Living in Morocco
The essential information for British nationals residing or visiting Morocco, including entry to Morocco, driving in Morocco and Moroccan residence cards.
This guide sets out essential information for British nationals residing or visiting Morocco, including entry to Morocco, driving in Morocco and Moroccan residence cards. The information is provided as a general guide and is based upon information provided to the British Embassy by the relevant local authorities. The information is therefore only up to date and accurate to the extent that such authorities provide us with timely and accurate information. Accordingly, the British Embassy does not guarantee that this information is accurate and will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information. British nationals wishing to obtain definitive information should contact the relevant Moroccan authorities.
Entry to Morocco
If you hold a British Passport you do not require a visa to enter Morocco. A valid British passport must be held for entry to and exit from Morocco. Passports should be valid for the duration of your stay in Morocco. Entry is permitted for 90 days. If you overstay, you are liable to a fine or imprisonment. If you wish to remain for a longer period, you should contact the Moroccan Immigration authorities in the city where you are to obtain a Residence Card.
Driving in Morocco
If you bring your own car into Morocco, on arrival you need to present the original vehicle registration documents, insurance certificate and your passport to the customs officer, and complete the vehicle admission form. Photocopies and faxes are not acceptable. Each vehicle owner is then given a temporary admission vignette to put on the car windscreen, and a green and a white document with the vehicle details, entry date, and length of stay permitted (“admission temporaire”). If your vehicle is normally registered outside Morocco, you are allowed to keep a vehicle in Morocco for a maximum period of 6 months in any one year.
It is important that you keep the entry documents safely. If you have lost them, you may encounter problems when you try to leave. Each imported vehicle is entered in the immigration computer records, and the Moroccan authorities should be able to check your details in that way. You must have entry documents for all vehicles, whether being driven or not, so motor bikes in trailers/camper vans require their own entry certificates too. You may need to show these documents at any time if you are stopped by the police.
When you leave Morocco (with your car), the temporary authorisation papers (see above) must be presented to Moroccan Customs. You should retain the white copy with the exit stamp on it, should you be questioned about exportation of the vehicle on any future trip back into Morocco. Should you need to leave Morocco and cannot take the car with you, you must consult the closest Customs authorities. They may decide to impound the vehicle “hors circulation’’ until you return.
Vehicles must have at least 3rd party insurance to be driven in Morocco, and you must have proof of such insurance in the form of a green card. If you are unable to get insurance for Morocco abroad, you will need to take out temporary insurance on arrival. This can be done in Tangier port (in an office on the right of the exit from customs) or at the Ceuta/Moroccan border. If your insurance policy expires during your stay in Morocco, you can obtain temporary insurance cover from local insurance companies.
You can drive in Morocco with a valid UK driving licence for up to one year. You can also drive with a valid International Driving Permit for up to one year of your temporary stay in Morocco. From 28 March 2019, you will need to have a 1968 International Driving Permit (IDP) to drive in Morocco. [1926/1949] IDPs previously issued by the UK will no longer be valid for use in Morocco after this date. From 1 February 2019, you can only get IDPs over the counter from 2,500 UK Post Offices. You will not be able to buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.
For any longer periods you need to apply for a Moroccan Driving Licence as per laws and guidelines set by the Moroccan Ministry of transport and Logistics (Ministère du Transport et de la Logistique - Royaume du Maroc).
If you’re planning to hire a car, check with your car hire company for information on their requirements.
Car registration in Morocco
For foreigners resident in Morocco
To obtain the registration certificate of a new car bought from or imported to Morocco, you will be asked to provide the following documents:
Download an application form from the website of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport (sometimes can also be found in libraries and tobacco shops). The application must be filled out and signed by the applicant and seller and, if necessary, by the vehicle financing institution.
The supporting documents for foreigners residing in Morocco:
- certified copy of the current certificate of registration (residence card in Morocco) or the receipt of the application for this certificate accompanied by a certificate of residence issued by the police or the gendarmerie
- conformity certificate issued by the dealer accompanied by the descriptive notice of the vehicle and a copy of the approval report drawn up by the national testing and approval centre
- a certified copy of the provisional declaration of circulation WW duly signed by the dealer and the buyer.
