National Geological Screening for a GDF - Wealden District
Regional information from our screening work, and its relevance to the siting of a GDF
To present the conclusions of our work in a concise and accessible way, we have divided regions into subregions. We have selected subregions with broadly similar geological attributes relevant to the safety of a GDF, although there is still considerable variability in each subregion. The boundaries between subregions may locally coincide with the extent of a particular rock type of interest, or may correspond to discrete features such as faults.
The screening report hosted on this site is a technical exercise across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. No specific location in England, Wales or Northern Ireland has been identified as a potential GDF site. Any future decision on geological disposal would be subject to community agreement and planning and environmental consents.
Wealden District region

Wealden District region
Wealden District subregions
We have divided the Wealden District region into two subregions.
Click on the links below for more information on the relevance to the safety of a GDF for a subregion.
- Wealden District - Subregion 1
- Wealden District - Subregion 2
Visit the RWM Regional Geology page for more information on the geological attributes of the Wealden District region.