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Immigration Rules Appendix A: attributes

Points needed for attributes for applicants in Tiers 1, 2, and 5 of the points-based system.

Attributes for Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Migrants

  1. 1. DELETED
  2. 2. DELETED.
  3. 3. DELETED

Table 1 - DELETED

Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Limit

  1. 4. DELETED
  2. 5. DELETED
  3. 6. DELETED

Money earned in the UK

  1. 6A. DELETED

Attributes for Tier 1 (General) Migrants

  1. 7. DELETED
  2. 8. DELETED
  3. 9. DELETED
  4. 10. DELETED
  5. 11. DELETED

Table 2- DELETED

Table 3 - DELETED

  1. 12. DELETED
  1. 13. DELETED
  2. 14. DELETED
  3. 14-SD. DELETED
  1. 15. DELETED
  2. 16. DELETED
  3. 17. DELETED
  1. 18. DELETED
  1. 19. DELETED
  1. 19-SD. DELETED
  1. 20. DELETED
  2. 21. DELETED
  1. 21-SD. DELETED
  1. 22. DELETED
  1. 23. DELETED
  1. 24. DELETED
  2. 25. DELETED
  1. 26. DELETED
  1. 27. DELETED
  2. 28. DELETED
  1. 29. DELETED
  2. 30. DELETED
  1. 31. DELETED
  2. 32. DELETED
  1. 33. DELETED
  2. 34. DELETED
  3. 34-SD. DELETED

Attributes for Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrants

  1. 35. An applicant applying for entry clearance, leave to remain or indefinite leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant must score 75 points for attributes.
  2. 36. Available points are shown in Table 4 for initial applications for applicants who have entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Migrant or a Start-up migrant, or have had such leave in the 12 months immediately before the date of application.
  1. 37. Available points are shown in Table 5 for extension applications for applicants who have entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, or have had such leave in the 12 months immediately before the date of application.
  1. 38. Available points for applications for indefinite leave to remain are shown in Table 6.


  1. 39. (a) In all cases, an applicant cannot score points from any of the following:
    1. (i) the same money being used to score points for maintenance funds for themselves or their dependants under Appendices C or E,
    2. (ii) money made available from a third party, where the third party is another Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, or that migrant’s business or close family member,
    3. (iii) money invested in their business more than 12 months (or 24 months if the applicant was previously granted leave as a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Migrant) before the date of the application which led to their first grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant,
    4. (iv) money invested in the form of a director’s loan unless it is unsecured and subordinated to other creditors’ loans to the business, or
    5. (v) investment in any residential accommodation, property development or property management, meaning:
      1. (1) any development of property owned by the applicant or their business to increase the value of the property with a view to earning a return either through rent or a future sale or both, or
      2. (2) management of property (whether or not it is owned by the applicant or their business) for the purposes of renting it out or resale.

For the avoidance of doubt, (v) requires that the business income is generated from the supply of goods and/or services, and not derived from the increased value of property or any income generated from property, such as rent.

  1. (b) Points will only be awarded for an applicant’s business if it is a UK business.
  2. (c) A business will be considered to be a UK business if the applicant provides the specified evidence in this Appendix to show that:
    1. (i) it is trading within the UK economy,
    2. (ii) it has its registered office in the UK, or, in the case of multinational companies with no UK registered office, its head office in the UK, except where the applicant is registered with HM Revenue & Customs as self-employed and does not have a business office,
    3. (iii) it has a UK bank account, and
    4. (iv) it is subject to UK taxation.
  3. (d) Points will not be awarded for being the director of a UK business or member of a UK partnership if the applicant is on Companies House’s list of disqualified directors.
  4. (e) Where evidence from an accountant is required, it will only be accepted if the accountant:
    1. (i) is not the applicant,
    2. (ii) has prepared and signed off the accounts in accordance with all relevant statutory requirements,
    3. (iii) has a valid licence to practice or practising certificate, and
    4. (iv) is a member of at least one of the following:
      1. (1) the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales,
      2. (2) the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland,
      3. (3) the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland,
      4. (4) the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,
      5. (5) the Association of Authorised Public Accountants,
      6. (6) the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy,
      7. (7) the Institute of Financial Accountants,
      8. (8) the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants,
      9. (9) the Association of International Accountants, or
      10. (10) the Association of Accounting Technicians.
  5. (f) Where personal or business bank statements are required:
    1. (i) The bank or building society must be based in the UK and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).
    2. (ii) Each statement must be on the institution’s official stationery showing the institution’s name and logo, and confirm the applicant’s name (and, where relevant, the applicant’s entrepreneurial team partner’s name), the account number and the date of the statement.
    3. (iii) Each statement must have been issued by an authorised official of that institution.
    4. (iv) If the statements are printouts of electronic statements, they must either be accompanied by a supporting letter from the institution, on its headed paper, confirming the authenticity of the statements, or bear the official stamp of the institution on each page of the statement.
  6. (g) Further notes to accompany Table 4 appear below Table 4.
  7. (h) Further notes to accompany Tables 5 and 6 appear below Table 6.

Table 4: Initial applications as referred to in paragraph 36

Row Investment and business activity Points
1 At least £50,000 is available to the applicant or their business, or has been invested in their business due to their activity, 25
2 The money is held in one or more financial institutions, which are regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which they operate. 25
3 The money is disposable in the UK.
If the applicant is applying for leave to remain, the money must be held in the UK.

Available money: notes

  1. 40. (a) Available money must be cash, not Individual Savings Accounts or other assets such as stocks and shares.
    1. (b) Where multiple documents are provided, they must show the total amount required is available on the same date.
    2. (c) The money must either be held in a UK regulated financial institution or be transferable to the UK and convertible to sterling.
    3. (d) If the money is available to the applicant’s business, rather than to the applicant themselves, the business must be a company or partnership and the applicant must be registered as a director, in the case of a company, or member, in the case of a partnership.
    4. (e) The money must remain available to the applicant or their business until it is spent for the purposes of the applicant’s business(es). The Secretary of State reserves the right to request further evidence or otherwise verify that the money will remain available, and to refuse the application if this evidence is not provided or cannot be satisfactorily verified.
    5. (f) DELETED
    6. (g) Money is disposable in the UK if all of the money is held in a UK based financial institution and free from sanctions or if the money is freely transferable to the UK and convertible to sterling. Funds in a foreign currency will be converted to pounds sterling (£) using the exchange rate specified in FIN 1.1, FIN 1.2. or FIN 1.3.
    7. (h) No points will be awarded unless the money is held in a financial institution permitted under Appendix Finance.

Available money: specified documents

  1. 41. (a) If all or part of the money has not yet been invested in the applicant’s business, the applicant must provide all of the specified documents set out in the relevant row of Table 4A below. If the applicant is claiming points for available money from more than one source, the applicant must provide the specified documents for each row which applies.

