
Inspecting lead providers of the ECF and NPQ programmes

Information for lead providers about what happens when Ofsted carries out early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) inspections.

Applies to England


This guide gives a summary of what happens during an Ofsted inspection and what providers need to do.  

On inspection, inspectors gather evidence from the provider to arrive at judgements using the evaluation criteria set out in the early career framework and national professional qualification inspection framework and handbook. For full inspections, inspectors will make graded judgements against the following key judgement areas: 

  • overall effectiveness

  • quality of professional development and training

  • leadership and management

For Lead Provider Monitoring Visits (LPMVs), inspectors will focus primarily (although not exclusively) on the effectiveness of leaders in delivering a high-quality training programme for ECTs and/or NPQ participants.

Conduct during Ofsted inspections

Ofsted’s code of conduct sets out our expectations of the conduct of our inspectors and our expectations of providers during inspection.  At the start of the inspection (usually during the preparatory conversations), the lead inspector will explain these expectations and will ask lead providers to read the code.

Inspectors will uphold the highest professional standards in their work. They will treat everyone they meet during inspections fairly and with the respect and sensitivity they deserve. Inspectors will work constructively with leaders and staff, demonstrating professionalism, courtesy, empathy and respect at all times.

Notice of an inspection 

We will contact the named lead provider’s representative(s) to announce the inspection or LPMV after 9.30am, 5 working days before the start of the inspection or visit. If the named lead provider’s representative(s) is unavailable when the notification call is made, we will ask to speak to an appropriate senior member of staff. After we have informed the lead provider that the inspection will take place, we will send confirmation to the lead provider by email.

While it is important that we carry out our planned inspections wherever possible, sometimes there may be reasons that a planned inspection may not go ahead and so a lead provider may request a deferral of its full inspection or LPMV.  A lead provider can make a request during the initial notification phone call, or at the earliest opportunity afterwards before the start of the inspection. We will decide whether to grant a deferral in accordance with our deferral policy.

Information to share with inspectors

Inspectors will ask lead providers to give us some key information as part of the inspection. This includes details of any steps they have taken to meet equalities duties, including reasonable adjustments for individuals.

Some information will be used by the lead inspector during the preparation stage and should be made available on the day of the educationally focused conversation (on the same day as the notification call). Further information should be provided by the start of the inspection.

Full details can be found in our ECF and NPQ inspection handbook.

Information that lead providers should provide on the day of the educationally focused conversation

Lead providers should provide, where relevant:

  • a list of all ECF and/or NPQ delivery partners

  • the main location of delivery partners, whether training is delivered in person or remotely and information on any specialist areas of the training they provide

  • the number of early career teachers (ECTs) assigned to each delivery partner and each ECT’s phase (for example, primary or secondary)

  • the number of NPQ participants on each course

  • the number of NPQ participants assigned to each delivery partner

  • information about any training for ECTs, mentors or NPQ participants during the week of the inspection.

  • general information, such as key staff members’ names and responsibilities, office locations and practical arrangements, for example about travel, to allow for effective and efficient planning

How to submit the information

You should submit the information securely through the lead provider portal. We will provide instructions on how to access the portal when we notify you of the inspection.

Information that lead providers must provide by the start of the inspection or LPMV

Any pre-existing evidence of:

  • information about the ECF and/or NPQ training curriculum, including an overview of the training calendar with start dates and planned end dates

  • information about the mentor training curriculum, including an overview of the training calendar

  • programme handbooks or other similar information

  • how lead providers gain an understanding of the experience and expertise of trainers and mentors

  • how lead providers monitor the quality of aspects of the programmes delivered by the delivery partners

  • the professional development and/or training provided for trainers/facilitators in delivery partners

  • strategic oversight/governance processes

  • self-evaluation and subsequent improvement planning

During the inspection 

Full inspections will usually consist of four days of activity within the same week. LPMVs will usually consist of three days on site within the same week. The size of the inspection team may vary depending on several factors, such as the number of:

  • delivery partners that the lead provider uses

  • participants

  • NPQ courses that the provider delivers

There may be exceptional occasions when we need to consider pausing an inspection. We will consider these on a case-by-case basis according to our published guidance on pausing inspections.

Inspectors will make their final judgements when they have collected and considered all the evidence. 

The ECF and NPQ inspection handbook explains how we carry out inspections and the judgements that inspectors make for full inspections and LPMVs. It contains the grade descriptors that inspectors use when making their judgements, as well as more information on the main activities that our inspectors carry out.

Seeking the views of stakeholders

Inspectors will meet with a range of stakeholders during both LPMVs and full inspections. These include delivery partners, ECTs , mentors, school leaders and NPQ participants. Inspectors will work constructively with stakeholders in line with our code of conduct, demonstrating professionalism, courtesy, empathy and respect at all times. Staff (including leaders at all levels) may always be accompanied by another appropriate person when speaking to inspectors. However, it is important that staff can express their views freely to inspectors. Therefore, meetings with ECTs and NPQ participants must take place without the presence of any leaders or ECF mentors, unless there are relevant exceptional circumstances.

