
Learn about the SIA licence conditions you must follow

The conditions you must follow if you hold an SIA licence, and the penalties you may face for not doing so.

SIA licences are issued subject to the conditions listed below.

The penalties for breaching the conditions of your SIA licence

If you breach these conditions we may:

  • issue you with a written warning, which can be taken into account in future licensing or enforcement decisions
  • revoke or suspend your licence
  • prosecute you - contravening licence conditions is a criminal offence under Section 9 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001

If you hold a front line licence

The conditions of this licence are:

  • you must wear your licence where it can be seen at all times when engaging in designated licensable activity unless:
    • you have reported it lost or stolen
    • it is in our possession
    • the work you are doing requires that you not be identifiable as a licensed operative (see covert activity below)
  • you must tell us and the police if your licence is lost or stolen
  • you must return your licence to us if you are asked to do so
  • you must tell us if you receive any conviction or caution, or are charged, for an offence identified as a relevant offence in our licensing criteria
  • you must tell us if any public body is investigating you for any relevant offence
  • you must tell us of any changes to your name or address
  • you must produce your licence for inspection on the request of any constable, any member or employee of the SIA or other person authorised by us
  • you must not deface or change your licence in any way (if your licence is damaged you should tell us and request a replacement)
  • you must not wear a licence that has been defaced or altered in any way
  • you must tell us of any change to your right to remain or work in the UK
  • where we have granted your licence on the basis of a qualification or licence gained outside the United Kingdom:
    • you must tell us of any changes to the validity of that qualification or licence
    • you must tell us of any disciplinary action taken or proposed to be taken against you in connection with that qualification or licence

Vehicle immobiliser licences

Vehicle immobilisers must also abide by the following additional conditions:

  • A vehicle must not be clamped/blocked/towed if:
    • a valid disabled badge is displayed on the vehicle
    • it is an emergency service vehicle which is in use as such.
  • If you collect a release fee you must provide a receipt, which must include the following:
    • the location where the vehicle was clamped, blocked or towed
    • your own name and signature
    • your licence number
    • the date on which the vehicle was clamped, blocked or towed

Covert activity

You do not have to wear your licence where it can be seen if the work you are doing requires that you not be identifiable as a licensed operative.

Examples of when this might apply are:

  • you are a store detective
  • you are a close protection operative covertly guarding your principal(s)

You must still carry your licence on you and be able to produce it on request.

This cannot apply to vehicle immobilisers.

If you hold a non-front line licence

The conditions of this licence are:

  • you must tell us and the police if your licence is lost or stolen
  • you must return your licence to us if you are asked to do so
  • you must tell us of any convictions, cautions or warnings, or charges for relevant offences whether committed in the UK or abroad in writing as soon as practicable
  • you must tell us of any changes to your name or address
  • you must produce your licence for inspection on the request of any constable, any member or employee of the SIA or other person authorised by us
  • you must not deface or change your licence in any way (if your licence is damaged you should tell us and request a replacement)
  • you must tell us of any change to your right to remain or work in the UK

Telling us when something changes

When you must tell us

When we say in these licence conditions that “you must tell us”, we usually mean within 21 calendar days.

The exception to this is if you have changed your name or address then you must tell us within 42 calendar days.

How to tell us

You should tell us through your SIA online account.

Telling the SIA when something changes (video)

Updates to this page

Published 1 March 2018
Last updated 21 June 2024 show all updates
  1. Added link to video guidance 'Telling the SIA when something changes'

  2. Added a new licence condition for front line licence holders: "you must tell us if any public body is investigating you for any relevant offence".

  3. First published.

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