Table 4A: Specified documents showing available money

Row Available money Specified documents (see descriptions below table)
1 Money available from a seed funding competition or a UK or Devolved Government Department, as set out in Table 4 (i)
2 Money available from a third party, other than those in row 1 above, where the money is still held by the third party All of (vi)-(viii)
3 Money held by the applicant for less than 90 consecutive days, ending no earlier than 31 days before the date of application, where the source of that money is other than those in row 1 above. (vi) and (vii), and, either (ix) or (x) as appropriate
4 Money held by the applicant for at least 90 consecutive days, ending no earlier than 31 days before the date of application Either (ix) or (x) as appropriate
  1. Specified documents:
    1. (i) A letter confirming the amount of money available to the applicant, the entrepreneurial team or the applicant’s business from the seed funding competition or a UK or Devolved Government Department. The letter must be from an authorised official of that organisation or, in the case of a UK or Devolved Government Department, a letter from an authorised official of an intermediary public body providing it confirms that it has been authorised to award funds from that Department for the specific purpose of establishing or expanding UK businesses.
    2. (ii) DELETED
    3. (iii) DELETED
    4. (iv) DELETED
    5. (v) DELETED
    6. (vi) A written declaration from each third party that they have made the money available to invest in the applicant’s business in the UK, containing:
      1. (1) the names of the third party and the applicant (and their entrepreneurial team partner’s name where relevant), or the name of the applicant’s business,
      2. (2) the date of the declaration,
      3. (3) the applicant’s signature and the signature of the third party (and the signature of the applicant’s entrepreneurial team partner where relevant),
      4. (4) the amount of money available in pounds sterling,
      5. (5) the relationship(s) of the third party to the applicant,
      6. (6) if the third party is another business in which the applicant is self-employed or a director, evidence of the applicant’s status within that business and that the applicant is the sole controller of that business’s finances, or, where the applicant is not the sole controller, the letter must be signed by another authorised official of that business who is not the applicant, and
      7. (7) confirmation that the money will remain available until such time as it is transferred to the applicant, the entrepreneurial team or the applicant’s business.
    7. (vii) A letter (or letters) from one or more legal representatives, who are not the applicant or the third party, which confirm(s) that all letters and declarations in (ii)-(vi) and (viii) (where required) contain the genuine signatures of the required signatories. The letter(s) must clearly show the registration or authority of the legal representative to practise legally in the country where the third party or the money is.
    8. (viii) A letter from each financial institution holding the funds, issued by an authorised official of that institution, confirming in each case the amount of money that the third party intends to make available, and that the institution is not aware of the third party having promised to make that money available to any other person available.
    9. (ix) For money held outside the UK, a letter from each financial institution holding the funds, issued by an authorised official of that institution, confirming the minimum balance available from the applicant’s own funds held in that institution on the date of the letter and, in the case as described in row 4 of Table 4A, during a consecutive 90-day period of time ending on the date of the letter.
    10. (x) For money held in the UK, recent personal bank or building society statements, with the most recent statement being dated no earlier than 31 days before the date of application, which taken altogether show that the relevant required sum of available money is held in the account(s) on the date of the most recent statement(s). In the case described in row 4 of Table 4A, the statements must show the sum has been held for a consecutive 90 day period of time immediately before the date of the statement.
  2. (b) Each letter referred to in (a)(i) and (vii)-(ix) above must:
    1. (1) DELETED
    2. (2) be on the organisation’s official headed paper,
    3. (3) be dated no earlier than three months (in the case of (i) and (vii)), or 31 days (in the case of (viii) and (ix)), immediately before the date of application,
    4. (4) state the applicant’s name, and their entrepreneurial team partner’s name where relevant, or the name of the applicant’s business,
    5. (5) include the contact details of the person or (where relevant) an official of the organisation issuing the letter
    6. (6) include (where relevant) the name of the third party providing the money, including their full address, postal code, telephone contact number and any email address,
    7. (7) in the case of (vii), include the number of the third party or their authorised representative’s identity document (such as a passport or national identity card), the place of issue and dates of issue and expiry.
    8. (8) in the case of (viii)-(ix), show the account number,
    9. (9) in the case of (viii)-(ix), confirm that the financial institution is regulated by the appropriate body and, if not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), that the money can be transferred into the UK.
  3. 42. If the money is available to the applicant’s business, rather than to the applicant themselves, the applicant must also provide a Companies House document showing the address of the business’s registered office in the UK, or head office in the UK if it has no registered office in the UK, and that the applicant is a director, in the case of a company, or member, in the case of a partnership.
  4. 43. If all or part of the money has been invested in the applicant’s business, the applicant must provide:
    1. (a) all of the specified documents required in paragraph 45 to show the amount of money invested, and
    2. (b) all of the specified documents required in paragraph 48 to show that the applicant has established a new UK business or joined or taken over an existing UK business, in which the money was invested.
  1. 44. DELETED

Table 5: Extension applications as referred to in paragraph 37

Row Investment, business activity and job creation Points
1 The applicant has invested or has caused investment to be made by one or more third parties, totalling at least £200,000 (or £50,000 if they were awarded points for £50,000 funding or investment in their last grant of leave) in cash directly into one or more UK businesses.

The applicant does not need to provide evidence of this investment if they were awarded points under Table 5 in their last grant of entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant.
2 The applicant has:

(a) registered with HM Revenue & Customs as self-employed, or

(b) registered with Companies House as a director of a UK company, or member of a UK partnership.
The applicant must have registered as above within 6 months of entering the UK (if they were most recently granted entry clearance and there is evidence to establish their date of entry) or, in any other case, within 6 months of the date on which the most recent leave was granted.
3 Within the three months before the date of application, the applicant was:

(a) registered with HM Revenue & Customs as self-employed, or

(b) registered with Companies House as a director of a UK company or member of a UK partnership.
4 The applicant has:

(a) established a new business or businesses that has or have created the equivalent of at least 2 new full time jobs for settled workers, or

(b) taken over or invested in an existing business or businesses and their services or investment have resulted in a net increase in the employment provided by the business or businesses for settled workers by creating the equivalent of at least 2 new full time jobs for settled workers.

The jobs must have existed for at least 12 months during the applicant’s most recent grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant or, where that leave was granted less than 12 months ago, for at least the 12 months immediately before the date of application.

Table 6: Applications for indefinite leave to remain as referred to in paragraph 38

Row Investment, business activity and job creation Points
1 The applicant has invested or has caused investment to be made by one or more third parties, totalling at least £200,000 (or £50,000 if they were awarded points for £50,000 funding or investment in their last grant of leave) in cash directly into one or more UK businesses.

The applicant does not need to provide evidence of this investment if they were last granted entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, having been awarded points under Table 5.
2 The applicant was:

(a) registered with HM Revenue & Customs as self-employed, or

(b) registered with Companies House as a director of a UK company or member of a UK partnership.

The above requirement must have been met:

(i) within 6 months of entering the UK (if they were most recently granted entry clearance and there is evidence to establish their date of entry) or, in any other case, within 6 months from the date the most recent leave was granted, and

(ii) within the three months before the date of application.

The applicant does not need to provide evidence of (i) if they were last granted entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, having been awarded points under Table 5.
3 The applicant has:

(a) established a new business or businesses that has or have created the equivalent of at least 2 new full time jobs for settled workers, or

(b) taken over or invested in an existing business or businesses and their services or investment have resulted in a net increase in the employment provided by the business or businesses for settled workers by creating the equivalent of at least 2 new full time jobs for settled workers.

The jobs must have existed for at least 12 months during the applicant’s most recent grant of leave or, where that leave was granted less than 12 months ago, for at least the 12 months immediately before the date of application. In respect of an applicant who was granted a COVID-19 related extension of leave, the applicant must have:

(i) created two jobs meeting the criteria in (a) or (b) for at least the 12-month period referred to above; and
(ii) created at least a further two jobs meeting the criteria in (a) or (b) that have been in existence for at least 12 months by the date of application (these jobs can be the same as (i) providing they meet the requirement of existing for at least a further 12 months).
4 (a) The applicant has spent a continuous period of 5 years lawfully in the UK with leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, or

(b) The applicant has spent a continuous period of 3 years lawfully in the UK as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, and has:

(i) created the equivalent of at least 10 (including the jobs already relied upon to score points under row 3) new full time jobs which meet the requirements in row 3 above, or

(ii) established a new UK business or businesses that has or have had a gross income from business activity of at least £5 million during the 3 year continuous period, or

(iii) taken over or invested in an existing UK business or businesses and the applicant’s services or investment have resulted in a net increase in gross income from business activity of £5 million during the 3 year continuous period, when compared to the 3 year period immediately before the date the applicant became involved with the business.

