
Teacher reference number (TRN)

Find out what a teacher reference number (TRN) is and how to find or request a TRN.

Applies to England

A teacher reference number (TRN) is a 7-digit number that uniquely identifies you in the education sector in England.

You’ll have a TRN if you:

  • hold qualified teacher status (QTS) in England or Wales
  • hold early years teacher status (EYTS) in England
  • hold a national professional qualification (NPQ)
  • are working towards QTS, EYTS or a NPQ
  • contribute to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme in England or Wales
  • have a relevant restriction in relation to teaching in England

You only have one TRN and it stays with you throughout your career.

What you’ll need a TRN for

Your TRN will be needed to:

  • access your teaching qualifications to check they are accurate and download professional certificates
  • contact Teachers’ Pensions
  • give to employers so they can complete mandatory teacher status checks
  • start early career teacher training
  • register for a national professional qualification (NPQ)

Your TRN is personal to you. Only disclose your TRN to your employer or a person acting in an official capacity.

If you’ve never received a TRN

Most people eligible for a TRN are given one automatically.

However, you may not have one but need to request one to:

  • register for a NPQ (for example, if you’re an early years professional you may not have a TRN)
  • be a mentor for a trainee teacher or early career teacher

How to find your TRN

If you’ve forgotten your TRN, you can:

  • check your payslip or pension statement

  • use the Find a lost TRN service to check if you have a TRN or to find your TRN

Request a TRN

If you’re registering for an NPQ

Use the Get a teacher reference number service to request a TRN to register for a NPQ.

You’ll need your National Insurance number (if you have one) and proof of your identity, for example a:

  • passport
  • driving licence
  • birth certificate
  • UK work permit

If you’re a mentor for a trainee or early career teacher

You’ll need to send a secure email to the Department for Education (DfE) using the email platform Galaxkey.

You must include your:

  • full legal name, and any previous names if applicable
  • date of birth
  • National Insurance number, if you have one
  • address, if you live outside of the UK
  • proof of identity – attach a photo or scanned copy of either your:
    • passport
    • driving licence
    • birth certificate
    • UK work permit

Create a Galaxkey email account (to open in a new tab right click the link) and use it to send your email securely to

You must use an email account that you’ll not lose access to, such as a personal email address. Add ‘Request TRN’ as the subject of your email.

Never include all your personal details and proof of identity unless you’re sending a secure email to DfE via Galaxkey.

DfE will respond by email with your TRN within 5 working days. Check for replies from DfE, including your spam folder, as we may need to ask you for more details before allocating you a TRN.

Get help

If you have any problems requesting a TRN, email DfE at

Updates to this page

Published 21 December 2020
Last updated 25 October 2023 + show all updates
  1. Details about how to request a teacher reference number have been added.

  2. New find a lost TRN service added.

  3. First published.

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