How HMRC consults with Large Businesses
Find out how HMRC works with large business customers in the UK.
Consulting large business customers
HMRC engages with large business customers through several forums.
The Business Tax Forum
The Business Tax Forum is a strategic-level group, which exists to improve the operation of the tax system for both HMRC and large businesses.
The Big 6 Tax Agents Group
We meet with senior representatives from the UK’s largest tax agents to build understanding and improve the operation of the tax system for HMRC, agents and the businesses they serve.
The Joint VAT Consultative Committee (JVCC)
HMRC meets with several member organisations within the JVCC, 4 times a year, to discuss the procedures and operations of VAT. This helps increase our understanding of customer needs.
Counter Fraud Forums
HMRC facilitates a ‘safe space’ to provide strategic education with a focus on the Corporate Criminal Offences, tax evasion risks and wider, illicit finance trends.
Established forums currently include the Counter Fraud Banking Forum, Counter Fraud Insurance Forum and Counter Fraud Construction Forum.
Large Business Survey
HMRC conducts the Large Business Customer Survey every year and may contact the Head of Tax or Finance Director at your business to invite you to take part.
Updates to this page
Added translation
The 'Large Business Survey' section has been updated to link to a new page that now houses all surveys from 2018 to 2023.
The Large Business Customer Survey 2023 has been added.
A Welsh language version of this content has been added.
Framework for co-operative compliance section has been added.
Page title updated. Objectives of the strategy clarified. Added updated sections on Business Risk Reviews, large business consultation forums and the Large Business Survey, combining information from other pages. What HMRC Will Deliver section removed, as outdated.
First published.