- the customs clearance certificate, if the vehicle is imported
- a certified copy of the W18 card for the current year in the name of the dealer who sold the vehicle marked “sale of new vehicles”
- a credit sales contract drawn up by the financing institution duly signed by the seller, the buyer and the financing body, if the vehicle is acquired on credit
- the receipt of payment of the registration fees provided by the office of registration
- the receipt of payment of the administrative fine fixed by article 118 (1st paragraph) of the law 52-05 in case of non-respect for the deadline of deposit of the file, fixed at 30 days (amount of the fine is fixed at 1000.00 DH with a 25% increase of the amount of the fine per month of delay, any fraction of a month is considered as a month). This period is extended to 90 days for commercial vehicles and vehicles acquired following a succession, a donation, a partition, a judicial liquidation, the exercise of a right of recovery, a transfer of ownership, a sale in justice or a public auction
- documents proving the professional use of the vehicle according to the specific cases
For more information, please refer to the official website of the Moroccan ministry of equipment, transportation and logistics. Choose the following route: Routier > Transport Routier > Carte-grise >Véhicule neuf acquis au Maroc.
Moroccan Residence Card
If you wish to stay in Morocco for more than 90 days, you will need to register with the police and apply for a resident’s permit (Certificat d’Immatriculation). Applications should be submitted to the Bureau des Etrangers of the Préfecture de Police or Commissariat Central, in major cities, and to the Gendarmerie in small towns and villages.
There are eight categories of Moroccan residence permit. Applicants for a resident’s permit will be required to select the appropriate category for their situation, and submit two legalised copies of the required documents. Documents should be legalised at the closest local district office (Muqata’a) to your domicile. You will be required to provide 10 passport style photographs with your application. Your face should fill 3/4s of the photo space.
Criminal Record Check: with all first time applications, regardless of which category, you are now required to provide proof from your Country of origin, that you have no criminal record or convictions. This document used to be known as CRB check or police certificate. It has now been renamed and you apply for this information under a Subject Access Application which can be made at your local police station. We recommend you contact your local police authority via UK website for policing. There is a fee for each search and your reply can take up to 40 days which you should factor into any application you make.
For renewals, you can apply for a Casier Judiciaire or Fiche Antropométrique which can be obtained from the Ministry of Justice, Place Mamounia, Rabat. You will need a copy of your birth certificate which shows details of both parents names and a copy of your passport. You may be required to return to Rabat to collect your certificate as applications may not be processed on the same day. It is advisable to arrive before 9.30am.
Medical Certificate: for all applications you are required to provide a medical certificate from a local doctor confirming that you have no contagious diseases. You will need to pay for the certificate.
Bank statements: we have been advised that the authorities would require evidence of your local current account bank balance in the form of a statement from your Moroccan bank (an Attestation de Banque).
What happens at the Bureau des Etrangers?
At the Bureau des Etrangers you will have to complete some application forms (it is advisable to take a pen). For first time applicants you will need to complete 2 white, and 3 ellow – “Formulaires à prendre auprès service séjour. It is useful to have an up-to-date CV as well as details of your family in the UK.
There is a fee for all applications. The fee is paid directly to the officer receiving your application. You will be given a receipt and told when to return to collect your “Récépissé” which is a temporary Residence card valid for 3 months. During that time your “Certificat d’Immatriculation” will be prepared.
For more information, please visit the Moroccan Government’s official website outlining administrative procedures on Moroccan residency card.
