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Immigration Rules Appendix C: maintenance (funds) Tier 1 (Entrepreneur)

Maintenance (funds)

  1. 1A. In all cases where an applicant is required to obtain points under Appendix C, the applicant must meet the requirements listed below:
    1. (a) The funds specified in the relevant part of Appendix C must be available to the applicant on the date of the application (as defined in Part 1 of these Rules),
      1. (i) DELETED
      2. (ii) DELETED
      3. (iii) DELETED
    2. (b) If the applicant is applying as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant the applicant must have had the funds referred to in (a) above for a consecutive 90-day period of time;
    3. (c) DELETED
    4. (ca) DELETED
    5. (d) If the funds were obtained when the applicant was in the UK, the funds must have been obtained while the applicant had valid leave and was not acting in breach of any conditions attached to that leave;
    6. (e) Where the funds are in one or more foreign currencies, the applicant must have the specified level of funds when converted to pound sterling (£) using the exchange rate specified in FIN 1.1, FIN 1.2 or FIN 1.3;
    7. (f) Where the applicant is applying as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant the funds must have been under their own control on the date of the application and for the period specified in (b) above; and
    8. (g) Where the application is made at the same time as applications by the partner or child of the applicant (such that the applicant is a Relevant Points Based System Migrant for the purposes of paragraph 319AA), each applicant must have the total requisite funds specified in the relevant parts of appendices C and E. If each applicant does not individually meet the requirements of appendices C and / or E, as appropriate, all the applications (the application by the Relevant Points Based System Migrant and applications as the partner or child of that relevant Points Based system Migrant) will be refused.
    9. (h) the end date of the 90-day period referred to in (b) above will be taken as the date of the closing balance on the most recent of the specified documents (where specified documents from two or more accounts are submitted, this will be the end date for the account that most favours the applicant), and must be no earlier than 31 days before the date of application.
    10. (i) No points will be awarded unless the funds comply with Appendix Finance.
    11. (j) Maintenance must be in the form of cash funds. Other accounts or financial instruments such as shares, bonds, credit cards, pension funds etc, regardless of notice period are not acceptable.
    12. (k) If the applicant wishes to rely on a joint account as evidence of available funds, the applicant (or for children under 18 years of age, the applicant’s parent or legal guardian who is legally present in the United Kingdom) must be named on the account as one of the account holders.
    13. (l) Overdraft facilities will not be considered towards funds that are available or under an applicant’s own control.
  2. 1B. In all cases where Appendix C or Appendix E states that an applicant is required to provide specified documents, the specified documents are:
  3. (a)(i) A personal bank or building society statement which must cover a consecutive 90-day period of time.
    1. (ii) The most recent statement must be dated no earlier than 31 days before the date of the application;
    2. (iii) The statements must clearly show:
      1. (1) the name of:
      2. _i. the applicant,
      3. _ii the applicant’s parent(s) or legal guardian’s name
      4. _iii. the name of the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, if the applicant is applying as a Partner of a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant.
      5. _iv. DELETED
      6. (2) the account number,
      7. (3) the date of each statement,
      8. (4) the financial institution’s name,
      9. (5) the financial institution’s logo,
      10. (6) any transactions during the specified period, and
      11. (7) that the funds in the account have been at the required level throughout the specified period;
    3. (iv) The statements must be either:
      1. (1) printed on the bank’s or building society’s letterhead,
      2. (2) electronic bank or building society statements, accompanied by a supporting letter from the bank or building society, on company headed paper, confirming the statement provided is authentic, or
      3. (3) electronic bank or building society statements, bearing the official stamp of the bank or building society on every page,
    4. (v) The statements must not be mini-statements from automatic teller machines (ATMs);
  4. or
  5. (b)(i) The building society passbook must cover a consecutive 90-day period of time.
    1. (ii) The period covered by the building society pass book must end no earlier than 31 days before the date of the application;
    2. (iii) The building society pass book must clearly show:
      1. (1) the name of:
      2. _i. the applicant,
      3. _ii the applicant’s parent(s) or legal guardian’s name
      4. _iii. the name of the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, if the applicant is applying as a Partner of a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant.
      5. _iv. DELETED.
      6. (2) the account number,
      7. (3) the building society’s name and logo,
      8. (4) any transactions during the specified period, and
      9. (5) that there have been enough funds in the applicant’s account throughout the specified period;
  6. or
  7. (c) A letter from the applicant’s bank or building society, or a letter from a financial institution regulated for the purpose of personal savings accounts by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or, for overseas accounts, the official regulatory body for the country in which the institution operates and the funds are located, which satisfies the following requirements:
    1. (i) The letter must confirm the level of funds and that they have been held for a consecutive 90-day period of time.
    2. (ii) The period covered by the letter must end no earlier than 31 days before the date of the application;
    3. (iii) The letter must be dated no earlier than 31 days before the date of the application;
    4. (iv) The letter must be on the financial institution’s letterhead or official stationery;
    5. (v) The letter must clearly show:
      1. (1) the name of:
      2. _i. the applicant,
      3. _ii the applicant’s parent(s) or legal guardian’s name, if the applicant is applying as a Child of a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, or
      4. _iii. the name of the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, if the applicant is applying as a Partner of a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant.
      5. _iv. DELETED
      6. (2) the account number,
      7. (3) the date of the letter,
      8. (4) the financial institution’s name and logo,
      9. (5) the funds held in the applicant’s account, and
      10. (6) confirmation that there have been enough funds in the applicant’s account throughout the specified period;
  8. or
  9. (d) DELETED

Tier 1 Migrants

  1. 1. An applicant applying for entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 Migrant must score 10 points for funds.
  2. 2. 10 points will only be awarded if an applicant:
    1. (a) applying for entry clearance, has the level of funds shown in the table below and provides the specified documents in paragraph 1B above, or
Category Level of funds Points
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) £3,310 10
  1. (b) applying for leave to remain, has the level of funds shown in the table below and provides the specified documents in paragraph 1B above, or
Level of funds Points
£945 10
  1. (c) DELETED.
  2. 3. Where the applicant is applying as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, they cannot use the same funds to score points for attributes under Appendix A and to score points for maintenance funds for themselves or their dependants under this Appendix or Appendix E.