Investment: specified documents

  1. 45. The applicant must provide their business accounts and accompanying evidence of their investment, which must meet the following requirements:
    1. (a) if the applicant’s business is legally required to produce audited accounts, the audited accounts must be provided;
    2. (b) if the applicant’s business is not legally required to produce audited accounts, unaudited accounts and an accounts compilation report must be provided from an accountant;
    3. (c) the audited or unaudited accounts must show the investment in money made directly in the business by:
      1. (i) the applicant, in their own name,
      2. (ii) one or more seed funding competitions or UK or Devolved Government Departments, as set out in Table 4, and the accounts must be accompanied by a letter from the source, confirming that the investment was made on the applicant’s behalf, or
      3. (iii) a third party other than those in (ii), and the accounts must either:
        1. (1) confirm that the investment was made as a result of the applicant’s activity, or
        2. (2) be accompanied by a letter from the Department for International Trade, confirming that the investment was made as a result of the applicant’s activity;
    4. (d) if the applicant has made the investment in the form of a director’s loan:
      1. (i) it must be shown in the relevant set of accounts provided,
      2. (ii) unless the investment was made on or before 19 November 2015 and the date of application is before 19 November 2021, the investment must be shown through readily identifiable transactions in the applicant’s business bank statements, which must clearly show the transfer of this money from the applicant to their business, and
      3. (iii) the applicant must provide a legal agreement, between the applicant (in the name that appears on their application) and the business, showing:
        1. (1) the terms of the loan,
        2. (2) any interest that is payable,
        3. (3) the period of the loan, and
        4. (4) that the loan is unsecured and subordinated to other creditors’ loans to the business;
    5. (e) if the applicant has made the investment in the form of share capital, the accounts must show the shareholders, the amount and value of the shares (on the date of purchase) in the applicant’s name as it appears on their application. If the value of the applicant’s share capital is not shown in the accounts, then a printout of the company’s register of members from Companies House must be provided;
    6. (f) the accounts must clearly show the name of the accountant, the date the accounts were produced, and how much the applicant has invested in the business;
    7. (g) if the applicant is claiming points for investment from a venture capital firm, they must also provide a dated letter from the venture capital firm, on its headed paper, confirming:
      1. (i) the applicant’s name,
      2. (ii) the date(s) the money was transferred to the applicant or invested in their business
      3. (iii) that the venture capital firm was registered with the Financial Conduct Authority on the date(s) in (ii) above, and
      4. (iv) confirmation that the venture capital firm will verify the contents of the letter to the Home Office on request.
    8. (h) if the applicant is claiming points for investing £50,000 from one of the following sources, and has not been awarded points for those funds in a previous application, they must also provide the following documents:
      1. (i) if the source is a seed funding competition or a UK or devolved government department, the applicant must provide the specified evidence in Table 4A above as evidence of the source of the funds (except that the letter referred to in paragraph 41(a)(i) does not need to be dated within the three months immediately before the date of the application);
      2. (ii) if the source is a venture capital firm, the applicant must provide:
        1. (1) A letter from a director, partner or fund manager of the venture capital firm, which includes:
          1. (_a) confirmation of the amount of money that was made available to the applicant, the entrepreneurial team or the applicant’s business from the organisation,
          2. (_b) a statement providing detailed information on the strategy, structure and financial exposure of the fund,
          3. (_c) a statement detailing the rationale for the investment, providing specific information about the circumstances which led to the investment decision,
          4. (_d) a statement confirming that the business/proposed business is a genuine and credible proposition, and
          5. (_e) confirmation that the venture capital firm was, at the time the investment was made, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and its entry in the register included a permission to arrange, deal in or manage investments, or to manage alternative investment funds.
        2. (2) A copy of the completed term sheet for the investment, signed by all parties to the transaction, which must include details of the company valuation, company structure, founder and investor rights, the structure of funding and the type of security being taken.
        3. (3) A breakdown of the technical, legal, commercial and financial due diligence conducted by the venture capital firm in support of the investment.
        4. (4) A letter from an accountant, validating the financial condition of the fund.
        5. (5) A letter from a legal representative, who is not the applicant, which confirms that the letters and declarations in (1)-(4) contain the genuine signatures of the required signatories. The letter must clearly show the registration or authority of the legal representative to practise legally in the UK.
    9. (i) if the applicant has bought property as part of their business investment, the value of any residential accommodation cannot be included. The applicant must provide an estimate of the value of the residential accommodation if it is part of the premises also used for the business. The valuation must be from a surveyor who is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and dated within the three months before the date of application.

Business activity: notes

  1. 46. A business will only be considered to be a “new” business for the purposes of paragraph 43 and Tables 5 and 6 if it was established by the applicant no earlier than 12 months (or 24 months if the applicant was previously granted leave as a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Migrant) before the date of the application which led to the applicant’s first grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant.

Business activity: specified documents

  1. 47. The applicant must provide the following specified documents, showing that they obtained the necessary business registration within the 6 month period referred to in Table 5 or 6:
    1. (a) if the applicant was self-employed, evidence of their registration with HM Revenue & Customs;
    2. (b) if the applicant was a director of a UK company or member of a UK partnership, a printout from Companies House of the company’s filing history page and of the applicant’s personal appointments history, showing the date of their appointment as a director or member.
  2. 48. The applicant must provide the following specified documents to show that they have established a new UK business or joined or taken over an existing business, and that they are engaged in business in the UK when they make their application:
    1. (a) if the applicant is self-employed, they must provide:
      1. (i) evidence of their registration with HM Revenue & Customs to show that their business is based in the UK, and such evidence is dated no earlier than three months before the date of application,
      2. (ii) HM Revenue & Customs evidence that the applicant is making tax returns within the self-assessment tax system, and
      3. (iii) a personal bank statement showing transactions for their business, or a business bank statement, or a letter from a UK- regulated financial institution, on the institution’s headed paper, confirming that the applicant has a business and acts through that bank for the purposes of that business;
    2. (b) if the applicant is a director of a UK company or member of a UK partnership, they must provide:
      1. (i) printouts of Companies House documents, dated no earlier than three months before the date of the application, showing all of the following:
        1. (1) the address of the registered office in the UK, or head office in the UK if it has no registered office,
        2. (2) the applicant’s name, as a director or member,
        3. (3) the date of the applicant’s appointment as a director or member, and
        4. (4) that the business is actively trading (not dormant, struck-off, dissolved or in liquidation),
      2. (ii) evidence from HM Revenue & Customs confirming that the company is registered for corporation tax (if the applicant is a director of a company) or that the applicant is making tax returns within the self-assessment tax system (if the applicant is self-employed), and
      3. (iii) a business bank statement from a UK account which shows business transactions, or a letter from the UK bank in question, on its headed paper, confirming that the company or partnership has a bank account, that the applicant is a signatory of that account, and that the company or partnership uses that account for the purposes of their business.
    3. (c) regardless of whether the applicant is self-employed, a director or member, they must also provide:
      1. (i) an overview of the business’s activity, including an explanation of the goods or services it provides to its customers or clients; and
      2. (ii) the applicant’s job title and job description, setting out their role within the company, how they are implementing their business plan and what their main tasks and responsibilities are in running the business on a day-to-day basis.

Job creation: notes

  1. 49. (a) A full time job is one involving at least 30 hours of paid work per week.
    1. (b) “The equivalent of” a full time job means two or more part time jobs that add up to 30 hours per week, if each of the jobs exist for at least 12 months. However, one full time job of more than 30 hours of work per week will not count as more than one full time job.
    2. (c) A job may count even if it does not last 12 consecutive months (for example it lasts for 6 months in one year and 6 months the following year) provided that it is the same job.
    3. (d) The jobs need not exist on the date of application, provided that they existed for at least 12 months as specified in Table 5 (row 4) and Table 6 (row 3).
    4. (e) Different jobs that have existed for less than 12 months cannot be combined together to make up a 12 month job.
    5. (f) If jobs are being combined the employees being relied upon must be clearly identified by the applicant in their application.
    6. (g) The jobs must comply with all relevant UK legislation including, but not limited to, the National Minimum Wage Regulations in effect at the time and the Working Time Regulations 1998.
    7. (h) A job will be considered one for settled worker if the worker met the definition of settled worker in the Immigration Rules in force at the time they started the job, and they remained employed for the whole claimed 12 month period, even if they ceased to be a settled worker at a later date.

Job creation: specified documents

  1. 50. If the applicant is required to score points for job creation in Table 5 or Table 6, they must provide all of the following specified documents:
    1. (a) printouts of Real Time Full Payment Submissions showing that the applicant complied with Pay As You Earn (PAYE) reporting requirements to HM Revenue & Customs in respect of each relevant settled worker as legally required, and has done so for the full period of employment used to claim points. These must show every payment made to each settled worker as well as any deductions;
    2. (b) duplicate payslips or wage slips for each settled worker used to claim points, covering the full period(s) of the employment for which points are being claimed;
    3. (c) confirmation of the employment start date, job title, job description, hours paid per pay period and the hourly rate for each settled worker relied upon, including any changes to the same and the dates of those changes;
    4. (d) copies of any of the following documents which demonstrate that each employee has settled status in the UK:
      1. (i) the biometric data page of a British or EEA passport, showing the photograph and personal details of the employee,
      2. (ii) a birth certificate, showing the employee was born in the UK and Colonies before 1 January 1983,
      3. (iii) if the employee was born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983, a birth certificate, together with documentation, such as a passport or naturalisation certificate, which confirms one of their parents had settled status in the UK when the employee was born, and additionally, if the parent is the employee’s father, a marriage certificate to the mother,
      4. (iv) if the employee is an EEA national, a UK registration certificate/permanent residence document,
      5. (v) if the employee is the spouse of an EEA national, the biometric data page of their passport, showing their photograph and personal details, or a residence card, and any of the documents in (i) or (iv) above which relate to the EEA national, together with their marriage certificate to the EEA national, or
      6. (vi) if the worker is an overseas national with settled status in the UK, the biometric data page of their passport containing their photograph and personal details, and the pages where a UK Government stamp or an endorsement appear, or a biometrics residence permit, or official documentation from the Home Office which confirms their settled status in the UK;
    5. (e) if the applicant was self-employed at the time a settled worker was employed by their business, the specified documents in paragraph 48(a) above showing the dates that the applicant became registered with HMRC as self-employed, with the bank statements referred to in 48(a)(iii) showing all the payments made to the settled worker in the full period of employment used to claim points, and the address of the business;
    6. (f) if the applicant was a director of a UK company or member of a UK partnership at the time the settled worker was employed by their business, a printout from Companies House of the company’s filing history page and of the applicant’s personal appointments history, showing this;
    7. (g) if the applicant took over or joined a business, they must provide a signed and dated letter from an accountant, showing:
      1. (i) the name and contact details of the business,
      2. (ii) the applicant’s status in the business,
      3. (iii) the number of jobs created in the business and the hours paid in each of the jobs,
      4. (iv) the start dates and end dates (where applicable) of the jobs relied upon,
      5. (v) the registration or permission of the accountant to operate in the UK,
      6. (vi) confirmation that the business did not employ any workers before the applicant took over or joined it, if relevant and
      7. (vii) confirmation that the accountant will verify the contents of the letter to the Home Office on request;
  1. This applies regardless of how long the business existed for before the applicant took over or joined it;
  1. (h) if the business referred to in (g) employed workers before the applicant took over or joined it, they must also provide the following documents for the year immediately before the applicant joined the business and the years that the jobs were created, showing the net increase in employment and signed and dated by the applicant:
    1. (i) duplicate Real Time Full Payment Submissions sent to HM Revenue & Customs, or
    2. (ii) if the business started employing settled workers for whom points are being claimed, before reporting under Real Time, a form P35.

