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Appendix 11/2: Request by SVT/Property Services for Mineral team services (VO3011)

The Valuation Office Agency`s technical manual covering all aspects of compulsory purchase and compensation.

Important: This pro-forma must be used for all requests other than those for mining stability reports which should continue to be made on VO3010. This pro-forma once completed must be e-mailed, with attachments, to the Head of Minerals who will allocate the case as appropriate.

  All fields must be completed  
SVT/PS Caseworker    
Tel No / Pn    
Sector case type    
CRAC case reference    
Property address and postcode:    
OS Grid reference for address    
Client contact name    
Client account number    
Tel No    
Purpose of request    
Fee basis for Minerals team involvement in case    
Fee agreed for Minerals team involvement    
Date instruction received by SVT/PS    
Date of request for Minerals team assistance    
Date report from Minerals team required    
The following information must accompany this request. Failure to do so will result in delay in providing the information required.    
  1. In all cases please ensure that the Mineral Involvement flag is set to PT on CRAC
  2. Copy of client instruction letter – this can be scanned and e-mailed
  3. Copy of the confirmation letter – terms and conditions / note of agreed fee by e-mail
  4. It is essential that National Grid co-ordinates are supplied with each request.
  5. Plans, if applicable, should be issued direct to Minerals caseworker when you receive notification of who will be dealing with the case.
  6. Photos, if applicable, can be scanned or file path given to Minerals caseworker
  7. Purpose of the request should state whether it is for compensation, asset, acquisition, contaminated/brownfield land or other matter.

  8. In all cases please ensure that the Mineral Involvement flag is set to PT on CRAC
  9. Copy of client instruction letter – this can be scanned and e-mailed
  10. Copy of the confirmation letter – terms and conditions / note of agreed fee by e-mail
  11. It is essential that National Grid co-ordinates are supplied with each request.
  12. Plans, if applicable, should be issued direct to Minerals caseworker when you receive notification of who will be dealing with the case.
  13. Photos, if applicable, can be scanned or file path given to Minerals caseworker
  14. Purpose of the request should state whether it is for compensation, asset, acquisition, contaminated/brownfield land or other matter.

SVT/PS Caseworker - Please retain a completed copy of this request on the file.
Please ensure you have included the fee for the Minerals team when reporting and authorising your case on CRAC.