Living in Egypt
Information for British citizens moving to or living in Egypt, including guidance on residency, healthcare and employment.
This guide sets out essential information for British citizens moving to or living in Egypt. Read about how our Consular Section in Cairo, Egypt can help
This information is provided as a guide only. You should get definitive information from the Egyptian authorities. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.
The Support for British nationals abroad: a guide sets out how British nationals can stay safe abroad and how the FCDO can help if you do get into difficulty.
Read general guidance on moving or retiring abroad.
To stay up to date: follow the British Embassy in Egypt on Facebook and Twitter.
Before you go
See our Egypt travel advice for up-to-date information on entry requirements, local laws and customs, safety and emergencies.
Visas and residency
Check entry requirements in our travel advice.
Tourist visas can be purchased at any port of entry and are only valid for a single entry. For further information on tourist visas, check our travel advice pages.
If a British National is coming to Egypt for work or study purposes, the process may be significantly more complicated. It is advisable to have the correct visa before arriving to avoid spending hours or even days in government offices trying to meet local requirements. This can be done by applying for the appropriate visa at the Egyptian Consulate in the UK. For more information on residency visas and renewal of tourist visas, please visit the Passport and Immigration Office at:
Passport and Immigration Office
12 Al Seka Al Bayda
or the relevant passport office nearest to your location.
Security checkpoints are common and a British national will not be allowed to pass if the passport and visa are not in order. More serious consequences such as arrest or deportation may follow.
Further information on entry requirements can be found on the Ministry of Interior website.
Passports and travel
You can apply for or renew your British passport from Egypt.
Check the Egypt travel advice for passport validity requirements.
Healthcare in Egypt
The Egyptian health care system is varied and diverse with a wide range of public and private providers.
The quality of hospital care in Egypt is not always up to NHS standards. Private hospitals usually offer a higher level of medical care than government ones, most have outpatient clinics. Consistently using private clinics and hospitals can be very costly. Resident British Nationals may wish to consider investing in private healthcare insurance. Please note that UK Travel insurance providers will not generally cover your healthcare costs if you live overseas. International providers offer a variety of plans geared towards foreign residents ranging from comprehensive packages to emergency insurance only. Prices vary accordingly and the packages can be obtained for the length of stay in Egypt.
If you decide to seek care at a public hospital, then it is advisable to seek facilities attached to university medical schools. These usually have higher quality equipment and better trained staff. Emergency treatment in government hospitals is generally free. Follow up treatment, however, may be charged and can be expensive.
Expats remain generally healthy in Egypt; minor illnesses, however, are common. Newcomers often suffer from stomach upsets and longer-term residents do not expect complete immunity from them. Those susceptible to upper respiratory illness may suffer from bronchitis, sinusitis and hay fever due to air pollution, particularly in the centre of towns where traffic density is the highest. Remedies are available from local pharmacies which are plentiful and usually well stocked.
For further useful information on healthcare in Egypt visit the Health section of our travel advice. You may also wish to check a list of medical facilities in Egypt, and information for British nationals hospitalised or in need of medical help in Egypt, collated for the convenience of British nationals in the country.
If you are on a prescription for any medication, you should ensure you have a supply of it, or are able to obtain it when in Egypt. Certain medicines may not be available in Egypt (including major brands readily available in the UK), and you may be prohibited from taking them into the country. You should consult your GP before travelling to Egypt to find out about any alternative medication.
Some prescribed and over the counter medicines may be controlled substances in Egypt. If you are using prescribed drugs, it is advisable to carry a doctor’s note. If in any doubt check the Egyptian Drug Authority portal. The Egyptian Drug Authority is the pharmaceutical regulatory body of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and it publishes a list of controlled medicine annually.
Read the guidance if you need to travel with medicines.
Working in Egypt
British Nationals intending to work in Egypt need to obtain work permits. Before British Nationals and their employers can begin the process of applying for a work permit, they will need to get security clearance in Egypt. They will also need to provide proof of a clean bill of health which includes undergoing an HIV test.
Work permit applications can be obtained from the Ministry of Manpower and Migration and can be processed by either the employee or the employer. Proof of academic qualifications needs to be submitted alongside other documents. For recognition of UK educational qualifications and details of their verification services, check with the British Council in Cairo. For precise details on all documents required for work permit applications and the correct procedure, visit the Ministry of Manpower and Migration portal.
Studying in Egypt
Educational facilities offering the British and the American curriculum, mostly international schools, are widely located throughout Egypt. The curricula vary in quality and content from one school to another. Admissions to such schools must not be taken for granted. The admissions process for international and language schools is very intense. Schools request records of academic performance from previous schools and it is quite common for the parents and child to be asked to attend a personal interview with the School Superintendent. Final registration procedures are often not completed until early August.
