Making an export supplementary declaration
Find out how and when to make a supplementary declaration when taking goods out of the UK using simplified declarations.
You’ll need to make a supplementary declaration after you’ve either made:
When to submit
The goods being declared are released for export when either:
- HMRC grants your pre-shipment advice declaration clearance
- you make an entry in your records
You must submit your declaration within 14 days from the date your goods departed the UK.
If you are a fixed transport installation operator using simplified procedures, you must submit your declaration by the 10th calendar day of the month following export.
What information you need
Your declaration will need to include your:
- customs procedure code
- commodity code
- declaration unique consignment reference
You also need to give information, like the:
- departure point and destination
- consignee and consignor
- type, amount and packaging of your goods
- transport methods and costs
- currencies and valuation methods
- certificates and licences
How to submit
You can submit your export supplementary declaration online.
Check which boxes you need to complete on your declaration.
You must submit one supplementary declaration for each simplified declaration.
Find out how to complete your declaration if you’re using the Customs Declaration Service.
Updates to this page
Information about when you must submit an export supplementary declaration has been updated.
If you're sending more than one consignment of goods, you must submit your declaration by the 10th calendar day of the month following export.
More information has been added about how to submit your export supplementary declaration.
This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.
First published.