
NHS providers and commissioners: submit locally determined prices to Monitor

How to submit details of local variations and (where appropriate) local prices to Monitor, and how to seek approval of a local modification to a nationally determined price.

Applies to England

For the 2019/20 national tariff, NHS Improvement have published guidance on local pricing submissions and related templates. See locally determined prices.

Updates to this page

Published 27 May 2014
Last updated 1 April 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated content for 2019/20

  2. Updated version of 'local variations template' and 'local prices template'.

  3. Updated the local variation and local pricing templates

  4. Updated the local variations and local prices templates and deadlines.

  5. Updated the guidance with the latest templates.

  6. We have updated the template for submitting local payment modifications.

  7. Added updated guidance for commissioners who need to submit an Enhanced Tariff Option local variation.

  8. Added updated guidance on locally determined prices and added links to Monitor's new portal for submitting local variations and local prices.

  9. Updated the local prices template.

  10. First published.

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