Inspectors should take careful account of the well-being of leaders and staff. They should adjust their approach or activity, as appropriate, as they go about their inspection work in the best interests of ECTs and NPQ participants. If inspectors see or suspect that a staff member (including all leaders and the lead provider representative) is upset or distressed at any point during the inspection, inspectors should respond sensitively. Where appropriate, inspectors will consider suitable adjustments to enable the staff member to continue. Where there are serious concerns, inspectors will normally contact the regional duty desk and/or regional senior HMI for teacher development and inform those responsible for the person’s well-being.

There may be exceptional occasions when a pause to inspection needs to be considered. We will consider these on a case-by-case basis.

We also invite the following stakeholders to complete an online survey during the inspection:

  • delivery partners

  • school leaders

  • ECTs and/or NPQ participants

  • mentors for ECTs

We ask that lead providers send out information about the inspection and a survey link to stakeholders before the start of the inspection. You will find a template letter for this purpose in the notification letter for this inspection. These surveys are confidential and complement the evidence gathered by inspectors during the inspection.

All surveys will be open from the point of the notification call, and will close at:

  • 9am on day 2 of the inspection, for LPMVs

  • 9am on day 3 of the inspection, for full inspections

The inspection outcomes and report

Full inspections will result in a published report for each of the ECF and NPQ contracts as applicable to the lead provider. LPMVs will result in a published LPMV letter.

Inspection reports are sent to the lead provider following moderation and quality assurance. We aim to send reports to lead providers as quickly as reasonably possible. In most circumstances, we will send the draft report to the lead provider within 18 working days of the end of the inspection. We expect the lead provider’s representative(s) to share the draft inspection outcome and findings with whoever they deem appropriate, provided the information is not made public or shared with wider stakeholder groups. We may share the draft report, in whole or in part, with the DfE. This will only take place following moderation or quality assurance.

The lead provider will have 5 working days to comment on the draft report. The provider can highlight minor points relating to the clarity and/or factual accuracy of the report, or it can submit a formal complaint seeking a review of the inspection process, including the judgements made or concerns about inspector conduct. If it only submits minor points about clarity or factual accuracy, we will consider and respond to these when we share the final report with the lead provider. This will normally be within 30 working days of the end of the inspection.

Handling concerns and complaints

The great majority of our work is carried out smoothly and without incident. If concerns do arise during the full inspection or LPMV, they should be raised with the relevant lead inspector as soon as possible, in order to resolve issues before the full inspection or LPMV is completed. Any concerns raised, and actions taken, will be recorded in the evidence. If there are any concerns that it is not possible to resolve with the lead inspector during the inspection, the lead provider representative or another senior leader can contact a senior Ofsted leader using the number provided during the preparatory conversations.

If it is not possible to resolve concerns during the inspection or LPMV, or through a telephone call the day after the inspection, the lead provider may wish to lodge a formal complaint on receipt of the draft report or letter. The relevant lead inspector will ensure that the lead provider is informed that it is able to make a formal complaint and that information about how to complain is available on our website.

Your views on the inspection

At the end of the inspection, we will invite you to complete a post-inspection survey.

This survey asks for your views on the inspection process.

We will use these to contribute to the development of inspection and monitoring visits.

Further details about ECF and NPQ inspections and LPMVs

You can find detailed information about the inspection and LPMVs in the ECF and NPQ inspection handbook.

Gathering personal information on inspection

Inspectors will gather any personal information necessary to assist them in inspecting a lead provider. Our privacy policy sets out what personal information we collect, what we do with it, how long we keep it and individuals’ rights under data protection legislation.

Contact us

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Store Street
M1 2WD

Helpline: 0300 123 1231

Online form: contact Ofsted.

Updates to this page

Published 29 April 2022
Last updated 9 October 2024 show all updates
  1. This guidance has been updated to reflect changes made to the ECF and NPQ handbook in October 2024.

  2. Updated throughout to reflect changes made to the ECF and NPQ handbook in January 2024.

  3. Updated the ‘Introduction’ to clarify what inspectors will do in a full inspection or lead provider monitoring visit. Updated the ‘Information you need to provide to inspectors’ section to clarify when information should be made available to the lead inspectors.

  4. Minor change to make lead providers aware of Ofsted's code of conduct, which sets out the expectations of all inspectors and schools during inspections. Change to the timescales for making information available to Ofsted. Lead providers will need to have some information available on the day of the educationally focused conversation (usually on a Monday).

  5. Minor change to make schools/providers/childminder agencies aware of Ofsted's updated code of conduct, which sets out the expectations of all inspectors and schools during inspections.

  6. First published.

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