Information for advice seekers
Helpful resources to guide you in finding qualified advisers, understanding advice levels, and raising a complaint.
The Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) helps people seeking immigration advice by regulating advisers to ensure they are qualified, competent, and act in your best interests. Regulated immigration advisers are legally approved by the IAA to provide guidance on immigration matters, such as visas or citizenship, and to ensure you receive accurate and reliable advice. The IAA registers advisers at three levels of competence, so you can find the right support for your needs, whether you’re seeking basic advice or more detailed assistance.
While the IAA doesn’t provide immigration advice directly, it offers an online database to help you find registered and qualified immigration advisers. The IAA also makes sure advisers meet professional standards by monitoring their conduct, investigating complaints, and providing a clear process for you to report any concerns about poor service or misconduct.
Adviser Finder
The Adviser Finder is a user-friendly way for people seeking immigration advice to find registered advisers in their area.
The tool allows users to search for an adviser based on location. Advisers are a part of organisations, and these organisations are listed in the order of distance from the user, with those who are nearest coming first. Information provided includes the organisation’s authorisation level, website and contact details (please note, search results returned will only include organisations who have opted in to be included in this search function).
Adviser Register
The Adviser Register exists to ensure the public can check whether an organisation or individual is registered with the IAA.
serves as a tool to protect those seeking immigration advice from potential exploitation by unregistered individuals. On the IAA website, users can now search for a registered individual or organisation by inputting specific information (organisation or individual name or registration number). If the information searched matches an entry on the Register, this will be confirmed with a display of specific information (organisation or individual name, IAA reference number, level of authorisation, and website).
Guidance on how to instruct your adviser and get the support you need can be found on the getting the best from your adviser page.
Make a complaint
If you have concerns or issues with the service you have received, you can quickly and easily submit a complaint to the IAA through our online portal. You can make a complaint about:
- poor service received from an adviser registered with the IAA
- immigration advice provided by an unregulated adviser
- a complaint about the IAA itself
For more information on what you can and can’t complain about, as well as guidance on how complaints are handled, visit our complaints page.
If you prefer to address your concerns directly with your adviser, we have a helpful guide on writing a complaint letter to assist you in explaining your concerns clearly.
Understanding the different levels of immigration advice
The IAA regulates immigration advisers in the UK and assigns them to different levels based on the complexity of the services they can offer. There are three levels of advisers:
Level 1 - Advice and Assistance
Advisers at this level can assist you with straightforward cases, such as extending a business visa when all documentation is in order. They can also provide guidance on:
- entry clearance
- leave to enter
- leave to remain
- nationality and citizenship
- EU and EEA law
Level 2 – Casework
Advisers at this level can help with all the tasks of Level 1 advisers and more complex cases, such as preparing applications with additional evidence and support letters. They can assist with family and private life applications, student visas, and certain aspects of nationality law. While they cannot represent you in court, they may be able to represent you in specific tribunals. They can also help:
- with claims for asylum and human rights applications
- get your visa application decision reviewed (administrative review)
- if you entered the UK illegally or stayed after your visa expired
- if you’re being removed or deported
Level 2 advisers may be more helpful if you’ve faced challenges in the past with your immigration status and need more detailed support.
Level 3 - Advocacy and Representation
Advisers at this level are the most experienced and can handle all the tasks of Level 1 and 2 advisers. They can represent you in immigration tribunal appeals and offer comprehensive support with complex cases, including asylum, human rights, and family reunification.
For help in choosing the right adviser, visit our guide on finding and using an IAA regulated organisation.