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Appendix 17/4: Statement to be enclosed with letter

The Valuation Office Agency`s technical manual covering all aspects of compulsory purchase and compensation.

To: (Name and address of valuer)





RE: (Address of property)

I have no objection to the disclosure of the information stated on Form Stamps L(A) 451/Form of Return (reference to appropriate form) dated (valuer to complete) in respect of the above-mentioned property, and the production of the form as evidence in connection with proceedings before the Upper Tribunal.

To the best of my knowledge the following information stated on the form is correct.

(The valuer should insert the relevant information that the valuer wishes to be confirmed as correct. Normally this would be information extracted from the PD/Form of Return but it may be desirable to include additional information, eg date of contract, where this has been previously established with the transferee).

Signed: ………………

Name of person making declaration: (to be completed by valuer)

Date: ……………….