Minors Resident in Morocco
Moving to Morocco with a minor requires a ‘relocation document’ delivered by the Moroccan authorities. This document is necessary so that your minor can reside lawfully in the country and avoid any issues during travels. According to the Moroccan authorities, no one is allowed to leave the country if they are resident in Morocco but do not hold a residence card document, including minors. In order to benefit from the relocation document, applicants must be minors residing in Morocco without a residence card, and in one of the following situations:
- without citizenship, born abroad from a Moroccan mother
- having the status of refugees
- entered Morocco with a visa of more than three months
- one of the two parents having a residence card
- foreign child of a Moroccan mother
If one of the situations above applies to you, please do submit your application as soon as possible to one of the following administrations:
- Security Services of the Wilaya
- Provincial Security Services
- nearest regional police station
- Royal Mounted Police (Gendarmerie) for rural areas
The required documents to obtain a relocation document are:
- 2 copies of the passport
- 2 copies of the residence certificate
- 2 copies of the birth certificate
- 1 sponsorship certificate signed by one of the parents
- 2 copies of the bank statements (3 months history) of the sponsor (the mother or the father)
- 1 Medical Certificate
- 1 School Registration certificate (if the child is of school age)
The following information is offered as a guide line only. We strongly recommend that you check any points of law with the local authorities or consult a lawyer/notary.
Can a British Citizen buy/own a property in Morocco?
Yes, as long as the property is within town boundaries and not agriculture land. Under no circumstances agree to purchase a property in someone else’s name. Do not sign any papers if you do not understand what is written.
Title Deeds
Before agreeing to buy any property make sure that you can obtain the title deeds, as without these you do not officially own the property regardless of how much money you have paid. You must appoint a notary.
How to pay
The secure way of payment is transferring the money through the bank – you will need to open a convertible account. Your appointed notary will advise you on this.
How do I find a notary to deal with my purchase?
See list of lawyers in Morocco. It is wise to choose one who is fluent in your language so that you understand all the legalities.
How do I go about buying a property?
Once you have decided to buy a property in Morocco, it is important to choose a notary. If you have one arranged from the beginning it will be easier. It is also advisable to engage an independent lawyer to check over all documents. When you have found a property that you like you will need to make a verbal offer. Once this has been accepted you may be asked to sign a preliminary contract, which is legally binding, and pay a deposit, this should be done with your notary.
Selling a property
If the property has increased in price you will be subject to capital gains tax on the profit. It is always advisable to use a notary/lawyer.
Renting your property
You can rent out your property but will be subject to pay tax on a percentage of the rental.
Importing and exporting money
On arrival in Morocco
The importation of foreign currency is free and unlimited in amount. It can be in the form of banknotes, traveler’s checks, bank or postal checks, credit card and/or any other means of payment in foreign currency.
Foreign currency imported in the form of banknotes is subject to declaration at the entrance of the Moroccan territory to the border customs services when the amount is equal to or higher than 100,000 dirhams. This declaration must be kept to justify the origin of the foreign currency bank notes when leaving the territory. It is valid only once (only one stay) and during a period not exceeding 6 months
During your stay in Morocco
It is possible to exchange currencies against dirhams with the establishments authorized by the foreign exchange office to do these operations. A bill of exchange must be issued by the approved establishment and must be kept for the duration of stay.
When leaving Morocco
When you are leaving Morocco, you have the possibility, with exchange slips that you have kept or any other document justifying the origin of the dirhams (received ATMs bank, etc.), to exchange the remainder of these dirhams for foreign currency through a recognized establishment. This new operation will result in the resumption of the aforementioned documents and the issue of a new bill of exchange.
In the special case of banknotes: except in the case of customs control for suspected fraud, the exportation of foreign currency banknotes must be declared when the amount to be exported is greater than or equal to 100,000 dirhams. And this has to be backed up by appropriate documentation.
Certificate of change of address
The British Embassy in Rabat and the Honorary Consulate in Marrakech no longer issue ‘Change of Address Certificate’ as we are unable to confirm your previous and current address. You should seek advice from local notaries who might be able to issue such document.
The British Embassy and the Honorary Consulate have also stopped issuing a ‘Radiation Letter’ because British people are no longer registered with the British Embassy. Local authorities have been informed of this change.
For more information visit: Choose the following route: Particuliers > Etrangers en visite au Maroc
Retirement in Morocco
Going to live abroad is a major decision to take. It makes sense to get a wide range of information and advice to help you plan and make sure the move goes smoothly.
