
Marine licensing: Sediment Analysis

Details of how to correctly sample and analyse sediment in support of a marine licence application.

Before you can complete a sediment analysis you must have a sediment sample plan in place. The plan must have approval from the MMO and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas). Find out more about sample plans.


The MMO must ensure that sediment sample analysis data submitted in support of marine licence applications is consistent, and in a format that lets us compare separate applications.  

You should follow the guidance below to ensure that we can process your marine licence application.  

We also use the Cefas action levels to decide how suitable it is to dispose of dredged sediments at sea.

Information for marine licence applicants 

You must make sure that your sediment sampling and analysis is undertaken by a MMO validated laboratory. If a laboratory chooses to sub-contract analysis of samples, the sub-contracted laboratories must also meet the same requirements.

Laboratories validated by the MMO

Below are the laboratories validated by MMO for sediment analysis to inform marine licence applications and validated determinands. Determinands are the specific biological, chemical and physical properties of sediment.

  • Yes - determinands validated
  • No - determinands unvalidated
  Cefas National Laboratory Service – Environment Agency SOCOTEC RPS Ocean Ecology Limited Kenneth Pye Associates Limited Fugro GB Marine Limited Element Materials Technology Benthic Solutions Limited
Inorganics (inc. Trace Metals) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No
Organotins (Tributyltin and dibutylin) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Brominated Flame Retardants Yes No Yes No No No No No No
Total hydrocarbon content (THC) Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) Yes No Yes No No No No No No
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Particle Size Analysis (PSA) Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Submitting your data 

You must use our results template to submit your sediment analysis data.

Results template

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Your sediment analysis results should be a single report. The report must also comply with the requirements set out in your Sediment Sample Plan.  

The laboratory who completed the sampling and analysis work for you must provide a chain of custody evidence in support of the analysis results. This is to prove that the samples have been handled and stored correctly by them. 

Samples taken for chemical analysis, as part of your application, must be stored frozen in glass containers. These containers must be acid cleaned (10% volume-to-volume aqueous nitric acid), and solvent-rinsed (hexane or pentane) before they are used. The integrity of container closure must also be protected (solvent-rinsed aluminium foil) to avoid potential loss of determinands, contamination of samples, or both. 

A temperature of 25°C should not be exceeded at any stage of storage or transportation. Samples not analysed within 48 hours must be stored at 4°C (short-term storage, under 1 week). Samples stored for more than 1 week and up to a maximum of 3 months must be kept frozen at -20°C or below. 

If your report is missing information, we’ll write to you to request the extra information. This is likely to delay the application process.

Using existing data

You may use existing analytical data on the physical and chemical properties of sediments in support of your marine licence application. The information must be from a laboratory that has been validated by the MMO at the time of the analysis. The data must also have been collected within 3 to 5 calendar years from the date you submitted your marine licence application, and we accepted it. 

If the data was collected outside the marine licensing process, you must provide full information on the original analysis of the samples. This should be submitted using laboratory capability statements and laboratory methodological statements. See the section ‘Laboratory validation’ for more information on these statements. 

We recommend you talk to us before you use existing data. We can help you establish suitability and relevance of the existing data. We’ll also support you to prove that data complies with storage, analysis, and quality control requirements. You can contact us by submitting an enquiry from your account on our online licensing system. Submitting an enquiry may incur a charge. Find about our fees.

Suitability of material 

Marine licence application chemical analysis results are assessed against Cefas action levels and geological background levels. The action levels are used to determine the contaminant loading of the material and its suitability for disposal at sea. 

Current Cefas action levels were set in 1994 and are provided in the table below:

Contaminant or compound Action Level 1 (mg/kg dry weight (ppm)) Action Level 2 (mg/kg dry weight (ppm))
Arsenic 20 100
Mercury 0.3 3
Cadmium 0.4 5
Chromium 40 400
Copper 40 400
Nickel 20 200
Lead 50 500
Zinc 130 800
Organotins (TBT, DBT, MBT) 0.1 1
PCBs – sum of ICES 7 0.01 None
PCBs – sum of 25 congeners 0.02 0.2
PAHs 0.1 None
DDT *0.001  
Dieldrin *0.005  

Information for laboratories

Laboratory validation

Our laboratory validation process is undertaken in consultation with Cefas. 

Laboratories seeking validation are encouraged to engage with the MMO before applying to be validated. You will need to register for an account on our online licensing system and then submit an enquiry. Submitting an enquiry may incur a charge. Find out about our fees. Once validated, a laboratory will be subject to an on-going competence review. 

To become a validated laboratory, the following information must be submitted to the MMO

  • Laboratory Capability Statement; and 
  • Methodological statements 

You should submit these statements by registering on our online licensing system and submitting them from your account.  

The MMO and Cefas charge for validating laboratories. Work is charged at an hourly rate of £122 for MMO staff and £108.32 an hour for Cefas staff. You will be invoiced in arrears.

