
Month of the Military Child

The Month of the Military Child celebrates Service children each April.

Every April, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) celebrates the ‘Month of the Military Child’ - a time to highlight Service children and remind people of the positive impact they make in their schools and communities.

Month of the Military Child logo.

The month is led by the Armed Forces Families and Safeguarding Team (AFFS) within the MOD, with support from charities, schools, and other MOD departments.

The activities organised vary from art and poetry competitions to events at military bases and schools. The last Friday of the month is ‘Purple Up! Day’ - a chance for everyone to dress in something purple to show their support. This year it falls on 25 April.

Six ways to celebrate the Month of the Military Child:

  1. Enter the Month of the Military Child art and poetry competition.
  2. Hold an assembly to discuss Service life and the many things Service children have experienced.
  3. 25 April is ‘Purple Up! Day’. Wear purple to show your support for Service children and run an event on that day. Remember to use the hashtag #MotMC.
  4. Brainstorm ideas with your children to create a permanent reminder in the school of your support for Service children.
  5. ‘Share your story’project: ask children to think about their life experiences and how they might share this with the rest of the class.
  6. Mark all the locations your Service children have lived on a map and build this into lessons.


For further information about the Month of the Military Child, email:


Updates to this page

Published 25 March 2024
Last updated 29 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Updated 'Ideas to kickstart Month of the Military Child in schools'.

  2. First published.

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