Settlement on the basis of £5 million business activity: specified documents

  1. 51. (a) Where Table 6 applies and the applicant is relying on the business activity of a new UK business or businesses, they must provide audited (if the business is legally required to produce audited accounts) or unaudited accounts which show the gross income resulting from the business’ activities and that this reached at least £5 million.
    1. (b) Where Table 6 applies and the applicant is relying on business activity from an existing UK business which they have taken over or invested in, they must provide both of the following:
      1. (i) audited accounts (if the business is legally required to produce audited accounts) or unaudited accounts clearly showing:
        1. (1) the name of the accountant,
        2. (2) the date the accounts were produced,
        3. (3) the gross income from business activity for the 3 year period immediately before the date on which the applicant became involved with the business, and
        4. (4) a net increase of at least £5 million in gross income from business activity during the three year for which the applicant is claiming points under Table 6, row 4;
      2. (ii) a signed and dated accountant’s letter, confirming:
        1. (1) the name and contact details of the business,
        2. (2) an explanation of the applicant’s status in the business,
        3. (3) the net increase in business activity,
        4. (4) the registration or permission of the accountant to operate in the United Kingdom, and,
        5. (5) that the accountant will verify the content of the letter to the Home Office on request.

Entrepreneurial teams: notes

  1. 52. Two applicants, but no more than two applicants, may claim points for the same investment, available funds, jobs created and business activity in Tables 4, 5 or 6 provided all of the following requirements are met:
    1. (a) The applicants have equal level of control over the funds and (where relevant) equal status as owners, directors and/or members of the business or businesses in question.
    2. (b) The applicants are both shown by name, passport number and (where relevant) Points-Based System reference number in each other’s applications and in the specified evidence required in the relevant table.
    3. (c) Neither applicant has previously been granted leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant on the basis of investment and/or business activity linked in this way with any applicant other than each other, if the same funds were relied on in a previous application.
  2. 53. (a) No points will be awarded for money that is made available to any individual other than the applicant, except:
    1. (i) under the terms of paragraph 52 above; or
    2. (ii) where the money is held in a joint account with the applicant’s spouse, civil partner or partner (defined as a person who has been living together with the applicant in a relationship akin to a marriage or civil partnership for at least two years prior to the date of application), and that spouse or partner is not (and is not applying to be) another Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant.
  3. (b) No points will be awarded for investment, job creation and business activity shared with another Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) applicant, except under the terms of paragraph 52 above.
  4. (c) If the applicant is not the sole member or director in their business, they must provide confirmation of:
    1. (i) the names of the other members or directors,
    2. (ii) whether any of the other members or directors are also Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrants, and
    3. (iii) if so:
      1. (1) the dates they became members or directors,
      2. (2) whether they are applying under the provisions in paragraph 52 above, and
      3. (3) if they have made (or are making at the same time) an application in which they claimed points for creating jobs, the names of the jobholders in question.

Attributes for Tier 1 (Investor) Migrants

  1. 54. An applicant applying for entry clearance, leave to remain or indefinite leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant must score 75 points for attributes.
  2. 55. DELETED.
  3. 56. (a) Available points for entry clearance or leave to remain are shown in Table 8A for an applicant who has had entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant in the 12 months immediately before the date of application, unless Table 8B applies.
  4. (b) Available points for entry clearance or leave to remain are shown in Table 8B where all of the following apply:
    1. (i) The applicant has had entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, in the 12 months immediately before the date of application.
    2. (ii) The applicant’s initial grant of entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was under the Rules in place before 6 November 2014.
    3. (iii) The date of the application is before 6 April 2020.
  5. 57. (a) Available points for applications for indefinite leave to remain are shown in Table 9A for an applicant who was last granted as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, unless Table 9B applies.
  6. (b) Available points for applications for indefinite leave to remain are shown in Table 9B where the date of application is before 6 April 2022 and the applicant was last granted as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant under the Rules in place before 6 November 2014, or was awarded points as set out in Table 8B of Appendix A in his last grant.
  7. 58. Notes to accompany Tables 8A to Table 9B appear below Table 9B.

Table 7: DELETED

Table 8A: Applications for entry clearance or leave to remain referred to in paragraph 56(a)

Money and investment Points
The applicant has invested not less than £2 million of his own under his control in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies, subject to the restrictions set out in paragraph 65 below.

Where the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place from 29 March 2019, no points will be awarded for investments in UK government bonds.

Where the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place before 29 March 2019 and the date of application is on or after 6 April 2023, no points will be awarded for investments that were held in UK Government bonds on or after 6 April 2023.

The investment referred to above was made:

(1) within 3 months of the applicant’s entry to the UK, if he was granted entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant and there is evidence to establish his date of entry to the UK, unless there are exceptionally compelling reasons for the delay in investing, or

(2) where there is no evidence to establish his date of entry in the UK or where the applicant was granted entry clearance in a category other than Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, within 3 months of the date of the grant of entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, unless there are exceptionally compelling reasons for the delay in investing, or

(3) where the investment was made prior to the application which led to the first grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, no earlier than 12 months before the date of such application.

Where the applicant was awarded points as set out in Table 8B in their last grant as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, at least £1 million of the above investment must have been made within the timescales in (1) to (3) above. The remaining balance of the £2 million investment must have been made before the date of application and be shown in the most recent portfolio report referred to in paragraph 65-SD(a) below.

In each case the level of investment must have been at least maintained for the whole of the remaining period of that leave.

“Compelling reasons for the delay in investing” must be unforeseeable and outside of the applicant’s control. Delays caused by the applicant failing to take timely action will not be accepted. Where possible, the applicant must have taken reasonable steps to mitigate such delay.

Table 8B: Applications for entry clearance or leave to remain from applicants who initially applied to enter the category before 6 November 2014 as referred to in paragraph 56(b)

Money and investment Points
The applicant:
(a) has money of his own under his control in the UK amounting to not less than £1 million, or
(b) (i) owns personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which they are subject, have a value of not less than £2 million, and
(ii) has money under his control and disposable in the UK amounting to not less than £1 million which has been loaned to him by a UK regulated financial institution.
The applicant has invested not less than £750,000 of his capital in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies, subject to the restrictions set out in paragraph 65 below and has invested the remaining balance of £1,000,000 in the UK by the purchase of assets or by maintaining the money on deposit in a UK regulated financial institution. 30
(i) The investment referred to above was made:

(1) within 3 months of the applicant’s entry to the UK, if he was granted entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant and there is evidence to establish his date of entry to the UK, unless there are exceptionally compelling reasons for the delay in investing, or

(2) where there is no evidence to establish the date of his entry in the UK or where the applicant was granted entry clearance in a category other than Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, within 3 months of the date of the grant of entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, unless there are exceptionally compelling reasons for the delay in investing, or

(3) where the investment was made prior to the application which led to the first grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, no earlier than 12 months before the date of such application, and in each case the investment has been at least maintained for the whole of the remaining period of that leave;

“Compelling reasons for the delay in investing” must be unforeseeable and outside of the applicant’s control. Delays caused by the applicant failing to take timely action will not be accepted. Where possible, the applicant must have taken reasonable steps to mitigate such delay.

Table 9A: Applications for indefinite leave to remain referred to in paragraph 57(a)

Row Money and investment Points
1 The applicant has invested money of his own under his control amounting to at least:

(a) £10 million; or
(b) £5 million; or
(c) £2 million

in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies, subject to the restrictions set out in paragraph 65 below.

Where the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place from 29 March 2019, no points will be awarded for investments in UK Government bonds.

