Legal aid: crime applications
Use the Apply for criminal legal aid service to apply for criminal legal aid online.
Applies to England and Wales
Apply for criminal legal aid service
The Apply for criminal legal aid service is mandatory for criminal legal aid applications.
When using the service, you also need to complete the
and keep a copy on file in case of audit.It is also important that you provide the Unique Reference Number (URN) from the shared online system known as ‘common platform’ for the LAA to find the HMCTS record. Read further guidance on the URN and how to obtain it.
Evidence and other applications associated with criminal legal aid
You can also submit the following applications electronically:
Post submission evidence
Evidence can be submitted via the Apply for criminal legal aid service. This allows you to attach and link evidence to your original application.
Interest of Justice appeals and we will consider the appeal administratively within 2 working days.
should be emailed toWithdrawal of legal aid
should be emailed to one of the following:
Adding offences to existing representation orders
should be emailed to one of the following:
Transfer of solicitor applications
Applications to transfer should be sent to the relevant court. Decisions on the application will be made by the court and the LAA will be informed of the outcome. The LAA will then notify all parties and issue an amended representation order where necessary. Please go to Justice website: procedure rules to download ‘Application by Person with Legal Aid to Change Solicitor’ and scroll down to ‘other proceedings’ (part 46 representatives).
Support and guidance
If you require support with the Apply for criminal legal aid service, call 0300 200 2020. Select option 3 for technical support or option 2 for operational support.
You should refer to the Criminal Legal Aid Manual for general information about criminal legal aid.
Updates to this page
Published new version of the applicant declaration form with updated privacy notice.
Added information on the importance of providing the 'common platform' URN and how to obtain it.
Published new version of the applicant declaration form with updated privacy notice.
Published new version of the applicant declaration form with updated privacy notice.
Published new version with updated privacy notice. These changes are part of our preparations for exiting the European Union once the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.
Revisions include a new section about an eforms update to prepare for common platform rollout.
Updated Application Declaration Form
Guidance on changes to CRM14 from 20 March 2018 published.
Updated FAQs published.
Criminal legal aid processing changes faq updated.
'Guidance on changes to the CRM14 eForm (applications for Criminal Legal Aid) for providers' document added to page.
CRM14 eForm page information amended,
Updated information on eForms rollout.
First published.