Neighbourhood planning: Financial support for local planning authorities in 2024-25
Local planning authorities can now claim for the costs they incur in meeting their neighbourhood planning duties in 2024-25.
Applies to England
Submitting a claim
Local planning authorities can now claim for the costs they incur in meeting their neighbourhood planning duties in 2024-25. National Parks Authorities and the Broads Authority may also make claims.
Since 2011 the government has spent over £45 million to support the vital role of local authorities in the neighbourhood planning process. This funding helps local planning authorities meet their legislative duties (introduced by the Localism Act 2011) in relation to neighbourhood planning. These duties are to provide advice or assistance; to hold an examination; and to make arrangements for a referendum.
Claims should be submitted via the DELTA system.
In a change from previous years, there will be a single continuously open claims window for 2024-25. The window for completing and certifying the claim form for authorities is open until Tuesday 25 February 2025.
All claims for funding must be completed and certified before this date.
Further Information
Officers can now self-register on the DELTA payments and statistical returns handling system.
If you are having difficulty with registering, or need advice on who else from your organisation is already registered, please contact the DELTA team.
Claims should relate to activities conducted during the current 2024-25 financial year and need to be certified by the Chief Executive (or acting Chief Executive) or the officer responsible for financial matters in accordance with section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional users can be designated as alternatives to the s.151 officer in cases of absence, illness, etc., allowing them to certify claims. This certification is required for the claim to be eligible for payment.
If you believe you have overlooked a claim from previous years that ought to be submitted please contact the neighbourhood planning support team at You also need to contact the DELTA team.
If your local planning authority has no claims for this financial year, users should still submit a ‘nil return’ and certify it. Where an authority considers it necessary to make amendments to claims it has already certified and submitted on the DELTA system, it will need to be flagged to DELTA and the neighbourhood planning support team to reopen and amend the claim.
Payments will be made under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003 (for National Park Authorities under section 72 of the Environment Act 1995 and for Broads Authority under section 15 of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988) to the nominated bank account.
Any changes to bank or bank account details should be notified to MHCLG immediately by contacting the DELTA team.
Details of the financial support available in 2024-25
Where a neighbourhood plan has not yet been made
Local planning authorities can claim £20,000 from when they issue a decision statement detailing their intention to send the plan to referendum (as set out under Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012).
Area designation
Local planning authorities can receive £5,000 for the initial 5 neighbourhood areas that are designated. This also applies to the re-designation of areas, such as in cases where a boundary has changed.
Forum designation
Local planning authorities can claim £5,000 for each of the first 5 neighbourhood forums they designate
Business areas
Local planning authorities can claim a further £10,000 from when they issue a decision statement detailing their intention to send the plan to referendum (as set out under Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012) where that referendum relates to a plan in a business area.
Neighbourhood Development Orders (NDOs) and Community Right to Build Orders (CRtBOs)
Local planning authorities can continue to claim £20,000 in relation to NDOs and/or CRtBOs for each neighbourhood planning area per year.
Modification of a neighbourhood plan that is in force
Sums available vary according to the scale of modifications proposed, in line with the neighbourhood plan modification procedures introduced through the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017. Neighbourhood planning practice guidance has been updated to provide more detail on the processes.
Modifications requiring an examination but no new referendum because the nature of the plan has not changed
Local planning authorities are eligible to claim £10,000 after the revised plan comes into force following examination. Further updates to that specific neighbourhood plan will be restricted to one every 5 years.
Modifications requiring an examination and new referendum because the nature of the plan has changed
Local planning authorities are eligible to claim £20,000 from when they issue a decision statement detailing their intention to send the plan to referendum. Further claims for revisions to that specific neighbourhood plan will be restricted to one every 5 years.
Modifications requiring an examination and a referendum because the nature of the plan has changed in business areas
Local planning authorities will continue to be eligible to claim an additional £10,000 from when they issue a decision statement detailing their intention to send the plan to referendum in a business area. Further updates to that specific neighbourhood plan will be restricted to one every 5 years.