
Living in Moldova

Advice for British people living in Moldova, including information on health, education, residence requirements and more.


This guide sets out essential information for British nationals residing in the Republic of Moldova, including advice on health, education, benefits, residence requirements and more. We are unable to provide any guidance on general lifestyle enquiries apart from the information and links listed below.

See our information on what consulates can and cannot do for British nationals. This information supplements the travel advice for Moldova.


You should follow the advice of the Moldovan government and your local authority. You can also read our Moldova Travel Advice for our latest guidance.

For information on getting a COVID-19 vaccine as a UK national in Moldova see our coronavirus travel advice.


State medical facilities in Moldova are generally poor. Private clinics and hospitals offer a better standard of care, though these do not always meet western standards and practices. If you are involved in an accident or taken ill, it is likely that you would be taken to a state hospital.

Most medical service providers in Moldova will expect cash payment for their services at the time of treatment. In case you are in need of medical assistance, please contact the Consular Section of the British embassy and our staff will provide you with a list of hospitals and clinics and English speaking doctors.


The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research promotes education in the Republic of Moldova, verifies educational centers and provides other services related to education.

Employment and recognised qualifications

British nationals can work in country if authorised to work and have the appropriate permissions to do so. Please contact the Moldovan Embassy in London or the Bureau for Migration of the Republic of Moldova if you plan to work in Moldova for information on requirements and what kind of permissions or visa you need.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection deals with employment matters in Moldova. For matters related to recognised educational qualifications, please contact the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

Entry and residence requirements

British nationals are not required to obtain a visa to visit Moldova as a tourist for short stays but visitors must comply with migration requirements to enter the country for longer periods of time.

For information on Moldovan migration law, please contact the Moldovan Embassy in London or the Bureau for Migration of the Republic of Moldova for details about temporary residence and permanent residence.

Please also visit our travel advice information if travelling to Moldova.


If you receive a UK benefit and are going abroad, even for just a short time, you should notify the office that pays your benefit before you go. In fact any change in your circumstances, such as moving in with a partner, starting work, or even moving house, should be reported immediately to the relevant authority paying your benefit or pension.

For further information on what benefits you can and cannot claim if you live in Moldova see the information on benefits if you are abroad and moving or retiring abroad.

Driving licences and vehicles

Driving licences are issued by the Public Service Agency that can also provide information on costs and procedures for documentation of drivers and vehicles.


If opening a personal bank account, you will be expected to present documentation to prove that you live in Moldova, your address in Moldova, place of work and the name of people in Moldova that can give references about you. You will also be asked to explain the origin of the funds that will be deposited in your account. Any bank in Moldova is able to give advice on how to open bank accounts.

Social ethics and traditions

For information about Moldova, government, society, economy and business, international relations, visit the official page of the Republic of Moldova. Information for tourists can be viewed on the page of the Tourism Agency.


The information contained in these notes is intended for your general guidance only. While care has been taken in compiling these notes, the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed and, of course, law and procedures may change from time to time. For these reasons, neither His Majesty’s Government nor any member of the British consular staff can accept liability for any costs, damage or expenses which you might incur as a result of relying on these notes.

Updates to this page

Published 19 June 2014
Last updated 12 March 2021 show all updates
  1. Coronavirus section added with a link to guidance on vaccines

  2. Updated September 2020

  3. First published.

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