
Local Land Charges Programme podcasts

Listen to our free podcasts to learn about our Local Land Charges Programme.

Applies to England and Wales

A year after the Local Land Charges (Fees) (Wales) Rules 2021 came into force, City and County of Swansea Council has become the first Welsh local authority to join the national, digital Local Land Charges (LLC) Register.

In this podcast, LLC Senior Policy and Stakeholder Officer Jackie Lynch and Swansea Council’s Planning and Regeneration Development Manager Ian Davies discuss:

  • what the Local Land Charges Programme is doing (0:10)
  • Swansea’s data migration experience (02:46)
  • HM Land Registry tools that aided the pace of migration (05:00)
  • how Swansea used their funding (06:51)
  • the benefits of the new digital service (08:30)
  • lessons learned (10:50)

Listen now.

This podcast was recorded on 16 May 2022. All information in this podcast is in accordance with HM Land Registry practice at the time of recording.

Local Land Charges webinars

Watch our:

  • webinars on a range of migration topics
  • video about our innovative LLC register

video about our innovative LLC register

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Published 31 May 2022

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