
Make a claim through the risk protection arrangement (RPA)

Information for public sector schools that are existing members of the RPA about membership rules and how to make a claim.

Applies to England

This page is for schools who are already a member of the RPA. There is information on how schools can join the RPA, an alternative to commercial insurance.

Make a claim

You can make a claim based on your RPA coverage. TopMark Claims Management Ltd handle RPA claims on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE). The membership rules will detail the full eligibility of the cover that applies to your school.

Visit the TopMark webpage to make a claim.

For emergencies and urgent incidents (excluding overseas travel)

Contact the RPA by:

For overseas travel emergencies and urgent incidents

You can contact the RPA by calling 020 3475 5031.

Summary of cover

This table summarises what the RPA covers. For full eligibility details, you should always read the membership rules that apply to your school.

Type of risk Limit
Material damage Reinstatement value of the property
Business interruption £10 million for any one loss
Employers’ liability Unlimited
Third-party liability Unlimited
Governors’ liability £10 million for any one loss and in any one membership year
Professional indemnity Unlimited
Employee and third-party dishonesty £500,000
Money Various, including cash on premises or in transit, £5,000
Personal accident Death and capital benefits, £100,000
United Kingdom travel Baggage and money, £2,000 per person; cancellation, £1,000 per person
Overseas travel, including winter sports Includes baggage, £2,000 in total per person (inner limits apply); money, £750 per person; medical expenses, £10 million; cancellation, £4,000 per person
Legal expenses £100,000 for any one loss and in any one membership year
Cultural assets £10,000 for any one cultural asset or £250,000 for any one multiple loss
Cyber cover £250,000 for any one loss and in any one membership year.

Where a member is part of a group network with other RPA members, the maximum aggregate liability is £750,000 in any one membership year for the group network

Full details of cover

These membership rules detail the full cover and provision of the RPA:

Accessing your RPA documentation

You will have been sent a copy of your membership certificate with your confirmation email when you opted into the RPA.

You can access and download further copies of your current certificate by accessing the RPA Service through DfE Sign-in.

You can sign in to DfE as a local authority or multi-academy trust (MAT) to manage your RPA membership and that of your schools. This will enable you to see all the schools linked to your organisation and download their certificates from your account. Trusts can also access their trust-level certificate.

Additional cover and buying help

If there’s something you need cover for that’s not included in the RPA, use the Get help buying for schools service for links to sources of free and impartial guidance from procurement specialists.

Advice and training

Members of the RPA will have access to free risk management advice, training and best-practice guidance from Willis Towers Watson.

You can contact Willis Towers Watson by:

Access to the RPA cover helpdesk is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Contact details

If you’re making a claim or an enquiry, you can contact the RPA for advice.

  • Willis Towers Watson provide risk management services to all RPA members for the DfE
  • TopMark Claims Management Ltd handle RPA claims on behalf of DfE, answering any questions you may have
  • Davies Group manage the claims process on behalf of TopMark
  • CyberClan provide a cyber incident response service on behalf of TopMark
Contact reason Email address Telephone number
Travel and property emergency claims or incidents +44 (0) 3300 585 566
Emergencies and urgent incidents (excluding overseas travel) +44 (0) 3300 585 566
Overseas travel (non United Kingdom) emergencies and urgent incidents +44 (0) 20 3475 5031
Overseas travel (non United Kingdom) general enquiries and assistance, including winter sports RPA.CM@davies-group,com +44 (0) 3300 585 566
Free risk management advice, training information and best-practice guidance 0117 9769361
Queries, including about opting in or opting out of the RPA  
Cyber emergency assistance 0800 368 6378
Cyber general enquiries and assistance +44 (0) 3300 585 566
Free risk management advice 0117 976 9361
Assistance accessing the RPA risk management portal  

Updates to this page

Published 27 March 2024
Last updated 21 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Replaced 'Local authority maintained community schools: RPA membership rules', 'Voluntary aided, foundation and foundation special schools: RPA membership rules' and 'Voluntary controlled schools: RPA membership rules' with updated versions for the financial year 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.

  2. Amended 'Voluntary aided, foundation and foundation special schools: RPA membership rules' to include the correct figure for membership per year per pupil.

  3. Replaced 'Academy trusts: RPA membership rules' and 'Church academies: RPA membership rules with updated versions for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.

  4. First published.

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