Where the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place before 29 March 2019 and the date of application is on or after 6 April 2025, no points will be awarded for investments that were held in UK Government bonds on or after 6 April 2025.
2 The applicant has spent the specified continuous period lawfully in the UK, with absences from the UK of no more than 180 days in any 12 calendar months during that period. The specified continuous period must have been spent with leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant. The specified continuous period is: (a) 2 years if the applicant scores points from row 1(a) above; (b) 3 years if the applicant scores points from row 1(b) above; or (c) 5 years if the applicant scores points from row 1(c) above. 20
3 The investment referred to above was made no earlier than 12 months before the date of the application which led to the first grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant. The level of investment has been at least maintained throughout the relevant specified continuous period referred to in row 2, other than in the first 3 months of that period, and the applicant has provided the specified documents to show that this requirement has been met. When calculating the specified continuous period, the first day of that period will be taken to be the later of: (a) the date the applicant first entered the UK as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant (or the date entry clearance was granted as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant), or the date the applicant first entered the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey or the Isle of Man with leave in a category equivalent to Tier 1 (Investor) if this is earlier, or (b) the date 3 months before the full specified amount was invested in the UK, or before the full required amount in an equivalent category was invested in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey or the Isle of Man. 15

Table 9B: Applications for indefinite leave to remain from applicants who initially applied to enter the category before 6 November 2014 as referred to in paragraph 57(b)

Row Assets and investment Points
1 The applicant: (a) (i) has money of his own under his control in the UK amounting to not less than £10 million; or (ii) (1) owns personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which they are subject, have a value of not less than £20 million; and (2) has money under his control and disposable in the UK amounting to not less than £10 million which has been loaned to him by a UK regulated financial institution, or (b) (i) has money of his own under his control in the UK amounting to not less than £5 million; or (ii) (1) owns personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which they are subject, have a value of not less than £10 million; and (2) has money under his control and disposable in the UK amounting to not less than £5 million which has been loaned to him by a UK regulated financial institution; or (c) (i) has money of his own under his control in the UK amounting to not less than £1 million; or (ii) (1) owns personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which they are subject, have a value of not less than £2 million; and (2) has money under his control and disposable in the UK amounting to not less than £1 million which has been loaned to him by a UK regulated financial institution. 20
2 The applicant has invested not less than 75% of the specified invested amount of his capital in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies, subject to the restrictions set out in paragraph 65 below, and has invested the remaining balance of the specified invested amount in the UK by the purchase of assets or by maintaining the money on deposit in a UK regulated financial institution.

The specified invested amount is:
(a) £10,000,000 if the applicant scores points from row 1(a) above,
(b) £5,000,000 if the applicant scores points from row 1(b) above, or
(c) £1,000,000 if the applicant scores points from row 1(c) above.
3 The applicant has spent the specified continuous period lawfully in the UK, with absences from the UK of no more than 180 days in any 12 calendar months during that period.

The specified continuous period must have been spent with leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant.

The specified continuous period is:

(a) 2 years if the applicant scores points from row 1(a) above,
(b) 3 years if the applicant scores points from row 1(b) above, or
(c) 5 years if the applicant scores points from row 1(c) above.
4 The investment referred to above was made no earlier than 12 months before the date of the application which led to the first grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant. The level of investment has been at least maintained throughout the time spent with leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant in the UK in the relevant specified continuous period referred to in row 3, other than in the first 3 months of that period. In relation to time spent with leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant in the UK, the applicant has provided specified documents to show that this requirement has been met. When calculating the specified continuous period, the first day of that period will be taken to be the later of: (a) the date the applicant first entered the UK as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant (or the date entry clearance was granted as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant), or the date the applicant first entered the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey or the Isle of Man with leave in a category equivalent to Tier 1 (Investor) if this is earlier, or (b) the date 3 months before the full specified amount was invested in the UK, or before the full required amount in an equivalent category was invested in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey or the Isle of Man. 15

UK bank account: notes

  1. 59. DELETED

Money and assets: notes

  1. 60. Money is disposable in the UK if all of the money is held in a UK based financial institution or if the money is freely transferable to the UK and convertible to sterling. Funds in a foreign currency will be converted to pounds sterling (£) using the exchange rate specified in FIN 1.1, FIN 1.2. or FIN 1.3.
  2. 61. “Money of his own”, “personal assets” and ‘his capital’ include money or assets belonging to the applicant’s spouse, civil partner or unmarried or same-sex partner, provided that:
    1. (a) the applicant’s spouse, civil partner or unmarried or same-sex partner meets the requirements of paragraphs 319C(c) and (d) of these rules, and the specified documents in paragraph 61-SD are provided, and
    2. (b) specified documents in paragraph 61-SD are provided to show that the money or assets are under the applicant’s control and that he is free to invest them.
  1. 61A. In Tables 8A to 9B, “money of his own under his control” and “money under his control” exclude money that a loan has been secured against, where another party would have a claim on the money if loan repayments were not met, except where:
    1. (i) the applicant made an application before 13 December 2012 which led to a grant of entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant,
    2. (ii) the applicant has not been granted entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain in any other category since the grant referred to in (i),
    3. (iii) the money is under the applicant’s control, except for the fact that the loan referred to in paragraph (b) in Table 8B or row 1 of Table 9B has been secured against it, and
    4. (iv) the date of application is before 6 April 2020.
  2. 61-SD. The specified documents in paragraph 61, as evidence of the relationship and to show that the money or assets are under the applicant’s control and that he is free to invest them, are as follows:
    1. (a) The applicant must provide:
      1. (i) The certificate of marriage or civil partnership, to confirm the relationship, which includes the name of the applicant and the husband, wife or civil partner, or
      2. (ii) At least three of the following types of specified documents to demonstrate a relationship similar in nature to marriage or civil partnership, including unmarried and same-sex relationships, covering a full two-year period immediately before the date of the application:
        1. (1) a bank statement or letter from a bank confirming a joint bank account held in both names,
        2. (2) an official document such as a mortgage agreement showing a joint mortgage,
        3. (3) official documents such as deeds of ownership or a mortgage agreement showing a joint investment, such as in property or business,
        4. (4) a joint rent (tenancy) agreement,
        5. (5) any other official correspondence linking both partners to the same address, such as example bills for council tax or utilities,
        6. (6) a life insurance policy naming the other partner as beneficiary,
        7. (7) birth certificates of any children of the relationship, showing both partners as parents, or
        8. (8) any other evidence that adequately demonstrates the couple’s long-term commitment to one another.
    2. (b) The applicant must provide a declaration from the applicant’s husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner that he will permit all joint or personal money used to claim points for the application to be under the control of the applicant in the UK, known as a gift of beneficial ownership of the money while retaining the legal title, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the names of husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner and the applicant,
      2. (2) the date of the declaration,
      3. (3) the signatures of the husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner and applicant,
      4. (4) the amount of money available, and
      5. (5) a statement that the husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner agrees that the applicant has sole control over the money.
    3. (c) The applicant must provide a letter, from a legal adviser who is permitted to practise in the country where the declaration was made, confirming that the declaration is valid and which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the legal adviser confirming that the declaration is valid,
      2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the document was drawn up,
      3. (3) the date of the confirmation of the declaration,
      4. (4) the names of the applicant and husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner, and
      5. (5) that the declaration is signed and valid according to the laws of the country in which it was made.
  1. 62. A regulated financial institution is one which is regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which the financial institution operates.
  2. 63. DELETED