Before you go, you should:
- make sure you have a valid passport, any visas you might need and a full health plan
- be clear about your financial situation. For example, find out about tax liability in the UK, social security benefits and National Insurance contributions, and get a pension forecast. Useful websites include the Department for Work and Pensions, HM Revenue and Customs. You can also find out whether offshore banking is appropriate
- make a will
- check whether you can continue to vote in UK parliamentary and European parliament elections on the Electoral Commission website
- find out about accommodation. We can provide lists of lawyers to help you buy property, although we cannot give you legal advice ourselves or get involved in purchases or dispute
- make sure your car is in line with local regulations and you have the necessary driving permit
- try to learn the language before you go
- contact associations and charities for advice. For example, if you are retiring overseas, you could contact ageUK. There is also a guide to going abroad for the over-50s on the Saga website
- it sounds obvious but let people know your new address (and any future changes). As well as friends and family you also need to inform the authorities such as HM Revenue and Customs, National Insurance and the Department for Work and Pensions
- when you arrive, register with the local authorities and get a residence permit. You may also need a local bank account
- British nationals who live overseas can receive the same support as visitors
- you’ll need full travel insurance for your trip, or health care and other appropriate cover if you are living abroad. The Government cannot cover medical costs or refund you for lost property
- there is a charge for some types of consular support. This is to help cover the cost of providing support worldwide. We do not make a profit from these charges
This note is provided to assist British citizens resident in Morocco who wish to make a Will. There are several stages to be followed before settlements in respect of the estates of deceased foreign nationals living in Morocco can be agreed. But please note that neither His Majesty’s Government nor any official of the British Embassy Rabat take any responsibility for the competence or probity of any particular firm/advocate on the list, nor take any responsibility whatsoever for the consequences of any legal action initiated or advice given.
Make an appointment and visit a Notary Public, because in all cases a Notarial Deed is to be established by a Notary Public after death.
If a Will has been written and witnessed in English or Scottish Law, deposit the Will with the Notary Public in a sealed envelope. The Will should state clearly who the inheritor/successor is and that the ownership of property will transfer to the inheritor. If no Will has been written, prepare one and deposit the Will with the Notary Public. You might like to consider drawing up the Will in the United Kingdom. Once it is completed, you should then be able to execute it locally before the Notary Public. As a matter of course, if as a testator you have property in two or more different countries it may be convenient and wise for you to make a separate Will in respect of each country.
Where a will has been written, a ‘Certificate de Coutume’ (opinion) should be obtained from a lawyer practising in a country that is governed by British jurisdiction, such as Gibraltar. Note: Only a solicitor qualified in English or Scottish Law may issue such a certificate for use by a British national. British consular officials are not empowered to do so, unlike (for example) their French counterparts who, under French law, may perform this function. This difference in procedure understandably confuses some local lawyers.
Considering that this Deed and Certificate have been issued and authenticated by a British solicitor, application should be made by the Moroccan Notary Public to the Moroccan court for its enforcement so that it becomes applicable in Moroccan law.
In cases where a Will has been written, the death certificate, the Notarial Deed and the Certificat de Coutume (duly enforced by the court), should be presented to the Moroccan Court by the local Notary Public for confirmation of the Executor’s mission.
In case of an intestate death, where there is no will, application should be made to the Moroccan Courts to appoint one or several administrators. Finally, please be advised that the drawing up of a Will is in many cases a highly technical proceeding and can only be carried out by an expert. You should take legal advice where possible.
The information contained in these notes is intended for your general guidance only. While care has been taken in compiling these notes, the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed and, of course, law and procedures may change from time to time. For these reasons, neither His Majesty’s Government nor any member of the British consular staff can accept liability for any costs, damage or expenses which you might incur as a result of relying on these notes.
Updates to this page
Added update to issuing of change of address certificates: the British Embassy in Rabat and the Honorary Consulate in Marrakech no longer issue change of address certificate.
Coronavirus section added with a link to guidance on vaccines.
Added two sections: "Car Registration in Morocco" and "Importing and Exporting Money"
Information updated
Update: driving in Morocco
First published.