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Appendix 17/3: Specimen letter - requesting permission to use confidential information

The Valuation Office Agency`s technical manual covering all aspects of compulsory purchase and compensation.

Recorded Delivery

Dear Sir/Madam,

(Heading as appropriate)

I have been asked to appear as an expert witness in proceedings before the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) in respect of certain premises/land in (state town or general location of the reference property) and at the hearing, in order to assist the Tribunal, I propose to produce evidence of the price paid/rent paid for comparable property at or about the relevant date and may wish to refer to the price/rent you paid for ……………………. as indicated on the attached copy of Form Stamps LA.451/Form of Return.

The evidence to be given to the Tribunal would be based on this form which is a document submitted by your solicitor to the Inland Revenue at the time of your purchase as required by Section 28 of the Finance Act 1931/submitted by you (or your agent) in connection with the assessment of annual value for rating purposes.

Due to the confidential nature of the form it is necessary for me to advise you of my proposal to use that document in evidence at the hearing and in any prior proceedings including disclosure to the parties involved. It is also possible that in publishing their decision on the case the Tribunal will make reference to the evidence of comparable prices submitted to them. It is most unusual, however, for owners of property to be referred to by name and, moreover, the publication of the Tribunal’s decisions are mainly confined to the pages of specialised professional journals and fully detailed reports do not normally find their way into the general press.

It will assist my preparation of the case to have your agreement to the production of this evidence and I enclose a slip for you to complete and return to me please, using the addressed label provided. If you require any further information or advice I will be pleased to assist you.

Yours faithfully