
Magnox Publication Scheme

This publication scheme specifies categories of information that Magnox Ltd regularly publish and explains how to get that information.

You can find specific documents for this department using the publication search.

If the information you want is not routinely published, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act by contacting

You can also search through previous responses to FoI requests. Note that prior to 01 September 2019 all FoI requests relating to Magnox Limited were managed and answered by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

Who we are and what we do

What we spend and how we spend it


Information on expenditure, including income statements and financial reports can be found in our Annual Report and Accounts, published annually on the Companies House website

Procurement and tendering procedures

Magnox Ltd procurement information is available here

Our priorities are and how we’re doing

For information prior to September 2019 please see the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Annual Plan

Socio-economic Plan

You can find a copy of our socio-economic plan here

Environmental management plans

Updates on the details of the agreed mitigation measures to prevent, reduce and, if possible, offset any significant adverse environmental effects of the decommissioning work at our sites can be found here

Video updates

You can find updates on our progress on our YouTube channel

Site Stakeholder Groups

We routinely report on-site progress to our Site Stakeholder Groups. Minutes of those meetings are available here, along with details of meeting times, dates and locations, should you wish to attend.

Electricity generation

Magnox Limited operates the Maentwrog hydroelectric plant, selling electricity into the UK grid. Forecast output figures are available here.

Our policies and procedures

It is our intent to publish a range of additional policies and procedures in this section as we move forward, covering issues such as corporate governance, health and safety and financial management.

Lists and registers

Register of directors’ interests will be provided shortly.

Magnox Limited uses CCTV for the purpose of crime prevention/detection, employee safety and the protection of property on and immediately around all of its sites.

CCTV surveillance is controlled by: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority/Magnox Ltd.

A register of gifts and hospitality provided to board members and senior personnel is available on request from

Any registers of interests kept by the company

Magnox Ltd has no interest in any other companies.

If you have a specific question not answered by the documents available through this page please contact

Updates to this page

Published 29 August 2019

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