
Local Authority Treescapes Fund (currently closed)

A closed grant for funding to establish trees outside of woodland.

Applies to England

Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF) is now closed for applications.

Find out about:

What is the Local Authority Treescapes Fund?

The LATF is the government offer for local authorities (LAs) to restore tree cover in non-woodland areas which may have been impacted by issues such as disease, habitat degradation or ageing tree stock. The fund is focused on planting and natural colonisation of trees in areas outside of woodlands, including parklands, riparian zones, urban areas, beside roads and footpaths as well as trees in hedgerows and field boundaries (not hedgerows themselves). 

LATF funded trees can be small or large, and in urban or rural settings. Planting of standards in urban or peri urban areas must be direct replacements of trees lost to threats such as pests and diseases.

The fund aims to improve landscape connectivity outside woodland, increase natural colonisation where appropriate and provide benefits to ecosystems and society, such as carbon absorption, flood protection and support for biodiversity.

The fund is part of the government’s Nature for Climate Fund and will directly contribute to achieving our ambitious tree planting targets to restore habitats in England.

For round 4, following the removal of the £300,000 cap, your bid is more likely to be successful if it includes a diverse range of planting that delivers good value for money. For example, no more than 50% of the total agreement value being allocated to Miyawaki planting.

Local authorities are encouraged to work with schools, other organisations, grass root organisations, community groups, NGOs and private individuals to deliver tree planting.

Funding will be awarded as capital grants under Section 31 of the Local Government Act (2003). Section 31 agreements allow government to pay recipients upfront and in advance of tree planting being done.

LATF is a criteria-based competitive scheme, where applications must meet the minimum scoring threshold to be successful, with capital funding offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Who is eligible?

Borough, District and City Councils, as well as County Councils, Unitary and Metropolitan Boroughs may apply individually or in groups.

Group applications from multiple local authorities are still strongly encouraged, as partnership working maximises the shared benefits for each partner. Group applications must have one lead local authority, which may be from either tier.

There is no limit on how many applications may be received per upper tier local authority area, and each bid will be scored independently based on your application. There may be only one application per applicant per year.

Parish councils will not be able to apply individually but will be able to apply as part of a group application with a District or City Council, as well as County Councils, Unitary and Metropolitan Boroughs.

Biosecure procurement requirement

From 1 July 2023, all new applicants to LATF (for planting during the 2024-25 winter season and beyond) must use suppliers who can demonstrate they can meet the Plant Health Management Standard. For information and support on how to comply with the requirement read our guide: Biosecure Procurement Requirement Pilot for Plants and Trees.

If your planting plans include oak trees with a stem girth of at least 8cm, at 1.2m above the root collar, your supplier will need to comply with the Oak Processionary Moth management policy changes guide.

How do local authorities (LAs) apply?

LATF is now closed for applications.

LATF applicants are required to register with Rural Payments to obtain a Single Business Identifier (SBI). This information must be provided in your application. Land submitted in an LATF application does not need to be registered on the Rural Land Register.

You would be required to complete an application to apply, which includes:

  • Local Authority Treescapes Fund application form
  • Project Cost Calculator
  • Local Authority Treescapes Fund Memorandum of Understanding
  • Biosecure procurement exception form

When can I apply?

The fund was open for applications until 30 June 2024. Please refer to the dates above for details of how applications will be processed in the rolling window. 

Please note that for agreements offered before 31 March 2024, the 50% up-front payment will be held until the 2024-25 financial year.

You can check this webpage for any updates or subscribe to Forestry Commission eAlerts for the latest information.

How many years of tree planting does the grant fund?

The LATF is a capital only grant and covers costs of tree planting and natural colonisation activities in 2024-25. These activities must be completed and claims for by 31 March 2025. It also funds the cost of maintenance activities for three years following planting and natural colonisation.

How does the LATF work?

Capital funding will be provided for tree planting, aftercare and to support natural colonisation. Tree planting and activities to support natural colonisation must be delivered within the first planting season and claimed for by 31st March 2025. Claims must be supported with a Post-Planting Report.

LAs may only apply for a one-year planting period (planting season (winter) 2024-25). 50% of the funding for planting that year will be provided up front (following agreement of the Memorandum of Understanding and submission of a claim) and the remaining 50% will be provided upon receipt of the Post-Planting Report (for planting work completed that financial year). All claims for capital work (planting and/or establishing conditions for natural colonisation) must be completed and made by 31 March 2025.

Maintenance payments will be made annually for 3 years, after LAs submit a claim to the Forestry Commission showing they have done maintenance activity.

What are the application requirements?

The LATF application pack contains details of all application requirements. The main sections of the application form require the following information:

  • details of applicant and delivery partners
  • evidence of funding need
  • benefits of the planting and/or natural colonisation
  • details of project delivery and natural colonisation
  • completion of a Project Cost Calculator, providing an estimate of costs to deliver the plan and maintenance costs i.e. your total LATF bid
  • LAs will be expected to commit to reporting requirements, agree to the Memorandum of Understanding and confirm they have carried out required due diligence in compiling planting plans

Making a claim

The LATF claims form has been updated. Please use the Local Authority Treescapes Fund Claims Form to make a claim for claim 1 and claim 3.

For further information please contact

Interested in applying for LATF? Find out more

Please see the Local Authority Treescapes Fund application pack page or contact us at Please be aware that in future you may receive emails from us from the following email address:

Further information on Forestry Commission grants

You can subscribe to Forestry Commission eAlerts to receive information on grants and regulations, and get the latest news from the Forestry Commission.

Updates to this page

Published 1 March 2021
Last updated 6 August 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated the page to reflect that the fund is now closed.

  2. Added a note regarding supplier compliance to Oak Processionary Moth management policy changes guide.

  3. Added a note regarding bids being more likely to be successful if they include a diverse range of planting that deliver good value for money.

  4. Updated application information to include first-come first-served and regular application processing windows for Round 4, removed £300,000 cap to bid value.

  5. Updating the page to include information about the new application round and the inclusion in the Biosecure Procurement Requirement pilot.

  6. Addition of Biosecure procurement requirement information.

  7. Local Authority Treescapes Fund Round 3 is now open.

  8. Addition of a frequently asked questions guide.

  9. The Local Authority Treescapes Fund has reopened for round 2 of applications.

  10. General page updates to reflect the re-launch of the scheme in spring 2022.

  11. Information on making a claim updated.

  12. Updating the application closing date for 30 June 2021 and the addition of a link to the claim form.

  13. Updated to include application pack link.

  14. Update to include further information about the grant and links to the application pack.

  15. First published.

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