Source of money: notes

  1. 64. DELETED
  2. 64-SD. The specified document requirements in paragraph 64B-SD(a)(ii) are as follows:
    1. (a) The applicant must provide:
      1. (i) A portfolio report produced by a UK regulated financial institution, or a breakdown of investments in a letter produced by a UK regulated financial institution, on the official letter-headed paper of the institution, issued by an authorised official of that institution. The portfolio report or letter must cover a consecutive 2-year period of time, ending no more than one calendar month before the date of application. The portfolio report or letter must confirm all the following:
        1. (1) the amount of the money held in the investments,
        2. (2) the beneficial owner of the funds,
        3. (3) the date of the investment period covered,
        4. (4) that the institution is a UK regulated financial institution, with the details of the registration shown on the documentation, and
        5. (5) that the money can be transferred into the UK should the application be successful, if it is held abroad, or that the money has already been invested in the UK in the form of share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies, and the dates of these investments;
      2. (ii) If the applicant manages his own investments, or has a portfolio manager who does not operate in the UK and is not therefore regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) where applicable), he must provide one or more of the documents from the list below, as relevant to their type of investments, covering a consecutive 2-year period of time, ending no earlier than one calendar month before the date of application:
        1. (1) certified copies of bond documents showing the value of the bonds, the date of purchase and the owner;
        2. (2) share documents showing the value of the shares, the date of purchase and the owner,
        3. (3) the latest audited annual accounts of the organisation in which the investment has been made, clearly showing the amount of money held in the investments, the name of the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner), and the date of investment, or, if no accounts have been produced, a certificate from an accountant showing the amount of money held in the investments, and
        4. (4) trust fund documents from a legal adviser showing the amount of money in the fund, the date that the money is available and the beneficial owner, and including the name and contact details of the legal adviser and at least one of the trustees;
      3. (iii) Personal bank statements on the official bank stationery from a bank that is regulated by the official regulatory body for the country in which the institution operates and the funds are located, showing the account number and the amount of money available in the name of the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner), covering a consecutive 2-year of time, ending no earlier than one calendar month before the date of application. The most recent statement must be no more than one calendar month old at the date of application. Electronic bank statements must be accompanied by a supporting letter from the bank on the institution’s official headed paper, issued by an authorising official of that institution, confirming the content and that the document is genuine;
      4. (iv) If the applicant cannot provide bank statements, a letter from a bank that is regulated by the official regulatory body for the country in which the institution operates and the funds are located. The letter must be, on the institution’s official headed paper, issued by an authorised official of that institution, and dated no more than one calendar month before the date of application. The letter must confirm:
        1. (1) the name of the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner), and that the money is available in their name(s),
        2. (2) the account number,
        3. (3) that the bank is regulated by the official regulatory body for the country in which the institution operates and the funds are located,
        4. (4) the dates of the period covered, including both the day the letter was produced and three full consecutive months immediately before the date of the letter, and
        5. (5) the balance of the account to cover the required amount of money as a minimum credit balance on the date of the letter and throughout the three full consecutive months before the date of the letter;
    2. (b) If the funds are not held in the UK, the applicant must also provide a letter from a bank or financial institution that is regulated by the official regulatory body for the country in which the institution operates and the funds are located, on the institution’s official headed paper, issued by an authorised official of that institution, which confirms:
      1. (1) the name of the beneficial owner, which should be the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner),
      2. (2) the account number,
      3. (3) the date of the letter,
      4. (4) the amount of money to be transferred,
      5. (5) that the money can be transferred to the UK if the application is successful, and
      6. (6) that the institution will confirm the content of the letter to the Home Office on request.

If the applicant is providing the letter in (a)(iv) above, this information may be contained in the same letter.

  1. (c) If specified documents are provided from accountants, the accountant must have a valid licence to practise or practising certificate and must:
    1. (i) if based in the UK, be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the Association of Authorised Public Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, the Institute of Financial Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, or the Association of International Accountants, or
    2. (ii) if not based in the UK, be a member of an equivalent, appropriate supervisory or regulatory body in the country in which they operate.
  1. 64A-SD. For the purposes of paragraph 64B-SD(b), the applicant must provide all the specified documents from the following list, with contact details that enable verification:
    1. (a) Documents in the form of:
      1. (i) Money given to the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) within the 2 years immediately before the application must be shown in an irrevocable memorandum of gift, which clearly shows:
        1. (1) the name and signature of the person receiving the gift,
        2. (2) the name and signature of the person giving the gift,
        3. (3) the date of the memorandum,
        4. (4) the relationship between the person giving the gift and the person receiving it,
        5. (5) the amount of money being given,
        6. (6) a statement that the legal ownership of the gift is transferred and that the document is the memorandum of transfer,
        7. (7) a clear description of the gift, and
        8. (8) a statement that the gift is irrevocable;
      2. (ii) If a memorandum of gift in (i) is provided, it must be accompanied by a confirmation letter from a legal adviser permitted to practise in the country where the gift was made, which clearly shows:
        1. (1) the name of the legal adviser who is confirming the details,
        2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the gift was made,
        3. (3) the date of the confirmation of the memorandum,
        4. (4) the names of the person giving the gift and the person receiving it,
        5. (5) the relationship between the person giving the gift and the person receiving it,
        6. (6) the amount of money given,
        7. (7) the date that the money was transferred to the applicant, or to the husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried partner or same-sex partner of the applicant,
        8. (8) that the memorandum is signed and valid,
        9. (9) that the gift is irrevocable, and
        10. (10) that the memorandum is binding according to the laws of the country in which it was made;
    2. (iii) Deeds of sale of assets such as business or property, if the applicant has generated these funds within the 2 years immediately before the date of application, which meet the relevant legal requirements of the country of sale and clearly show:
      1. (1) the name of the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner),
      2. (2) the amount of money raised, and
      3. (3) the date of the sale;
    3. (iv) If a deed of sale in (iii) is provided, it must be accompanied by a confirmation letter from a legal adviser permitted to practise in the country where the sale was made, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the legal adviser confirming the details,
      2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the sale was made,
      3. (3) the date of the sale,
      4. (4) the date of production of the letter confirming the sale,
      5. (5) the details of what was sold and the amount of money received from the sale,
      6. (6) the name of the person receiving the money from the sale,
      7. (7) the date that the money was transferred, and
      8. (8) that the sale was valid according to the laws of the country in which it was made;
    4. (v) If the funds are currently held in the applicant’s business (or the business of the applicant and/or the applicant’s husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner), the applicant must provide business accounts, which:
      1. (1) are profit and loss accounts (or income and expenditure accounts if the organisation is not trading for profit),
      2. (2) are prepared and signed off in accordance with statutory requirements, and
      3. (3) clearly show the amount of money available for investment;
    5. (vi) If business accounts in (v) are provided, they must be accompanied by a letter from a legal adviser who is permitted to practise in the country where business was operating, confirming that the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) can lawfully extract the money from the business, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the legal adviser who is confirming the details,
      2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the business is operating,
      3. (3) the date on which the details are confirmed, and
      4. (4) that the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) can lawfully extract the money from the business in question;
    6. (vii) If the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same sex partner) has been the beneficiary of a will within the 2 years before making the application, and has received money as a result, the applicant must provide a notarised copy of the will. If the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) has received possessions or assets, rather than money, then the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) may not use estimates of the value of the items as evidence of funds for investment. The notarised copy of the will must clearly show:
      1. (1) the date of the will,
      2. (2) the beneficiary of the will (this should be the applicant or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner),
      3. (3) the amount of money that the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) has inherited, and
      4. (4) the names of any executors, plus any codicils (additions) to the will that affect the amount of money that was received;
    7. (viii) If a notarised copy of a will in (vii) is provided, it must be accompanied by a confirmation letter from a legal adviser who is permitted to practise in the country where will was made, confirming the validity of the will, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the legal adviser confirming the details,
      2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the will was made,
      3. (3) the date of the document produced by the legal adviser confirming the will,
      4. (4) the date that the applicant received the money as a result of the settlement of the will,
      5. (5) the names of the person making the will and the beneficiary,
      6. (6) the relationship between the person making the will and the beneficiary,
      7. (7) confirmation of the amount of money received by the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner).
      8. (8) that the will is signed and valid, and
      9. (9) that the will is valid according to the laws of the country in which it was made;
    8. (ix) If the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) has obtained money as a result of a divorce settlement within the 2 years immediately before the date of application, the applicant must provide a notarised copy of a financial agreement following a divorce. If the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) has received possessions or assets, rather than money, estimates of the value of the items will not be accepted as evidence of money for investment.
    9. (x) If a divorce settlement in (ix) is provided, it must be accompanied by a confirmation letter from a legal adviser who is permitted to practise in the country where the divorce took place, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the legal adviser confirming the details,
      2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the divorce took place,
      3. (3) the date of the document produced by the legal adviser confirming the divorce settlement,
      4. (4) the date that the applicant received the money as a result of the settlement,
      5. (5) the names of the persons who are divorced,
      6. (6) confirmation of the amount of money received by the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner,
      7. (7) that the divorce settlement is complete and valid, and
      8. (8) that the divorce settlement is valid according to the laws of the country in which it was made;
    10. (xi) If the applicant is relying on a financial award or winnings as a source of funds, he must provide a letter from the organisation issuing the financial award or winnings, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner),
      2. (2) the date of the award,
      3. (3) the amount of money won,
      4. (4) the winnings are genuine, and
      5. (5) the contact details for the organisation issuing the award or winnings;
    11. (xii) If a letter showing a financial award or winnings in (xi) is provided, it must be accompanied by a confirmation letter from a legal adviser who is permitted to practise in the country where the award was made, which clearly shows:
      1. (1) the name of the legal adviser confirming the details,
      2. (2) the registration or authority of the legal adviser to practise legally in the country in which the award was made,
      3. (3) the date of the letter of confirmation,
      4. (4) the date of the award,
      5. (5) the name of the recipient of the award,
      6. (6) the amount of the winnings,
      7. (7) the source of the winnings, and
      8. (8) the date that the money was transferred to the applicant, or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner;
    12. (xiii) If the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) has received money from a source not listed above, the applicant must provide relevant documentation as evidence of the source of the money, together with independent supporting evidence, which both clearly confirm:
      1. (1) the amount of money received,
      2. (2) the date that the money was received,
      3. (3) the source of the money, and
      4. (4) that the applicant (or applicant and/or husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) was the legal recipient of the money.

