
Inclusive Britain action plan: updates

Information on progress delivering the Inclusive Britain action plan.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Inclusive Britain was published in March 2022.

It sets out 74 actions in response to the report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and presents a clear strategy to tackle disparities, promote unity and build a more cohesive and inclusive society.

This page shows updates on each of the actions. It is updated regularly.

Online racial abuse (actions 2 to 4)

Reporting on race (actions 5 to 8)

Migration outcomes (action 9)

Stop and search (actions 11 to 15)

Fair pay (action 16)

Medical equipment and racial bias (action 20)

Families (action 25)

Adoption (actions 26 to 28)

Education outcomes (actions 29 to 32)

Alternative provision (actions 35 to 38)

Career advice (actions 43 to 50)

University rankings and social mobility (action 53)

Progression out of low pay (action 54)

Entrepreneurialism in ethnic minorities (action 56)

History in schools (actions 57 to 59)

  • October 2022. Blog post on how black history is taught in our schools published – it includes resources that schools and parents can use to support teaching black history. (Action 58)
  • July 2022. Model history curriculum expert panel – a group of experts in history, history teaching and curriculum design – convened to advise the Department for Education in developing a model history curriculum. (Action 57)

Hair and uniform policies in schools (action 60)

Using professional skills to benefit local communities (action 63)

Police forces becoming more representative (actions 64 and 65)

  • October 2022. Quarterly update published on progress to recruit 20,000 more police officers in England and Wales. (The data shows that, since April 2020, 11.4% of new recruits who stated their ethnicity were from ethnic minorities, not including white minorities.)

Racial discrimination and abuse of police officers (action 66)

Positive action in the workplace (action 70)

Artificial Intelligence (actions 72 to 74)

Updates to this page

Published 5 August 2022
Last updated 4 January 2024 show all updates
  1. Added updates on actions 2 (tackle online racial abuse), 12 and 14 (improve stop and search), and 30 (enable better quality learning)

  2. All Inclusive Britain updates are now on this page. (Before, there were 3 separate pages for updates on 'trust and fairness', 'opportunity and agency', and 'inclusion'.)

  3. First published.

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