
Make changes to your money laundering registration or deregister your business

Find out how to report changes to your details. You can withdraw your application to register or cancel your registration for anti-money laundering supervision.

Changes you should report to HMRC

You’ll need to notify HMRC if your money laundering registration details change or you discover that they’re incorrect. For example, you must tell us about changes of:

  • address, trading name or telephone number
  • your legal structure, for example, if you were self-employed but now you’re a limited company
  • ownership of your business
  • the legal entity of the business owners, for example, if ownership changes from a partnership to a limited company
  • the nominated officer
  • the compliance officer
  • partners or directors
  • franchise or agency status
  • personnel in your business who have fit and proper status
  • a person’s fit and proper or approved status

You should also tell us about any:

  • unspent criminal conviction listed in schedule 3 of the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 or that has deception or dishonesty as one of its components
  • new or additional premises
  • premises that you’re no longer using for business activities covered by the Money Laundering Regulations

When to report changes

You must report changes to your nominated and compliance officers within 14 days of the change.

You must report any changes or mistakes in your registration details within 30 days of the change or discovery of the mistake.

How to report a change to your registration

You’ll need your Government Gateway user ID and password.

How to withdraw your application or deregister

Withdraw your application or deregister if:

To withdraw your application or cancel your registration sign in using Government Gateway.

You’ll need your Government Gateway user ID and password.

If ownership of your business changes

You cannot transfer a registration from one legal entity to another.

If your business changes hands, the:

  • new owner must register with HMRC
  • previous owner must cancel their registration

If you report changes after the time allowed

You should contact HMRC as soon as possible if you need more time. You should explain the reasons why.

Updates to this page

Published 25 February 2014
Last updated 28 July 2023 show all updates
  1. Information about unspent criminal convictions has been updated in the 'Changes you should report to HMRC' section.

  2. The section 'How to report a change or cancel your registration' has been updated.

  3. The section 'If ownership of your business changes' has been updated.

  4. Updated the guidance to explain the different time limits for reporting material changes or inaccuracies and reporting changes to the nominated officer or compliance officer.

  5. Information has been added to the page to describe how to report changes if you're registered online.

  6. First published.

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