
Mosquito recording scheme (how to report)

Explanation of the collecting, reporting, and identification of mosquitoes in the UK.

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Important resources for mosquito recording:

  • Mosquito recording scheme (how to report)

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The UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) mosquito recording scheme (MRS) collects, combines, and enhances existing data on the distribution of all British mosquitoes to fill the gaps in our current understanding of mosquito distributions. All records are available from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway for research and public use.

Since 2013, 592 submissions have been made to the MRS. The mosquito species reported most was Culex pipiens s.l., colloquially known as the ‘common house mosquito’. Culex pipiens s.l. is one of the most abundant and widely distributed mosquito species in the UK, with populations in England, Scotland, and Wales. Culiseta annulata was also widely reported, as it is commonly misidentified as the Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus).

The MRS also allows us to identify which species are responsible for nuisance biting, and the circumstances which contribute/support/encourage/ lead to nuisance biting incidents.

Why we collect mosquitoes

The National Biodiversity Network is a passive surveillance scheme, which aims to
fill gaps, and enhance existing data, on the distribution of British mosquitoes.

It also aims to increase our understanding of the impact that mosquitoes have on communities. This includes the:

  • level of nuisance biting experiences
  • detect invasive mosquito species

We do not test mosquitoes for any pathogens they may carry, and we cannot provide advice on mosquito-borne illnesses.

Report a mosquito

You can report a mosquito through our online form. You can also send a photograph of a mosquito to us.

To do this, report through the online form and follow the instructions at the end.

Report a mosquito

The UKHSA relies upon members of the public, entomologists, researchers, ecology consultants, wildlife groups, and others to submit mosquitoes to the scheme.

Sending mosquitoes to us

You can also send us any mosquitoes you have collected, along with your reference number generated by completing the online form, to the address below.

When posting mosquitoes, please make sure that you:

  1. if you collect more than one mosquito from different habitats or locations, they should be placed in separate labelled containers.

  2. if you collect more than one mosquito from the same habitat on the same day, they can be sent in one container

  3. live mosquitoes should be placed in a container and put in the freezer for 10 minutes in order to kill them

  4. the mosquitoes should then be sent as soon as possible to the address below, along with your reference number generated by completing the online form

  5. send any mosquitoes collected in a crush-proof, plastic container (like an old camera film case, or, alternatively, plastic vials can be supplied on request to the address or email below)

  6. all specimens sent will be identified and we will reply by email

Send to:

Mosquito Recording Scheme

Medical Entomology and Zoonoses Ecology

UK Health Security Agency

Porton Down




Figure 1: Locations of Mosquito Recording Scheme submissions in the UK, with each point representing at least one report per 10 km grid square.

Postage costs

It should cost approximately £1.50 to £3.50 to send a mosquitoes into the MRS when using the correct shipping materials and method. Although this will depend on how many mosquitoes you are sending or the size of the tubes you are sending them in

Below are some suggested shipping methods, using Royal Mail:

  • large letter (maximum thickness 2.5cm, max 100g) - our usual vials in a small padded envelope will fit this category
  • small parcel (maximum thickness 16cm) - larger containers, for example, universal tubes used by vets, will need to go in this category

See Post Office price finder for up-to-date postage costs.

It is not necessary to post specimens using ‘signed for’ or ‘special delivery’.

Updates to this page

Published 1 April 2013
Last updated 6 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Updated content.

  2. Digitised the reporting form and updated branding to UKHSA.

  3. First published.

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