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Practice note 16/2: High Alumina Cement Concrete

The Valuation Office Agency`s technical manual covering all aspects of compulsory purchase and compensation.

Where high alumina cement concrete is known to have been used in the construction of buildings the valuer’s report should be endorsed as follows, as appropriate:

  • a) ‘I am informed that high alumina cement concrete has been used in the construction of the building. You have informed me that the estimated cost of remedial works necessary to put the building into sound structural condition is £*. My Opinion of Value takes this into account (and the estimated life of the buildings assumes that the necessary remedial works will be effected satisfactorily)’; or
  • b) ‘I am informed that high alumina cement concrete has been used in the construction of the building. You have informed me that following technical investigations you are satisfied that no remedial works are necessary and that the building is in sound structural condition. My Opinion of Value takes this into account’

In the case of estimates required before technical investigations have been carried out by the acquiring authority or only preliminary investigations have been made, the following endorsement should be used:

  • ‘I am informed that high alumina cement concrete has been used in the construction of the building that remedial works (may be) (will be) required. No technical investigation of the remedial works required has been made by me, or the cost of these works estimated. My report is made on the assumption that the building is in sound structural condition. My Opinion of Value will need to be reconsidered if the results of technical investigations into the structural condition of the building show that remedial works are necessary’