Immunisation and diagnosis unit (IDU): diagnostic and reference services
IDU provides diagnostic and reference services for measles, mumps, rubella, polyomavirus (JC), parvovirus B19 (B19V), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), HHV6 and HHV7.
About immunisation and diagnosis unit (IDU)
IDU is a national and international reference centre for rash associated viral and neurological infections. The unit receives clinical samples and virus isolates from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), NHS and commercial laboratories across the UK and from overseas.
Services available
IDU provides diagnostic and reference services for:
- measles
- mumps
- rubella
- polyomavirus (JCV)
- parvovirus B19 (B19V)
- varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
- HHV6 and HHV7
- Intrathecal antibody test
IDU in collaboration with the immunisation department at UKHSA is responsible for the enhanced laboratory surveillance for measles, mumps and rubella infection in the UK.
IDU is 1 of 3 World Health Organization Global Specialized Laboratories for measles and rubella (the other 2 are located in the US and Japan). It is responsible for the following services to laboratories within the global network:
- provision of technical advice and specialised training to regional and national laboratories
- provision of laboratory standards, training materials and quality control panels of sera and viruses
- organisation of periodic proficiency testing for regional laboratories
- evaluation and improvement of diagnostic kits and methods
- maintenance of the measles and rubella virus reference strain bank
- provision of viral sequencing and analysis on request
IDU guidance and forms
- Measles, mumps or rubella referral form (E8)
- Parvovirus referral form (B19)
- Polyomavirus JC investigation referral form (E13)
- Varicella zoster virus referral from (E11)
- HHV-6 and HHV-7 referral form (E18)
- Intrathecal antibody test request form (E22)
- VRD manual
Contact information
Immunisation and diagnosis unit (IDU)
UK Health Security Agency
61 Colindale AVenue
Telephone 020 8327 6017
DX address UKHSA Colindale VRD, DX 6530006