Information on invasive mosquitoes
This page contains information about species of mosquito which are imported to the UK through international travel and climate change.
Applies to England
CCHS navigation menu:
CCHS homepage
Topic: health impacts
Vector-borne disease: mosquitoes
Part of: learning about mosquitoes
Important resources for invasive mosquitoes:
- Information on invasive mosquitoes
- Invasive mosquito surveillance
- Invasive mosquitoes species profiles
- National contingency plan for invasive mosquito
More content:
Globally, there are approximately 3,600 species of mosquitoes. The UK is home to 36 native mosquito species, meaning they complete their entire lifecycle within the country.
However, due to international travel and climate change, some mosquito species have spread beyond their traditional ranges and established themselves in new areas. When these species have negative social, public health, or economic consequences, they are classified as invasive species. One of the most significant invasive mosquitoes for UK public health is Aedes albopictus, commonly known as the tiger mosquito.
If you suspect you have found an invasive mosquito, report it to UKHSA