
Integrated curriculum and financial planning (ICFP)

How schools can use ICFP to create the best curriculum for pupils with available funding.


Integrated curriculum and financial planning (ICFP) is a management process that helps schools plan the best curriculum for their pupils with the funding they have available. It can be used at any phase or type of school.

ICFP involves:

  • measuring your current curriculum, staffing structure and finances
  • using data to create a 3 to 5-year plan

The idea of linking curriculum and financial planning is not new. Most schools probably use some ICFP processes already when reviewing their curriculum or financial strategy.

The benefits of ICFP

ICFP is most effective when it is part of your planning activity and involves your senior team, including your business manager and governors.

Linking curriculum and financial planning can help you:

  • achieve educational success and financial sustainability
  • deliver the best curriculum your school can afford that meets the needs of your pupils

Common ICFP steps

Most approaches to ICFP follow common steps.


Get school leaders, governors and trustees on board and make sure they understand what an ICFP approach is. The free webinars section can help with this.

You’ll need to:

  • get curriculum and financial planners to assess your school’s current financial situation and the school’s teaching resources
  • create an educational vision statement for your school
  • establish common assumptions about what will change over 3 to 5 years including:
    • pupil numbers and needs
    • funding
    • costs
    • staffing
    • educational policy
  • choose an ICFP tool that meets your needs


Use your chosen ICFP tool to enter your school’s:

  • income and expenditure
  • teacher costs
  • full-time equivalent teachers
  • pupil numbers
  • length of your timetable cycle

You can then measure and benchmark key metrics against other similar schools. Key metrics are explained in more detail in the section on free webinars.

The ICFP tool will calculate metrics for you such as:

  • pupil teacher ratio
  • average class size
  • average teacher load
  • teacher contact ratio
  • cost per lesson
  • average teacher cost

The more variables you measure, the more accurately you’ll be able to predict the resources you can afford.


Your analysis will give you the number of teachers you can afford, and the number of teachers needed to deliver your ideal curriculum. If these numbers are different, you will need to reconcile them.

Reconcile your numbers by:

  • changing other metrics to close the gap between these numbers - you may need to adjust class size, number of teachers or the curriculum offered
  • working openly with all relevant staff until you reach an agreement - what you change will depend on the priorities set out in your educational vision statement
  • considering what school staff can deliver and the impact that any changes may have on workload and work-life balance - reducing school workload can help with this

Strategic planning and reviews

Write a strategic plan for 3 to 5 years using all the data you have gathered.

Set regular reviews and update the plan as things change, making sure that you continue to include all leaders and governors.

ICFP tools

Basic free ICFP tool

If you are new to ICFP, the ICFP tool in the Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool (FBIT) will help you to do a basic ICFP analysis. It is free to use, you just need a DfE Sign-in account.

Intermediate free ICFP tool

If you already have some experience of ICFP, you might like to use a more detailed tool such as the:

ICFP using DfE tools is a free webinar from Entrust that gives an introduction on how to use the workbooks.

There are ICFP tools available for schools to buy. Some of these tools have additional resources and training. You could ask other schools in your networks which tools they use and recommend.

Free webinars and guidance

This training will help head teachers, governors and school business professionals.

Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)

ISBL has an ICFP training presentation that covers:

  • an overview of ICFP
  • calculating metrics
  • what the metrics can tell you about your school


Entrust’s webinar on How to integrate curriculum and financial planning covers:

  • which metrics you will need
  • how to understand your ICFP results
  • how to implement changes

Entrust also have school resource management webinars which cover:

Free ICFP guides

These guides provide further support with ICFP and ICFP terms:


SRMA programme

You can request a free, confidential visit from one of the department’s school resource management advisers (SRMAs), who are experts in school resource management and provide tailored advice and support.

The school resource management advisers (SRMA) programme has more information.

Financial advice

Get financial advice for schools has a list of paid providers of ICFP advice. Services include:

  • recommending or supplying an ICFP tool
  • analysing your current processes
  • supporting you to make an ICFP action plan

Updates to this page

Published 5 September 2019
Last updated 24 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Added a link to the Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool. This has a free integrated curriculum and financial planning (ICFP) tool. Added a link to the schools resource management advisor programme. Updated the 'ICFP tools' section – removed out of date resources, and updated the format of the primary and secondary school workbooks and technical guides to make them accessible.

  2. Added information about having delivered a second round of training.

  3. Added section on 'Tools for special schools and providers of alternative provision (AP)', which includes a workbook and technical guide.

  4. Updated links to Entrust school resource management webinars.

  5. Added 'training section'. Removed link to expired training resources.

  6. Added a link about free training funded by DfE for school leaders on ICFP and resource management.

  7. Restructured the page to make it easier to find tools, training and support and added links to additional guidance into the main content where relevant instead of in the resources section at the end. Added 'fundamental equations' and 'supporting workbook'.

  8. Added a link to free training on ICFP for school leaders.

  9. Added primary and secondary school ICFP templates and technical guidance and an ICFP video by The Pioneer Academy.

  10. Added The Pioneer Academy Trust’s staff deployment analysis manual and tools and a video on Outwood Grange's approach to ICFP to the resources section.

  11. First published.

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