Identifying gaps in the broadband market
BDUK wants to make best use of public funding and invest where commercial broadband suppliers would not otherwise go.
In order to identify the gaps in the market, we carry out a review of existing broadband coverage and invite telecommunications providers, and other stakeholders to contribute to this to help define the intervention area where government subsidised investment would be most valuable.

Open Market Reviews (OMRs)
The first stage of the process is an Open Market Review (OMR). BDUK and its local authority partners ask broadband network builders about their existing or planned commercial gigabit-capable broadband in hard-to-reach areas identified for potential government subsidy.
A separate OMR will be launched for each potential government subsidy area known as a ‘Lot’ which could incorporate part or all of one or more local authority areas. Each OMR takes place over a specified time period and will either originate or be replicated on the corresponding county council’s broadband web pages. These reviews are not open to the public. All current and closed Open Market Reviews can be found on the Project Gigabit Programme: Open market reviews page.
Public Reviews (PRs)
Once an OMR has closed and the data from it evaluated, BDUK will seek views from the public and other stakeholders about the existing and planned commercial gigabit-capable broadband coverage identified from the OMR through a Public Review (PR). BDUK will also seek confirmation from the broadband network builders in the area, either through an update to their original OMR submission, or if they did not respond to the OMR, by providing a further opportunity for them to contribute information at this stage. This is to ensure the gaps in coverage that the OMR identified are correct so that BDUK can confidently use them to shape an intervention area for a potential government subsidised infrastructure delivery contract.
A separate PR will be launched for each potential government subsidy area known as a ‘Lot’ which could incorporate part or all of one or more local authority areas. Each PR will take place over a specified time period and will be replicated on the corresponding county council’s broadband web pages. All areas currently open for public review can be found on the UK Gigabit Programme: public reviews page.