
Mosquito and tick data storage information

Please read the information below on how data is stored when filling out the recording forms

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Topic: health impacts
Vector-borne disease: ticks


The data you provide on the TSS recording form will be kept confidential and anonymous in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. We will store your name and contact details (section 3) in case we need to follow up with a specific query relating to your tick record.

By submitting this form, you agree that your name, contact details (email address) will be held on a database so that you may be contacted.

By completing sections 1 to 3, we understand that you are consenting only to receive feedback on the identification of your specimen, and you are under no obligation to take part in any future studies.

Your contact information will not be made available to anyone else. Only the research team will have access to your information which will be stored on a password-protected computer and will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Signing the form is optional and any advice given will not be affected. By signing the form, you give your consent to be contacted by UKHSA for future research relating to ticks or tick-borne diseases.

Once your data has been analysed, it may be used in publications in academic journals and reports. It may be presented to a variety of academic and professional audiences but you will not be identified. By submitting this form, you agree that the information and tick specimens may be anonymously used for research purposes. If you wish to have your data deleted for any reason, please contact and, wherever possible, your request will be obliged.

For more information, see the UKHSA’s privacy policy.

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Published 6 March 2025

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