Source of additional money (Table 9A and Table 9B): notes

  1. 64B-SD. In the case of an application where Table 9A, row 1 (a) or (b), or Table 9B, row 1 (a)(i) or (b)(i) applies, points will only be awarded if the applicant:
    1. (a) (i) has had the additional money (or the additional assets in respect of an application to which either row 1 (a)(i) or (b)(i) of Table 9B applies) that he was not awarded points for in their previous grant for a consecutive 2-year period of time (or a consecutive 90-day period of time if their initial leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the rules in place before 29 March 2019 and the date of application is before 6 April 2025), ending on the date(s) this additional capital was invested (as set out in row 1 of Table 9A or row 2 of Table 9B), and
      1. (ii) provides the specified documents in paragraph 64-SD (or the additional assets in respect of an application to which either row 1 (a)(i) or (b)(i) of Table 9B applies), with the following differences:
        1. (1) References to “date of application” in paragraph 64-SD are taken to read “date of investment”;
        2. (2) The evidence in paragraph 64-SD(a)(i)(5) may also include evidence that the money has already been invested in the UK in the form of UK Government bonds, if the applicant’s initial leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place before 29 March 2019 and the date of application is before 6 April 2025; or
    2. (b) provides the additional specified documents in paragraph 64A-SD of the source of the additional money (with the difference that references to “date of application” in that paragraph are taken to read “date of investment”).
  1. 64C-SD. In the case of an application where Table 9B, row 1 (a)(ii) or (b)(ii) applies, points will only be awarded if the applicant provides a letter of confirmation from each UK regulated financial institution the applicant has taken out a loan with to obtain the additional funds that he was not awarded points for in his previous grant of leave. The letter must have been issued by an authorised official, on the official letter-headed paper of the institution(s), and confirm:
    1. (i) the amount of money that the institution(s) has loaned to the applicant,
    2. (ii) the date(s) the loan(s) was taken out by the applicant, which must be no later than the date(s) this additional capital was invested (as set out in Table 9B, row 2),
    3. (iii) that the institution is a UK regulated financial institution for the purpose of granting loans,
    4. (iv) that the applicant has personal assets with a net value of at least £2 million, £10 million or £20 million (as appropriate), and
    5. (v) that the institution(s) will confirm the content of the letter to the Home Office on request.

Qualifying investments (Table 8A to Table 9B): notes

  1. 65. Investment excludes investment by the applicant by way of:
    1. (a) an offshore company or trust, or investments that are held in offshore custody except that investments held in offshore custody will not be excluded where:
      1. (i) the applicant made an application before 13 December 2012 which led to a grant of entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant,
      2. (ii) the applicant has not since been granted entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain in any other category, and
      3. (iii) the date of application is before 6 April 2020.
    2. (b) Open-ended investment companies, investment trust companies, investment syndicate companies or pooled investment vehicles except that investment via pooled investment vehicles is permitted if such vehicles receive funding from a UK or devolved government department or one if its agencies, and the applicant provides a letter from a financial institution regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to confirm this,
    3. (c) Companies mainly engaged in property investment, property management or property development (meaning in this context any investment or development of property to increase the value of the property with a view to earning a return either through rent or a future sale or both, or management of property for the purposes of renting it out or resale. The principle is that business income must be generated from the supply of goods and/or services and not derived from the increased value of property or any income generated through property, such as rent.),
    4. (d) Deposits with a bank, building society or other enterprise whose normal course of business includes the acceptance of deposits,
    5. (e) ISAs, premium bonds and saving certificates issued by National Savings and Investment (NS&I), for an applicant who has, or last had leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant,
    6. (f) Leveraged investment funds, except where the leverage in question is the security against the loan referred to in paragraph (b) in Table 8B or row 1 of Table 9B (as appropriate), and paragraph 61A(i)-(iii) apply, or
    7. (g) UK government bonds, if:
      1. (i) the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place from 29 March 2019, or
      2. (ii) the investments were held in UK Government bonds on or after 6 April 2023 and the date of application is on or after:
        1. (1) 6 April 2023, if the application is for entry clearance or leave to remain;
        2. (2) 6 April 2025, if the application is for indefinite leave to remain.
  1. 65AA. If an applicant invests in an entity which acts as an intermediary vehicle to invest or otherwise channel the funds elsewhere (including to another intermediary vehicle):
    1. (a) Their investment will be considered to be where the funds are finally invested, not in the intermediary vehicle(s) (except in the case of a government-funded pooled investment vehicle permitted under paragraph 65(b) above, where the investment will be considered to be in that vehicle);
    2. (b) The investment in the final destination must itself be a qualifying investment, as set out in these Rules;
    3. (c) Any intermediary vehicle(s) involved must not fall within the exclusions in paragraph 65(a), (b) or (f) above;
    4. (d) Any intermediary vehicle(s) involved must be based in the UK and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, if:
      1. (i) the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place from 29 March 2019, or
      2. (ii) the date of application is on or after:
        1. (1) 6 April 2023, if the application is for entry clearance or leave to remain;
        2. (2) 6 April 2025, if the application is for indefinite leave to remain;
    5. (e) The applicant must provide the specified evidence in paragraph 65-SD in relation to the transfer of their funds to and between any intermediary vehicle(s), and from the intermediary vehicle to the final investment destination. This applies regardless of how long any chain of intermediary vehicles is.
  1. 65A. (a) “Active and trading UK registered companies” must meet the definition set out in (b) if:
    1. (i) the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place from 29 March 2019, or
    2. (ii) the date of application is on or after:
      1. (1) 6 April 2023, if the application is for entry clearance or leave to remain;
      2. (2) 6 April 2025, if the application is for indefinite leave to remain.
  2. (b) In the applications set out in (a), “active and trading UK registered companies” means companies which:
    1. (i) are registered with Companies House in the UK;
    2. (ii) are registered with HM Revenue and Customs for corporation tax and PAYE;
    3. (iii) have accounts and a UK business bank account, both showing regular trading of its own goods or services;
    4. (iv) have at least two UK-based employees who are not its directors.
  3. (c) “Active and trading UK registered companies” must meet the definition set out in (d) if:
    1. (i) the applicant’s initial grant of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant was granted under the Rules in place before 29 March 2019, and
    2. (ii) the date of application is before:
      1. (1) 6 April 2023, if the application is for entry clearance or leave to remain;
      2. (2) 6 April 2025, if the application is for indefinite leave to remain.
  4. (d) In the applications set out in (c), “active and trading UK registered companies” means companies which:
    1. (i) have a registered office or head office in the UK;
    2. (ii) have a UK bank account showing current business transactions; and
    3. (iii) are subject to UK taxation.
  1. 65B. No points will be awarded where the specified documents show that the funds are held in a financial institution which is not permitted under Appendix Finance.
  1. 65C. (a) In the case of an application where Table 8A or Table 9A applies, points for maintaining the level of investment for the specified continuous period of leave will only be awarded:

    1. (i) if the applicant has purchased a portfolio of qualifying investments for a price of at least £2 million (or £5 million or £10 million, as appropriate); and
    2. (ii) where any part of the qualifying investments in the portfolio is sold (whether at a gain or at a loss) during the specified continuous period of leave, their gross proceeds are re-invested in qualifying investments before the end of the next reporting period, or within six months of the date of completion of the sale, whichever is sooner.
  2. (b) In the case of an application where Table 8B or Table 9B applies, points for maintaining the level of investment for the relevant period of leave will only be awarded if:

    1. (i) the applicant has maintained a portfolio of qualifying investments with a market value of at least £750,000 (or £3,750,000 or £7,500,000 as appropriate);
    2. (ii) any fall in the market value of the portfolio below the amount in (i) is corrected before the end of the next reporting period, or within six months of the date of completion of the sale, whichever is sooner, by the purchase of further qualifying investments with a market value equal to the amount of any such fall; and
    3. (iii) the applicant has maintained a total level of investment (including the qualifying investments at (i) and (ii) above) of £1,000,000.
  3. (c) In the case of an application where one of Tables 8A, 8B, 9A or 9B applies:

