
Known supply problems with animal medicines

Reported problems with the supply of an animal medicine and the date when the issue is expected to be resolved.

Companies must report supply problems to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate when product shortages are identified. A shortage occurs when supply of a veterinary medicine does not meet national demand.

Information on product shortages where there is no known alternative product is published here. In such instances, vets may prescribe using the cascade. Vets are reminded that it is their responsibility to apply use of the cascade appropriately based on clinical need.

More information can be found on The Cascade: Prescribing unauthorised medicines page.

For non-UK products vets must apply for a certificate to import a Veterinary Medicine into the UK.

For information on manufacturers of extemporaneous products, please read the ManSA Register

Supply problems exist with the following products

Vaccines for immunisation against Mycoplasma bovis

The VMD have received an unprecedented number of SIC applications to import ‘Myco B One Dose’.

It should be noted that applications for this product should only be submitted should there be no suitable UK authorised product available.

Details of UK authorised vaccines indicated for immunisation against Mycoplasma bovis infection can be found on the Product Information Database.

Veterinary replacement fluids for infusion

The VMD is aware of a shortage of veterinary replacement fluids for infusion.

We understand that whilst some UK authorised veterinary fluids remain available, these are in limited quantities. For details of the supply situation for individual UK authorised products, please contact the relevant Marketing Authorisation Holder or your usual wholesaler.

While there are supply issues with some replacement fluids, vets may consider use of alternative products under the Cascade, however vets should make every effort to first obtain a UK authorised product.

Due to the clinical need for this category of product, the VMD has recently assessed the following products for import under the Special Import Scheme:

Product Country of Origin MA Numbers
Ringer lattato soluzione per infusione endovenosa per tutte le specie Italy 102322029, 102322043, 102322068, 102322031, 102322070, 102322056, 102322082, 102322094, 102322118, 102322120, 102322132, 102322144, 102322157
Vetivex solution au ringer lactate pour perfusion pour bovins chevaux chiens et chats France FR/1/2198629 1/2013

To address the shortage, veterinary surgeons may consider use of the above products under the cascade once the necessary import certificate has been obtained. If veterinary surgeons are aware of any other alternative products, they can submit an SIC application for these.

As a reminder, where authorised products are temporarily unavailable vets should consider the likely quantities needed and purchase appropriately. As soon as an authorised product is available again, vets are expected to use this even if they still have stocks of unauthorised products.

Vaccines for immunisation against equine influenza and tetanus

The VMD have been informed that there is now returned supply of UK authorised equine flu and tetanus vaccines.

The VMD will no longer accept applications to import alternative products, including Vetera 2XP licensed in the USA.

Vaccine for immunisation against ringworm

Following the granting of a marketing authorisation, the VMD have been informed that there is availability of Trichovec, Lyophilisate and Solvent for Suspension for Injection for Cattle (Vm 51609/3000 and 51609/5000).

Therefore the VMD will no longer issue import certificates for ‘Trichoben’ as authorised in the Czech Republic and Netherlands.

Products containing acepromazine for anaesthetic premedication, tranquilisation and sedation in horses

Following the granting of a marketing authorisation the VMD have been informed that there is availability of a 10mg/ml acepromazine solution for injection:

  • AceSedate 10mg/ml solution for injection for horses Vm: 25296/4008

Therefore the VMD will no longer issue import certificates for alternative acepromazine products, including:

  • Calmivet solution for injection (5mg/ml), licensed in France
  • Vetranquiol 1% solution for injection (10mg/ml), licensed in Germany and Netherlands

This will take effect immediately.

Existing certificates will remain valid until their date of expiry, however veterinary surgeons are reminded to apply the Cascade responsibly and use UK authorised product where available.

2mg/ml presentations are also available. Information on authorised acepromazine-containing products is available on the VMD’s Product Information Database.

Viper Venom Antiserum for veterinary use (adder bite antivenom)

There is no viper venom antiserum licensed in the UK for the treatment of adder bites in animals.

VMD accept applications to import European Viper Antiserum from Biomed (Poland) and Institute of Immunology, Zagreb (Croatia).

Before submitting an application contact the relevant manufacturer to ensure they are able to supply the quantity of product you wish to import.

Contact details of the approved manufacturers

Wytwornia Surowic i szczepionek BIOMED Ltd
Ul. Chelmska 30/34
00-725 Warsaw
Phone. 022 841 4071

Institute of Immunology
Rockefellerova 2
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone +385 1 46 84 500

In urgent cases the antivenom may be supplied, purchased and used prior to the special treatment certificate being obtained from the VMD. This is a special dispensation made for this clinical condition only.

Updates to this page

Published 30 September 2014
Last updated 11 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Updated to include information about the importation of vaccines for immunisation against Mycoplasma bovis.

  2. Import Certificates for Trichoben will no longer be issued due to granting of a marketing authorisation for Trichovec, Lyophilisate and Solvent for Suspension for Injection for Cattle.

  3. Information updated concerning availability of equine influenza and tetanus vaccines.

  4. Information updated concerning availability of equine influenza and tetanus vaccines.

  5. Update to the expected return dates of ProteqFlu, Mid-March 2023, and ProteqFlu-Te, Mid-April 2023.

  6. The VMD is aware of a shortage of veterinary replacement fluids for infusion and identified alternative products for import under the Special Import Scheme.

  7. Short-term shortage of equine influenza vaccines

  8. Updated contact details for the distributor of UK authorised Pronestesic; DUGV UK

  9. Distributor contact details added for Trichoben

  10. Updated with addition of Vaccine for immunisation against ringworm and deletion of amoxicillin injectables.

  11. Supply Issues of long acting Amoxicillin trihydrate products added

  12. Changes to the import of alternative products to vaccines for immunisation against Leptospira hardjo and Leptospira borgpetersenii. Addition of information on manufacturers of extemporaneous products.

  13. Information added on UK availability of Local Anaesthetic products containing Procaine hydrochloride

  14. The VMD have been informed that there is availability of a 10mg/ml acepromazine solution for injection therefore Import certificates for alternative acepromazine products will no longer issued by VMD.

  15. Addition of known supply issue with vaccines for immunisation against Leptospira hardjo and Leptospira borgpetersenii

  16. Availability of procaine hydrochloride products

  17. Added supply issue for specific Isoflurane-containg products

  18. Removed Equip EHV 1,4 from known supply issue notifications

  19. Updated supply issues list

  20. Removed Avian Encephalomyelitis Vaccines & updated supply date for Nobilis Erysipelas (Vm01708/4546)

  21. New supply problem: Equip EHV1,4

  22. Avian Encephalomyelitis Vaccines amended

  23. Supply issues with Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 & 4 and Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus type 2

  24. Added the supply issue with Nobilis Erysipelas

  25. Normal supply of Poulvac AE (Vm42058/4097) is expected to return in September 2015 & new entry for Propofol products

  26. Change to the date Poulvac AE is expected to return

  27. Updated information on Avian Encephalomyelitis vaccines

  28. First published.

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