Those interested in learning Arabic can find a wide range of institutions providing opportunities to learn both Egyptian Colloquial and Modern Standard Arabic.
For detailed information on Education in Egypt, visit the official portal of the Egyptian Ministry of Education.
The British Council portal on Education also provides valuable information on the Egyptian Education System including Higher education.
School and university letters
The British Embassy Cairo no longer issues letters for British people who want to enrol in an Egyptian school or university. If local authorities ask for proof of this, you can download a contact the embassy to pay for a signed and stamped version.
for free, orMoney and banking
A large number of local Egyptian and international banks operate throughout Egypt. Banks require that you have a residence permit that is valid for at least six months before you open an account. They usually require a minimum deposit of several thousand Egyptian pounds. Policies may vary from bank to bank and can even vary between individual branches.
For further information visit the Money section in our travel advice.
Accommodation and buying property
Buying property in Egypt is neither easy nor straight forward. The Egyptian legal system is very different from the UK. A lawyer would be best placed to advise you on the legal system, procedures and any precautions you need to take. You need to pursue residency if you intend to buy property in Egypt. Without residency, you will not be able to delegate power of attorney to a lawyer to register your property.
Make sure your Lawyer prepares both an English and Arabic version of the contract. Repairs, additional work, and remaining constructional work should be included in the contract with a clear timeline. Fines for delays in these timelines should also be clearly specified in the contract. A list of local lawyers is provided for British Nationals in Egypt.
See our buying property in Egypt guide for detailed information. This guide sets out essential information for British nationals wanting to buy property in Egypt, including advice on legal advice, fraud, residence requirements, complaints and more. It should be read together with the How to buy property abroad guide.
Driving in Egypt
It is mandatory to obtain an Egyptian Driver’s licence if you are staying in Egypt for longer than six months. An International Driving Licence cannot be used after that period. British nationals with a UK driving licence are exempt from the driving test.
Third party liability insurance is compulsory in Egypt and has to be obtained with the mandatory annual vehicle registration. This insurance is cheap but very limited and settlements can take a very long time. British nationals may wish to consider additional insurance through local insurance companies or a very limited number of foreign insurance providers operating in Egypt.
Driver’s licence, car registration and insurance papers must be carried in your vehicle, or with you, at all times.
Read the guidance on driving abroad.
If you’re asked for a letter authenticating, certifying or validating your UK driver’s licence, you should contact your UK issuing office.
If you wish to take your vehicle with you, see
Disabled drivers
If you have a UK Blue Badge and live in Egypt, you must return it to the original UK issuing authority.
You should get professional advice on paying tax in Egypt. Find an English-speaking lawyer in Egypt](
Read guidance on:
- tax if you leave the UK to live abroad
- tax on your UK income if you live abroad
- tax if you get pension and live abroad
- paying National insurance while abroad to protect your State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances
Check which UK benefits you can claim while abroad and how to claim them.
Many income-related benefits such as Pension Credit and Housing Benefit cannot be paid if you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks.
If you retire in Egypt, you can claim your UK State Pension or new UK State Pension. Contact the International Pension Centre for further information.
Life certificates for UK State Pensions
If you get a request for a life certificate from the UK Pension service, you must respond as soon as possible. Your payments may be suspended if you do not.
You may be able to vote in some UK elections. You can:
Births, deaths and marriages
Births If your child is born in Egypt, you should register the birth with the local authorities within 15 days from the date of birth. You can then register with the UK authorities and apply for a UK birth certificate.
If your child has British nationality, you do not need to register the birth with the UK authorities to apply for a British passport. See
If someone dies in Egypt read our guidance on:
- bereavement guidance for Egypt
- what to do if someone dies abroad
- English-speaking funeral directors in Egypt
See also:
- police: 122 (or 112 on mobile)
- ambulance: 123
- fire brigade: 180
Dial 16000 to report child abuse
Dial 19654 for any tourist related issues
Dial 16328 for mental health emergency services
If you have been the victim of a rape or sexual assault in Egypt, read more information for victims of a rape or sexual assault in Egypt. See also
If you’re the victim of a crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis, contact the British Embassy in Egypt.
For information on Egypt family law, inheritance, wills, etc read the family law in Egypt.
Read guidance on international parental child abduction if your child may be at risk of this.
Returning to the UK
Read the guidance on [returning to the UK permanently] ( which includes information on bringing family members, tax and access to services.
Updates to this page
Added a downloadable school and university letter.
Updated guide in full.
Updated information on where in Cairo to apply for extension and residency visas
Education section updated with a new link to the Ministry of Education.
Coronavirus section added with a link to guidance on vaccines
First published.