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9. Waste minimisation, recovery and disposal

These are waste minimisation, recovery and disposal appropriate measures for a regulated facility permitted to store, treat or transfer (or both) non-hazardous and inert waste.

1. You must have and implement a residues management plan that:

  • minimises the generation of residues, that is solid waste arising from the treatment of waste
  • optimises the reuse, regeneration, recycling or energy recovery of residues, including packaging
  • makes sure you properly dispose of residues where recovery is technically or economically impractical

2. Where you must dispose of waste, you must carry out a detailed assessment identifying the best environmental options for waste disposal.

You must review on a regular basis options for recovering and disposing of waste produced at the facility. You must do this as part of your management system to make sure that you are still using the best environmental options and promoting the recovery of waste where technically and economically viable.