
ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal

As a Public Authority, the UKHO makes relevant data sets available in compliance with the ‘Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe’ (INSPIRE) initiative.

About the ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal

The ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal provides access to marine data sets held by the UK Hydrographic Office within the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal replaces the INSPIRE Portal as the place to search and download data sets regarding maritime limits and boundaries, ships’ routeing measures, bathymetry and more.

As a Public Authority, the UK Hydrographic Office makes relevant data sets available under the Open Government Licence in compliance with the ‘Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) initiative.

We have been accredited by the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) as the National Data Archive Centre for bathymetric surveys. Therefore, we have included access to relevant bathymetric surveys held in our Data Archive Centre as part of our ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal.

The following data sets and apps have been added to the ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal:

Offshore infrastructure

An accurate and trustworthy database of over 7,500 surface and subsurface offshore energy installations and infrastructure in UK waters, including oil and gas platforms, wind turbines, well heads, pipelines and respective safety zones.

Vertical Offshore Reference Frame (VORF)

A faster, more accurate, more cost-effective method for calculating tidal reductions for surveys, planning and modelling in UK coastal and offshore zones.

Wrecks and obstructions

An extensive range of information on over 24,000 wrecks and undefined obstructions in UK waters, from the UK government’s hydrographic and marine geospatial experts.

ADMIRALTY data sets


Bathymetric surveys from various sources including over 4,000 bathymetry surfaces from 1970 to present day. The bathymetry data is updated every three months and a large number have been funded by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), an executive agency sponsored by the Department for Transport, under the Civil Hydrography Programme.

Maritime limits

Download maritime limits and boundaries as data sets or illustrations for the UK EEZ, UK Crown Dependencies and UK Overseas Territories.

Ships’ routeing

Ships’ Routeing Measures as approved by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), and/or the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) (as National Competent Authority).


Over 8,000 live and charted wrecks around the UK as maintained by the UKHO’s Marine Geospatial Data Management team.

ADMIRALTY apps and services

Contour App

View contours and dredged areas derived from Electronic Navigation Charts within the UK EEZ in a GIS web app.

Data specifications

To find out more about the output formats and update frequency for each data set, visit the ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal page on the ADMIRALTY website.

Updates to this page

Published 29 August 2014
Last updated 1 April 2021 show all updates
  1. Note added above link to the Marine Data Portal notifying of current access issues.

  2. Updated URL to the ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal.

  3. Information on additional data sets now available via the portal

  4. We have added additional data sets to the page.

  5. We have changed this page to reflect the new ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal.

  6. First published.

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