come, first served’ basis in February 2018, with an initial budget of £1 million. In 2023 a further £4 million budget was made available for projects until 2024-2025.

The HS2 Woodland Fund offers funding for either:

  • restoring existing Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) within a 25-mile zone surrounding the HS2 Phase One route
  • woodland creation: delivered through the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)

See the HS2WF map (PDF, 239 KB, 1 page) for details of the HS2 Phase One route between London and the West Midlands.

Woodland creation applications (via EWCO)

HS2 funding for woodland creation is delivered through the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO).

Applications to EWCO within the 25-mile zone of the HS2 Phase One route will be identified and administered by the Forestry Commission.

Applications for planting native woodland will be earmarked to receive funding from HS2 Ltd. HS2 Ltd will cover the costs of all capital items for tree planting and maintenance works, whilst EWCO will fund any additional contributions, such as payments for nature recovery, riparian buffering and flood risk reduction. Applicants will be notified through their EWCO agreement offer and will have the option to opt out of receiving funding from HS2 Ltd if desired.

Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS)

The HS2 Woodland Fund is open year-round, but PAWS restoration applications are assessed 4 times per year. View the assessment deadlines for PAWs applications 2023/24.

Applications received in each application cycle will be ranked based on their score and will be provisionally allocated funding based on budget availability. Where there is sufficient budget to fund all applications received in each application cycle all eligible applications will progress.

Find out if you’re eligible

For full eligibility criteria, read the HS2 Woodland Fund grant manual.

Woodland creation

Your land should be inside the 25-mile zone surrounding the HS2 Phase One route and you need to be planting native woodland via the Nature Recovery Additional Contribution.

Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) restoration

Your land should be inside the 25-mile zone surrounding the HS2 Phase One route. If your land falls just outside this zone but you make a proposal of outstanding quality, you may be considered for funding at the discretion of the Forestry Commission and the HS2 Woodland Fund Review Panel.

When applying for PAWS restoration, you must have a Woodland Management Plan approved in principle by the Forestry Commission, and no grant offer will be made until a Woodland Management Plan and all associated felling licences have been formally approved by the Forestry Commission.

Biosecure procurement requirement

The Biosecure Procurement Requirement Pilot has been extended to include the HS2 Woodland Fund to address risks to our biosecurity.

Applicants for the HS2 Woodland Fund must commit to sourcing their trees from suppliers who are either certified under the Plant Healthy Certification Scheme (or have applied to become certified) or who have passed a Ready to Plant assessment provided by Fera Science Ltd.

Further information is available in the grant manual.

Failure to adhere to this procurement requirement may result in a reduction in the payment of your claim.

This requirement helps to:

  • combat the threats posed by pests and diseases
  • strengthen our biosecurity
  • serve our long-term vision for our trees and woodlands

Read Biosecure Procurement Requirement Pilot for plants and trees for more information and support on how to comply.

How it works

Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) restoration

The HS2 Woodland Fund is open year-round but PAWS restoration applications are assessed 4 times per year.

You will have 1 planting season available to complete your project.

It takes up to 5 months from receiving a valid and complete application to an agreement being offered.

A UKFS-compliant Woodland Management Plan (WMP) must be in place before an agreement is offered. The WMP must be approved in principle by a Forestry Commission Woodland Officer before the application is submitted.

All felling permissions must be in place before an agreement is offered.

The application process for PAWS restoration also includes a Woodland Condition Assessment. You can find the form and guidance on the Woodland Wildlife Toolkit webpages. This assessment, which involves a walking survey through your wood, will give an overview of the condition of your wood’s habitats and will identify any issues you may need to address as part of your HS2WF PAWS restoration application.

A full list of available capital items, including payment rates and specifications, can be found in the grant manual.

You must have a signed agreement in place before you start work. Read the HS2 Woodland Fund: terms and conditions.

How to apply for HS2WF PAWS restoration

The HS2 Woodland Fund is now closed for applications.

To apply for a grant under HS2WF PAWS restoration you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Find out if you’re eligible by reading the grant manual and terms and conditions, you can get advice from your local Woodland Officer.

  2. Prepare a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant WMP, this must be in place before an agreement is offered. The WMP must have been approved in principle by the Woodland Officer before the application is submitted. You will also need to secure a felling licence.

  3. Complete the application form, annex and Woodland Condition Assessment, submit this, with supporting information and maps to noting the quarterly application deadlines.

  4. Once your agreement is approved and you have completed the work, submit your claim for payment by 31 March in the year that the planting work is scheduled to be completed (as set out in the agreement document).

Application deadlines

The HS2 Woodland Fund is closed and not accepting new applications.

Our review panel meet to review PAWS restoration applications, and provisionally allocate funding, around 3 weeks after each application deadline.

Applications to EWCO for Woodland creation will not undergo a panel review.

We aim to let you know whether a Woodland Officer will be assigned to your proposal within 1 month of the application deadline.

You can appoint an agent to apply for funding on your behalf.

You need to complete a Forestry Commission agent authority form to give your consent.

Case study on HS2 funded woodland restoration

Read about Sir Edward Dashwood’s experience of applying to the HS2 Woodland Fund: HS2 woodland restoration case study.


You can appeal against a Forestry Commission decision.

Contact the Forestry Commission

Contact the HS2WF team for more information about the fund at

You can also contact your local Woodland Officer who can provide guidance and answer any initial questions about the PAWS restoration process.

Updates to this page

Published 9 July 2018
Last updated 25 October 2024 show all updates
  1. Added a note to confirm the fund is now closed.

  2. Added deadline to PAWS restoration application deadlines table.

  3. Addition of biosecure procurement requirement information.

  4. Update for a new application round and changes to the grant.

  5. 'HS2 Woodland Fund: terms and conditions' document updated.

  6. Sheep netting added to the capital items list available for funding through the Grant.

  7. Updated the deadline dates so that they now show the deadlines for 2022/23.

  8. Edited payment rates for capital items: leaky woody dams 1-3m and leaky woody dams 3-5m.

  9. Updating the application deadlines for 2021-22.

  10. The 'HS2 Woodland Fund: terms and conditions' have been updated.

  11. The application deadlines for 2020/21 have been updated.

  12. The Forestry Commission recommends applicants incorporate advice from the 'Managing England’s woodlands in a climate emergency' guidance into their HS2 Woodland Fund applications. This information has been added to this page.

  13. The page has been updated with information on the HS2 Woodland Fund 2020.

  14. The following have been updated: - The thresholds criteria table - Information about the woodland condition survey

  15. Information about eligibility for the HS2 Woodland Fund has been updated under the 'Find out if you’re eligible' section.

  16. This page has been updated with information on the HS2 Woodland Fund 2019, which opened today.

  17. Update to reopen scheme for 2019. Inclusion of example maps.

  18. First published.

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