Kickstart Scheme closure
Information about how the Kickstart Scheme closure will affect employers and Kickstart gateways.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Kickstart Scheme applications have closed.
It is not possible to:
- apply for a new Kickstart Scheme grant
- add more jobs to an existing grant agreement
If your application was successful
You must have:
- signed and returned your grant agreement by 11:59pm on 7 January 2022
- submitted your vacancies to DWP by 11.59pm on 31 January 2022
- started the young person in the job on or before 31 March 2022
- told us by 11:59pm on 30 November 2022 that the young person has started their job
You’ll get funding for 6 months once the young person has started their job.
If your application was not successful
Applications for the Kickstart Scheme closed at midday on 17 December 2021.
Check if you’re eligible for funding from other employment schemes.
Updates to this page
The deadline for telling DWP that a young person has started their job is 30 November 2022.
Updated page because the deadline for telling us that the young person has started their job has now passed.
Updated page as the deadline for young people starting in the job has now passed.
Updated page as the deadline for submitting vacancies has now passed.
Updated page as the deadline for grant agreements to be signed and returned has now passed.
Updated page to say applications for Kickstart Scheme funding closed at midday on 17 December 2021.
Added deadlines for completing Kickstart Scheme tasks.
First published.