If your application for an SIA licence is successful
What happens once we have granted you an SIA licence.
Licence granted letter
If your licence application is successful, we will send you a ‘licence granted’ letter in the post. You will also be able to see the letter in your SIA online account.
If you applied for a non-front line licence or a front line key holder licence, this letter will be your proof that you are licensed.
Front line licence photocard
If you applied for any type of front line licence except a key holder licence, we will send you a licence photocard as well as the ‘licence granted’ letter. You should get this within 14 days of us granting your licence.
If we have granted you a licence, you can start to work in that sector immediately. You can do this even if you do not yet have the photocard. You must carry your ‘licence granted’ letter and a photo ID (such as a passport or driving licence) until you get your photocard. This is so you can prove that you have a licence if someone checks whether you are working legally. This could be an employer, the police, a local authority licensing officer, or one of our investigators.
If your licence photocard is lost, stolen or damaged
You should log into your SIA online account and request a replacement. Your replacement licence card will have a different licence number.
Requesting a replacement SIA licence card (video)
Register of licence holders
We will add your name and licence details to the register of licence holders, which is available to the public.
Licence conditions
As an SIA licence holder, you must follow the conditions for holding an SIA licence.
Your SIA online account
We will use your SIA online account to contact you about your licence, so it is important that you keep your account details up to date.
Updates to this page
Removed this line 'We do not usually charge for replacing a licence, although we may do so if we get several requests from you.'
Added a new sub-section 'Your SIA online account' with a link to video guidance 'Keeping your SIA online account up to date'.
Added sub-headings to make the page easier to follow. Also added a link to the 'Requesting a replacement SIA licence card' video.
First published.