    1. (i) The applicant may withdraw interest accrued and dividends declared after the date on which the applicant purchased the qualifying investments in the portfolio;
    2. (ii) Fees, for example those charged by institutions for managing the portfolio, and transaction costs and tax incurred through buying and selling investments cannot be paid for from the investment funds for which the applicant scores points; and
    3. (iii) If the applicant has invested more than the required level in qualifying investments, the fees, transaction costs and tax referred to in (ii) above may be paid from the surplus investment, providing the surplus investment was made at the same time or before the fees, transaction costs and tax were incurred (for example, if the applicant scores points for investing £2 million in qualifying investments, but has actually invested £2.1 million in qualifying investments, up to £100,000 in fees, transaction costs and tax may be paid for from the investment funds. The applicant must have invested £2.1 million at or by the time he pays these costs; he cannot pay out of a £2 million investment and invest a further £100,000 at a later date to compensate).
  1. 65-SD. The following specified documents must be provided as evidence of investment:
    1. (a) The applicant must provide a series of investment portfolio reports, certified as correct by a UK regulated financial institution, which must:
      1. (i) cover the required period, beginning no later than the end of the 3 month timescale specified in the relevant table;
      2. (ii) continue to the last reporting date of the most recent reporting period directly before the date of the application;
      3. (iii) include the price the applicant paid for the investments, which must total at least the amount for which points are being claimed throughout the required period;
      4. (iv) certify that the total investment was maintained as required by paragraph 65C as applicable;
      5. (v) show the dates that the investments were made;
      6. (vi) show the destination of the investments;
      7. (vii) for investments made as loan funds to companies, be accompanied by audited accounts or unaudited accounts with an accounts compilation report for the investments made, giving the full details of the applicant’s investment. The accountant must have a valid licence to practise or practising certificate and must be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, or the Association of Authorised Public Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, the Institute of Financial Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, or the Association of International Accountants;
      8. (viii) include the name and contact details of the financial institution that has certified the portfolio as correct and, except for National Savings and Investment (NS&I) portfolio reports, confirmation that this institution is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) where applicable);
      9. (ix) confirm that the investments were made in the applicant’s name and/or that of his spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner and not in the name of an offshore company or trust even if this is wholly owned by the applicant;
      10. (x) include the date that the portfolio was certified by the financial institution;
      11. (xi) state that the institution will confirm the content of the reports to the Home Office on request; and
      12. (xii) confirmation that the portfolio is unencumbered and has no loans secured against it; and
      13. (xiii) confirmation that none of the investments being relied on are prohibited by paragraph 65(a) to (f).
    2. (b) DELETED
    3. (c) Where the applicant is applying under Table 8B or Table 9B and has invested at least 75% of the specified investment amount but less than 100%, he must provide one or more of the following specified documents as evidence of the balance of the funds required to bring his total investment in the UK up to the specified investment amount:
      1. (i) Documents confirming the purchase of assets in the UK, showing the assets purchased, the value of these assets and the dates of purchase. When using property, only the unmortgaged portion of the applicant’s own main home, excluding any share owned by any other person in the case of a tenancy in common, will count towards the balance of funds. The valuation of the portion of the property that the applicant may rely on, must be provided in a report issued by a surveyor (who is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), which is dated not earlier than six months prior to the date of application. The property must be:
        1. (1) wholly owned by the applicant or
        2. (2) co-owned by the applicant and their spouse, civil partner, or partner, or
        3. (3) co-owned by the applicant with one or more persons as tenants in common;
      2. (ii) If the applicant maintained money on deposit in the UK, a statement or statements of account on the official stationery of the institution that holds the funds. These statements must be in the name of the applicant (or applicant and/or the husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner of the applicant) and confirm the dates and amount of money held. The applicant must ensure that the institution will confirm the content of the statement to the Home Office on request;
      3. (iii) A letter from the financial institution that holds the cash on deposit, on the institution’s official headed paper, issued by an authorised official of that institution, which confirms the dates and amount of money held and that the institution will confirm the content of the letter to the Home Office on request.
      4. (d) If the applicant wishes the start of the 3 month timescale specified in Table 8A, Table 8B, Table 9A or Table 9B to be taken as the date he entered the UK, he must provide evidence which proves this date, such as a stamp in the applicant’s passport, or an aircraft boarding card.
      5. (e) Evidence of the investment having been maintained, from the date that the funds were invested for the full period of remaining leave, will be determined using the portfolio reports provided in (a).

Attributes for Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Migrants

  1. 66. The attributes for this category have been deleted as the category is now closed and has been replaced by the Start-up category in Appendix W.
  2. 67 - 72. DELETED.

Attributes for Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer) Migrants

  1. 73. DELETED
  2. 73A. DELETED
  3. 73B. DELETED

Certificate of Sponsorship

  1. 74. DELETED
  2. 74A. DELETED
  1. 74B. DELETED
  1. 74C. DELETED
  1. 74C-SD(a) DELETED
  1. 74D. DELETED
  1. 74E. DELETED
  2. 74F. DELETED
  1. 74G. DELETED
  2. 74H. DELETED
  3. 74I. DELETED

Appropriate salary

  1. 75. DELETED
  1. 75A. DELETED
  1. 75B. DELETED
  2. 75C. DELETED
  3. 75D. DELETED
  4. 75E. DELETED

Attributes for Tier 2 (General) Migrants

  1. 76. DELETED
  2. 76A. DELETED
  3. 76B. DELETED

Certificate of Sponsorship

  1. 77. DELETED
  2. 77A. DELETED
  3. 77B. DELETED
  1. 77C. DELETED
  1. 77D. DELETED
  1. 77E. DELETED
  1. 77F. DELETED
  2. 77G. DELETED
  3. 77H. DELETED
  4. 77I. DELETED
  5. 77J. DELETED
  1. 77K. DELETED

Job offer passes Resident Labour Market Test

  1. 78. DELETED
  1. 78A.DELETED
  1. 78B. DELETED
  1. 78C. DELETED
  1. 78D. DELETED

Appropriate salary

  1. 79. DELETED
  1. 79A. DELETED
  1. 79B. DELETED
  2. 79C. DELETED
  3. 79D. DELETED

Tier 2 (General) limit

  1. 80. DELETED
  2. 80A. DELETED
  3. 80B. DELETED
  4. 80D. DELETED
  5. 80E. DELETED
  1. 81. DELETED
  2. 81A. DELETED
  3. 81B. DELETED
  4. 81C. DELETED
  5. 81D. DELETED
  1. 81E. DELETED
  1. 81F. DELETED
  2. 81G. DELETED
  3. 81H. DELETED
  4. 81I. DELETED
  1. 82. DELETED
  2. 82A. DELETED
  1. 82B. DELETED
  2. 82C. DELETED
  3. 82D. DELETED
  1. 83. DELETED
  1. 83A. DELETED
  1. 83C. DELETED
  2. 83D. DELETED
  1. 83E. DELETED
  2. 84. DELETED
  3. 84A. DELETED

Attributes for Tier 2 (Ministers of Religion) Migrants

  1. 85. DELETED
  2. 86. DELETED
  3. 87. DELETED
  1. 88. DELETED
  2. 89. DELETED
  1. 90. DELETED
  2. 90A. DELETED
  3. 91. DELETED
  4. 92. DELETED
  1. 92A. DELETED

Attributes for Tier 2 (Sportsperson) Migrants

  1. 93. DELETED
  2. 94. DELETED
  3. 95. DELETED
  1. 96. DELETED
  2. 97. DELETED
  1. 98. DELETED
  2. 98A. DELETED
  3. 99. DELETED
  4. 100 DELETED

Attributes for Tier5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) Temporary Migrants

  1. 101. DELETED
  2. 102. DELETED
  3. 103. DELETED
  1. 104. DELETED

Attributes for Tier5 (Temporary Worker) Migrants

  1. 105. DELETED
  2. 106. DELETED
  3. 107. DELETED
  1. 108. DELETED
  2. 109. DELETED
  3. 109A. DELETED
  4. 110. DELETED
  5. 111. DELETED
  1. 111-SD DELETED
  1. 112. DELETED

Attributes for Tier 4 (General) Students

  1. 113. DELETED
  2. 114. DELETED
  3. 115. DELETED
  1. 115A. DELETED
  1. 115B - 115I DELETED
  1. 116. DELETED
  1. 117. DELETED
  2. 118. DELETED
  1. 119. DELETED
  2. 120. DELETED

Specified documents

  1. 120-SD. DELETED
  1. 120A DELETED

Attributes for Tier 4 (Child) Students

  1. 121. DELETED
  2. 122. DELETED
  3. 123. DELETED
  4. 123A. DELETED
  1. 124. DELETED
  1. 125. DELETED
  1. 125A. DELETED

Specified documents

  1. 125-SD. DELETED
  1. 126. DELETED