MHRA phase I accreditation scheme
How to join the phase I accreditation scheme.
The MHRA phase I accreditation scheme is a voluntary scheme for organisations conducting phase I trials, in particular for those conducting first in human (FIH) trials.
The scheme aims to make sure trials are as safe as possible and to create public confidence in the regulation of phase I clinical trials.
Organisations in the scheme have to exceed the basic regulatory good clinical practice (GCP) standards by having additional procedures that include the highest standards for avoiding harm to trial subjects and for handling any medical emergencies.
Find out more about the
See the
See the
See the
Apply for the phase I accreditation scheme
Send the completed phase I accreditation scheme compliance checklist to
Principal investigator in first-in-human (FIH) trials
To act as a principal investigator in a FIH trial, you must meet the requirements stated in the scheme.
However, if you do not have all the post graduate qualifications, but have extensive experience in conducting FIH trials, you may apply for an exemption to the scheme requirement.
This exemption is independently reviewed by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine, who advise MHRA GCP inspectorate of their recommendation.
Updates to this page
Updated list of accredited Phase I units
Updated 'Request for acceptance as a phase I principal investigator for first in human trials' document.
Updated List of accredited phase I units
Added List of Accredited Units 24 October 2023
Replaced List of Accredited Units July 2023 with updated version: List of Accredited Units_15 September 2023
List of accredited phase I units updated (up to 10 July 2023)
List of accredited phase I units PDF replaced with new version
Updated 'List of accredited units-27 February 2023'
Updated 'list of accredited units' as of 1 Feb 23
Updated 'list of accredited phase I units'
Administrative updates to branding, format and staff titles.
Updated 'List of Accredited units'.
Updated 'list of accredited Phase I units' PDF.
Updated the List of accredited phase 1 units
The list of of accredited units has been updated
Updated list of accredited units
Updated versions of the phase I accreditation scheme requirements, associated guidance and new forms including phase I accreditation compliance checklist and variation form released.
Updated 'List of accredited phase I units' to 28 January version.
Updated the list of accredited units
Uploaded new version of List of accredited phase I units PDF.
New list of accredited units (08 Jan 2020)
New list of accredited units
Minor changes to some text and the order in which the content is displayed.
New version of the list of accredited phase I units has been uploaded
Uploaded new version of List of accredited Phase 1 units update.
Updated list of accredited phase I units.
Updated list of Phase I accredited units
Updated list of accredited phase I units.
List of accredited phase I units updated.
updated list of accredited units
List of Accredited Phase I Units updated.
updated List of accredited phase I units
Updated list of accredited phase I units.
Updated list List of accredited phase I units
A new version of the voluntary Phase I Accreditation Scheme and supporting guidance have been released to allow the integration of the accreditation scheme into the good clinical practice risk-based inspection programme.
Updated list of accredited units
The list of accredited phase I units has been updated.
First published.