Laboratory capability statement 

To be validated by the MMO, laboratories must submit a laboratory capability statement confirming they meet minimum standards.

The capability statement includes: 

  • being ISO/IEC 17025 accredited 
  • for particle size analysis, successfully participating in the National Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control (NMBAQC) Particle Analysis Size ring test 
  • for chemical analysis, successfully participating twice a year in QUASIMEME (Quality Assurance of Information for Marine Environmental Monitoring in Europe) over a minimum of 2 years

Methodological statement 

To be validated by the MMO, laboratories must provide details of methodologies and quality control processes for the sample analyses they perform. 

A laboratory must submit a methodological statement for particle size analysis and for each group of, or individual, determinands where methods differ. This is so the laboratory’s methods can be validated.

The laboratory must detail performance characteristics of the methods within the methodological statement and must meet the minimum performance requirements. 

Laboratories can use methods other than those specified, but they must demonstrate fitness for purpose within the methodological statement. Sediment analysis outputs must be comparable with those obtained using the methods detailed here. 

Laboratories should see the guidance on physical and chemical determinands for sampling and sediment analysis 

The MMO must review methodologies not previously validated, or changes to previously validated methodologies, before analysis outputs are accepted in support of a marine licence application.

Blind Testing Exercise in support of evidence for external Quality Control 

For chemical analysis, where a laboratory does not have sufficient proficiency testing data (i.e. because a method has been newly developed or improved to meet MMO requirements), a one-off blind testing exercise consisting of up to 6 reference materials can be arranged via the MMO. This is to allow the laboratory to generate sufficient external quality control data. Each blind testing exercise must however be complimented with results from at least one round of QUASIMEME (i.e. two sediment materials tested per round). 

Results of the blind testing exercise must be submitted to the MMO. Z-scores will be derived using the QUASIMEME method of calculation and will be evaluated against MMO requirement for proficiency testing. Blind testing is chargeable at an hourly rate of £122 for MMO staff and £108.32 an hour for Cefas staff. You will be invoiced in arrears. 

On-going Competence Review 

MMO validated laboratories must be fit for purpose. The requirements to demonstrate on-going competence are as follows;

  1. United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation is to be maintained for the laboratory 

  2. United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation is to be gained or maintained within 2 years from the date of the Laboratory Validation letter for the determinands and specific methods used for MMO marine licence applications. The determinands and specific methods validated by the MMO must be added to the Schedule of Accreditation for assessment by UKAS 

  3. The laboratory is required to submit the annual UKAS issued Schedule of Accreditation, UKAS Assessment Report and UKAS Improvement Action Report (IAR) to the MMO within 1 month of the reports being produced 

  4. Where the laboratory is issued with improvement actions following the UKAS annual assessment then the laboratory will be required to rectify the findings within the timescale set by UKAS in the IAR 

  5. Where UKAS accreditation is suspended, or any MMO validated method is removed from the Schedule of Accreditation, then the laboratory must inform the MMO in writing within 24 hours 

Failure to comply with the expectations of the MMO, as set out above, would result in the MMO withdrawing validation and the laboratory will no longer be allowed to analyse marine sediments to inform marine licence applications. All evidence provided to the MMO in support of on-going competence must be submitted via the Marine Case Management System (MCMS) as a sample plan request ‘validate a laboratory’. 

Sample plans and sediment analysis

The UK is signed up to the London Protocol and OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, both of which address preventing marine pollution from disposal at sea.

MMO licenses disposing of dredged materials at sea and uses guidelines produced by OSPAR to regulate this activity. A marine licence to dispose of dredged materials to sea requires the sediments to be characterised to allow the potential adverse environmental effects of disposing of the material to be considered.

The OSPAR guidelines recommend a tiered approach to assess the sediments, if sufficient information is not already available from existing sources. The assessments required will depend upon the specific details of the proposed activities, although characterisation of a standard set of physical and chemical determinands within the sediments is often necessary.

Sample plans

Before you apply for a marine licence, a sediment sampling plan must be agreed with the MMO in consultation with the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas). The sample plan will set out the sample locations as well as the specific biological, chemical and physical analysis requirements.

The sample plan must be requested through the MMO’s Marine Case Management System as a sample plan request.

If an application for a marine licence is submitted without sediment sample analysis and the MMO considers that this evidence is required, the application will be placed on hold and the applicant directed to request a sample plan.

Contact information 

Marine Licensing Team  0300 123 1032

Updates to this page

Published 2 October 2014
Last updated 27 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Text amends

  2. Column added to table

  3. Sediment analysis table update

  4. Sediment Analysis update

  5. Amendments made to PDF attachments in line with .GOV accessibility requirements

  6. SOCOTEC validated to test for OCPs

  7. RPS column added

  8. Results template added

  9. Table updated

  10. Table updated

  11. Text amended

  12. Suitability of material information added

  13. Link to Guidelines produced by OSPAR broken and removed

  14. First published.

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